Yellow knives ,Again

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We made our way back to Konoha without rest , I walked behind of Lord Fuji and Kurenai , Kiba on the left and Hinata right . We all were on alert waiting for any danger or red flags , Lord Jin was still out cold on Kurenai's shoulder . We came to a nice open spot near the woods " alright , we will rest here . We will take turns to look out , Kiba and Indra will be first watch and Hinata and I will be second watch , wake us at 2am " Kurenai sensei ordered as she laid Lord Jin down , Lord Fuji sat across him . Hinata and Kurenai laid down to sleep as Kiba and I sat on two opposite trees .

Something caught my eye and I stood , Kiba frowned " what is it ?" I shook my head " not sure , Im going to check it out . " Kiba nodded " be careful , Akamaru , stand in his place " Akamaru agreed and jumped onto my side . I nodded at him " Ill be back soon " with that I jumped towards the direction I aimed for . After jumping on several trees I noticed yellow , yellow that caught my eye and I stopped . Thats when I realised it was the four men from the inn but now they are dressed in full yellow clothing .

They were standing in a line facing me like they were waiting for me , on stepped forward " I am San , this is Lan , Kin and Jyn " Forwning I jumped down ,  Lan was blonde and probably arrogant by the way he was standing , Kin was bald and serious , Jyn had long hair tied back and looked proper , San looked almost like Iruka sensei . Jyn smirked " We are here for you ...Lord Orochimaru's orders "

Orochimaru ? One of the Sannin?! Why the hell would that guy want with me specifically . " what exactly do you want me for ?" I questioned heavily on guard . Lan flung his hair " Lord Orochimaru failed to possess your older brother's body so he is going after you hatchlings " hatchlings , plural? That means Sasuke aswell . Lan continued " If you come to Lord Orochimaru willingly , he will grant you power you only wish you had , enought to avenge your clan "

" you got the wrong Uchiha then , I have no interest in revenge " Kin stepped forward " You do not have a choice , come with us willingly or we will drag you to him " I got in a fight stance " bring it on then!" Jyn gave the others pills , he smirked and held one up " these are Orovhimaru's inventions , it prevents genjutsu from taking root in the brain , in otherwords your sharingan is useless!"  They all swallowed the pills , I glared who cares if the sharingan is useless , I have other skills .

I activated my sharingan , they snickered " didnt we tell you , genjutsu is useless!" The sharingan does more than just Genjutsu morons . San charged at me head on as Jyn and Lan vanished from my sight , Kin stayed where he stood . San held hia fist up ready to hit , form the corner of my eye Lan appeared preparing the same attack , I sensed Jyn coming at me from behind . In a swift motion I blocked Lan's fist and pulled him over then kicked him in the stomach making him fling backwards and crashing into San , I then dodged the attack from Jyn and kneed him in the throat , he coughed holding his throat as I grabbed him by his collar and headbutted him knocking him unconsious . I dropped him and locked eyes with San who suddenly appreared right before me delivering a punch to my gut ,I quickly recovered and elbowed him in the face which made him stumble back .

Jyn did hand signs " Wind style , roaring tornado !" A huge wind like tornado appeared , I clicked my tongue I cant use a fire attack , with enough oxygen itll be stronger but with the attack pointed towards me the flames will only make his attack stronger , If only I had a similar attack to force his tornado his way instead ,wait...thats it!

Remembering the handsigns he just did but replacing the wind element with fire "Fire style -Fire tornado jutsu?"  My tone was in a question but  thats because this isnt a fire jutsu Ive read of , Im inventing this attack . Every single one of them were stunned , the fire formed into a large flame tornado , it clashed with the wind , with the force I gave it, it absorbed the wind tornado and charged the yellow knives , the wind fed the fire making it stronger . "Stop it ! Stop your jutsu!" San ordered Jyn , Jyn panicked " I ..I cant ! Its not under my control anymore !"  They threw mulitiple attacks to the tornado but it didnt budge , if anything it made it stronger . Lan grabbed his teammates " we dont have a choice , retreat!" San growled and glared at me " this is not over , you will be Orochimaru's . One way or another !" They vanished completely , I broke the jutsu making the flames dissapear . I couldnt help but smirk , I can do it , I can invent any fire technique as long as I see the jutsu hand signs and replace the element with Fire ! What would Father say when he saw me do this , would he be proud or tell me I could have done better ?

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