Secret Mission - becoming a shop owner haha

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I returned to the Hokage office and knocked on the Hokage office door . A woman's voice answered " who is it?"  I opened the door to see a woman in a black kimono looking outfit with a pig in her arms . Her hair was short and she was actually pretty , she must be shizune. 

" Can I help you ?" Her voice was stern and professional but her face was red is she blushing??!

"Yes , I have a few documents here to request for a selling permit in konoha as well as a shop request ?"

"May I see?" She offered her hand waiting for the papers . "Sure" I replied and handed her the documents . She paged through the documents "I see kimono shop mm ? " she walked to the exit " I will look for any avaliable shops for rent , please wait here "

"Alright I will wait " how careless , leave a stranger in the hokage office alone ? Shizune Stepps outs with her pig following her . I waited 5 minutes before searching the office I looked in the Hokage's desk, in the bottom draw just barely noticeable was a switch , I pulled it and a secret door opened . I don't think anyone knows about this one ...

I walked to the secret door and opened it unlocked ? How careless ..
I entered and found so many forbidden objects , if she wasn't the hokage she'd be a evil overlord !!  I read the titles of each section forbidden resurrection juts?  No ... alternative element forbidden summoning jutsu's....mmmm....a snake one ....sure let's screw with him for a bit . I know this isn't what he wanted , he wants the resurrection one but he never specified and it'll teach him a lesson to not send someone who hates you to do favors for you!!

I grabbed the forbidden summoning  jutsu of the snake and stepped out the room , ironically the secret door disappeared .I see , it's one time entrance only ...makes sense . I stored the scroll in my inner shirt then just as I settled down on the guest chair , Shizune walks in with the Hokage . Act natural...

Shizune  stood beside the Hokage . Tsunade placed the papers down " here are your permits and shop . Your rent will pay for your permit . As long as you also employ someone and get a constant clientele Base , this shop will be permitted " I snicker and motion to Shizune " clientele base ....right here" Tsunade eyed Shizune " yes I see it is "

I opened the shop , hired some random nobody off the streets , used Orochimaru's contacts to find a kimono production village . Hired them for their kimono work and BOOM shop owner .

Oh and I completed my mission he is going to be so mad when he sees that I didn't get what he wants hahaha...

And as I guessed . When I returned and handed Orochimaru the scroll , his face was priceless (( anyone watched HunterxHunter 2011 , where chrollo tells hisoka he has no powers ...hisoka's face ? Yeah...for those who haven't , here's a gif of it ))

((Yeah ... that priceless expression. ..))

Kabuto was ferious " what the hell did you do?!! What the hell is this ?!" He pointed to the scroll that Orochimaru eyed with the blank face . I shrugged " you told me 'steal a forbidden scroll' you never specified which one so it's not my fault . Next time be specific when you hand out missions " I turned on my heel and walked off . I heard Kabuto mumble to Orochimaru " he did this on purpose ..."

"Yes he did . But he did steal form the Hokage's most sacred vault....undetected "

"You're saying want him to give you the details on how he found it and how he got in"


Like that will ever happen I walked into my room and laid on my bed . I let sleep take over .

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