The Month Gap

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Kurenai sensei whispered warning " Indra , Calm down ..." I closed my eyes and moved my head away and back to Hinata , my MS deactivated . Everyone seemed to calm down . Naruto was flabbergasted " woah , His Sharingan was so different what was that ?" Kakashi frowned " that's the Mangeyko Sharingan , it's caused by deep emotional trauma . To think Indra had it all this time..." I ignored everyone's whispers , I shouldn't have don't that.  Now they are all going to watch me closer .

The next match was Lee and Gaara , once Lee removed those weights he was incredibly fast and his taijutsu was flawless and exact . But in the end Gaara won , I felt bad for Lee . He worked so hard and he lost , he lost his leg and arm aswell for good he cannot be a ninja anymore . I felt sad for him not only because he lost his lifestyle that he worked so hard to achieve but he was also excited to spar with me  someday and now that's just a dream .

After all the matches were decided,  we stood in front of a large board , the Hokage stood in front of a box " I need everyone to step up and draw one single sheet of paper in the order you won in " So obviously I stepped up first and pulled a paper out and so did Shikamaru , Naruto , Neji , Lan , that sound ninja Konkuro , Temari and Gaara  . " now show us the numbers on the papers one by one " so we did , The instructor wrote our names on the board then revealed that it was a table to show who will fight who . Sasuke was paired up with Gaara oh he is going to be so happy about that one . Naruto against Neji good , he was just as mad at Neji for Hinata's condition , If I were paired against him I'd probably kill him . Konkuro against that sound Ninja , Shikamaru against Temari and finally I was matched against Lan . Couldn't have asked for any better ...

I stopped at the emergency room and saw a sad looking Tenten in the hospital bed , I gently knocked on her door . She looked up surprised " Indra ? What are you doing here ?" I smiled and walked up to her bed " I thought I should stop by " I picked up a vase with a dead flower in it , I put the vase down and pulled the flower out and looked at her " You did well , If that Temari wasn't so ...advanced.  you would have beaten her easily " Tenten looked confused " Advanced ?"  I twirled the poor dead flower between my index finger and thumb " Those three sand ninja's are much stronger than Genin and Chunnin but for some strange reason they came to this exam . " I walked to the window and tossed the dead flower onto the grass to let nature take care of it " How's your back ? It looked painful..." Tenten didn't answer so I looked to her to see her staring at me , her expression was a mixture of happiness,  shyness and excitement.  I raised an eyebrow " what ?" Tenten blushed " nothing ...thank you Indra but I'm feeling better now and so is my back " I get the feeling that she wants to be alone I nodded " that's good to hear , I saw Lee earlier as well . When he wakes up let him know that I support him yeah?" Tenten smiled and nodded " he will appreciate that "

With that I left the hospital and searched for Kurenai Sensei , Luckily I found her hanging out with Shikamaru's  Sensei . She saw me approach " Indra , I suppose you want me to train you ?" I shrugged " Only if you're up for it . I know we don't see eye to eye so I wouldn't blame you if you said no " Kurenai suddenly hugged me " what a foolish notion " she whispered . I blinked confused sharing the same expression as Shikamaru's Sensei . Kurenai Sensei smiled " let's go " We walked to the training fields and just as I thought we were going to start she asked a question " how long have you had your MS ?" Oh great a questionnaire I sat down " since the night of the massacre " she nodded and sat across me " how well can you use it ?"

I shrugged " not so well , I've read in the old Uchiha books , how using the MS to much can cause blindness. And so I've been to afraid to use it , I've only just allowed it to show itself " Kurenai nodded " that's a smart move but also a dangerous one , when people see it they expect a lot more and will fight you harder and tougher "

" then I guess I should be grateful for being a genius " I laughed sheepishly which she smiled to . " okay so what training do you want ?" I stood " water attacks , send all kind of water attacks my way " Kurenai sensei was confused " because your opponent uses water ?" I nodded " that and I've learnt how to adapt any element jutsu into a fire type " Kurenai was shocked " you have ? Wow that's impressive " 

And so for a full month Kurenai Sensei trained me against all forms of water attacks and also showed me some of her Genjutsu tricks but I didn't plan on using them anyways .

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