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The rain started pouring down drenching the three of us , soaking us to the bone . I felt a presence above me , quickly looking up I saw the cookie mask sitting on top of the last wall standing looking down at me .

" did you participate? " he asked .

" no ." My answer was short and sweet .

" the konoha ninja are inbound . We should leave "

"WE? You plan on taking us with you ?" My question was blunt making it seem bitchy .

" yes , I will . I will take care of Itachi's body as well as tell you his truth "

" I already know his truth "

I looked at Sasuke's unconscious form . I've been running it over in my head again and again , there's no way that this will turn out smoothly . If we both ditch now on our own , I tell Sasuke the truth , he hates me from not stopping him and leaves me , he hunts Danzo , gets heavily outnumbered , dies . I let cookie face take him , he learns the truth , gets support from them and hunts Danzo . I let the Konoha ninja take us , he retaliates probably causing a lot of damage to the village , learns the truth , hunts Danzo foolishly and dies by all Danzo's support in Konoha . There's only one of these possibilities were Sasuke's life won't be at risk - going with cookie mask . Once Sasuke learns the truth , three things will definitely happen . ONE he will feel sorrow and guilt for killing Itachi . TWO he will continue down his revenge path and THREE he will blame me for not stopping him .

," it seems like you've already made your choice "cookie mask interrupted

" take them "

"Oh? And what of you , what do you plan on doing ?"

With a sigh I replied " I don't know "

"Sasuke will feel hurt if you don't come with "

I chuckled bitterly " Once Sasuke puts two and two together,  he won't want me around "

"You truly believe that ?" Cookies tone sounded amused . I looked back up at them " go already , your running out of time aren't you ?"

The cookie face chuckled and jumped down as he picked up Sasuke , his partner who morphed out the ground picked Itachi up . Cookie face looked at me once again " when Sasuke kills Danzo , I'll stop by with a gift ~"

" huh why?" I asked confused . He merely chuckled and vanished with my brothers . It was suddenly so quiet and eerie , I stood and jumped up onto the large wall , I then laid down on it fiddling with Itachi's necklace I've decided,  if Itachi treasured our village so much and was willing to sacrifice everything for it , then it's my duty to carry on his will by returning to Konoha and receive my punishment.

Resting my arm against my chest with Itachi's necklace against my heart I silently hopped that I made the right decision. Just then I heard multiple footsteps splashing in puddles one , two...three and four ...five...six some smaller steps probably hounds ...

I listened to their conversation.

" we are too late again ?"

"The rain is messing up our noses , we can't track them "

" no doubt that Akatski guy took them both "

" hinata anything ?"

" ..."

I felt the wall vibrate slightly from a punch " Why is Sasuke always getting further and further from our reach ?"

Probably because your too slow to find him , was that too harsh to think ? No its the truth .

" hinata please try again"


"Please ?"

Suddenly Hinata gasped , the others asked her what's wrong but she didn't say . She walked closer by the sound of her footsteps , I didn't see but she rested her hand on the Uchiha logo and looked up at the wall then called " Indra please come down "

This made everyone gasp , Hinata's voice is soft just like before ...after fee hearing her invite I sat up , I sat one leg up and rested my arm against it looking down at everyone . All of them seemed surprised except Naruto who saw me already before hand .Before anyone could say something,  Naruto suddenly snapped " didn't you say you'd stop Sasuke!?" His voice filled with anger and frustration.

I sighed and looked at Itachi's necklace " I didn't have a choice , it was Itachi's last wish " Naruto frowned " what...are you saying ?"

I stood up and jumped down the wall " Itachi wanted to die by Sasuke's hands alone ,  it was his last dying wish "

That last sentence took him by surprise that he didn't speak , I took the chance to look at everyone here . They've all grown up , Sakura , Hinata , Kiba and... "holy crap Akamaru!?  " I said that one out loud . Akamaru barked and walked up to me then suddenly pounced on top of me and attacked my face with his tongue , showing his appreciation and how much he missed me . I wasn't mad in fact I started to laugh trying to protect my face " okay ...okay I get it !"

Akamaru backed off as Kiba offered his hand , once I stood his face turned to a childlike face "*sniff* I missed you man!"  He suddenly hugged me tightly , if I didn't know any better I'd think he was crying . I glanced at Hinata who smiled sadly and also embraced me , the original team 8 back together. 

Kakashi sighed relieved " glad we can bring one of you back ....but you know don't you ?"

"Know what " Naruto asked .

I answered " I know , and I'll accept my punishment "

Naruto frowned " punishment? "

" for becoming a Rogue , Naruto "

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