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Young Indra and Sasuke walking in the streets of Konoha together , overhearing the adults " those two are..." " they are the only survivors ..." " what a cursed clan " Indra frowned , he knew the village would gossip but doing it right by them was just rude . Suddenly the target of the adult's gossip changed " stay away from that boy...." " he-he's a demon..." Indra stopped walking and looked to the victim of the gossip , it was a 7 year old Naruto glaring sadly at the ground , eye's tired of crying . Indra yanked abit on his hand that was linked to Sasuke's . Sasuke stopped and looked at him " what are you doing ?"

Indra looked from his brother to Naruto " Im going to befriend him..." Sasuke scoffed " thats stupid ..." Indra had a dry chuckle " someone's got to show kindess " he broke his hand away from Sasuke and walked to Naruto , Sasuke shook his head and walked back home on his own . When Indra approached Naruto he greeted him " Why are you alone?" Naruto nearly jumped in his skin " the adults dont like me and they keep kids away from me "

Indra hummed listening to his reply as he watched the adults look at them with a dissapproving glare or a avoided gaze . Indra smiled at Naruto " its already lunch time , want to go have some ramen ? My treat?" Naruto frowned " Ramen ? Whats that ?" Indra grabbed his elbow and dragged him to Ichiraku's Ramen shop and sat him down on one of the stools before sitting next to him " two pork ramen's please " Indra ordered , Naruto looked at him curiously still waiting for his answer .

Ichiraku put two bowls infront of them , Naruto caustiously broke the chopsticks apart and slurrped some noddles " wow old guy this is AMAZING!" He slurrped more . Ichiraku was happy with the compliment and looked at Indra " I think Ive got a new regular " Indra shurgged braking his chopsticks apart " I believe so " Naruto practically finished the bowl " that was great! Can I have more ?" Indra shrugged " sure " Ichiraku was indeed happy to make more for his paying customers .

After his fourth bowl Naruto asked " why are you being nice to me ?"  Indra who was done eating a long while ago laid on his crossed arms " I know what its like , being watched by the village with fear or reluctance . Because of something out of my control , when I saw you I just wanted to cheer you up . Im not alone I have my brother but no one was around you , so I wanted to be "

Naruto heard Indra's explaination with a shine in his eye , his smile was soft and welcoming " seen you in the academy , arent you a year younger ? How come you're in our class " Indra bashfully scratched his nose " well....Im more advanced then others , so thats why..." Naruto nodded " well then ..." he put his index finger with his middle finger out " Lets be friends....umm?" Indra connected his index finger and middle finger with Naruto's " Indra , Indra Uchiha " Naruto smiled brightly " Indra , I am Naruto Uzumaki ! And Im going to be Hokage !"

End of flashback

Indra watched sadly as Naruto tried another failed attempt at a shadow clone , the clone looking more like a pale dead bug . The class was not impressed with him as usual , they never were . The kids of the village didnt know what Naruto was but they just didnt like his attattiude they thought was annoying .After the Genin exam , only Naruto failed , Naruto sadly sat on the swing by the tree , Indra approached him " Dont give up" Naruto glanced up at his friend , Indra put his hands behind his head " once you give up , it's all over ..." Naruto nodded finding new courage with Indra's words.

Indra's fangirl's who were with Sasuke's fangirls and of course the fangirls who liked both , all watched Indra interact with Naruto . Sakura and Ino were two of the many fangirls , of both Uchiha's . " Indra-kun , please dont stand so close to him" one of the fangirl's pleaded . Sakura hopefully held her hands close to her chest " Why is he hanging out with Naruto ..." Ino hand her hands on her hips " I hope he isnt going to become like Naruto , he is way to cool for him "

Indra greeted Naruto for the day and headed home with Sasuke . They trained that night , it was eaier to train when your opponent was hellbent on getting stronger . What was truley sad , was that Indra was stronger than his brother . Of course none of them mentioned it but it was very clear when they fought , Indra could eaily overpower Sasuke in minutes.

Both of them where standing across one another catching their breath , Indra was standing up straight while sasuke was hunched over with his hands on his knees " we should go to bed , tomorrow our lives as genin begin " Sasuke nodded in agreement .
The very next day Indra sat behind sasuke , his forehead protector tied around his upper arm (like shikamaru) . He wore his white pants similar to what Shino wore, a dark green sleeveless vest and a black longsleeve jacket ontop with the Uchiha crest on the back . He saw Naruto walk in proudly and sit by Sasuke not even realising it , Shikamaru noticed him aswell " huh ? What are you doing here ? This is for the genin " Naruto beamed playing with his forehead  protector " oh whats this then ? Open your eyes , its a forehead protector , Im a genin too "

Indra smiled to himself resting his head on his palm , he didnt know how Naruto did it but he was impressed and honestly relieved , he laid his head down on his arms while waiting patiently for Iruka-sensei . The classroom door suddenly opened as Ino and Sakura fought trying to win over one another , they spotted Sasuke who was sitting upright . They didnt notice Indra yet , Sakura rushed to Sasuke's desk pushing Naruto out the way " good morning Sasuke , may I sit here ?" Ino walked up to her grabbing her arm " hold on , Im sitting next to Sasuke !" Sakura glared " I got here first..." then the other fan girls interjected " if thats the case then I should sit next to Sasuke " " I was here before any of you !"

The commotion got Indra's attention making his head rise , Sakura gasped " Indra-kun is here too?..." Ino noticed the spot next to Indra was open and quickly sat beside him " hello Indra..." Indra raised his eyebrow scootching slightly further from her " uhhh....Hi ?" the fangirls went crazy over Indra's sleepy tone . Naruto had enough of the fangirls , especially the ones fighting over Sasuke . He crouched on the desk infront of Sasuke , he sized him up trying to figure out why everyone liked the antisocial snobby guy who acted better than everyone else, he understood why girls liked Indra because he was Indra'a friend and knew what a great guy he was but Sasuke was the complete opposite .

With a accidental shove , Naruto crashed forward , his lips on sasuke's . After a monent of complete awkwardness , the two pulled apart freaking out . Maybe it was Sasuke's reaction or the odd conicidental way it happened , it was still funny to Indra . He snickered and covered his mouth looking out the window to avoid Sasuke's glare , he knew everyone heard him and looked at him with surprise but he couldn't care less , he just wanted to avoid Sasuke's glare . The girls sadly attacked poor Naruto as though the accident was his evil master plan.

Iruka walked in " alright settle down , now genin work in teams of three based off the scores of every individual student , these teams will be balanced for best performance and teamwork" Ino smirked " well someone will have to be in either Indra's or Sasuke's team " Sakura looked back at her " Well we will see "

Iruka began announcing the squads "...squad 7 . Naruto Uzumaki , Sakura Haruno..." Sakura's head hung while Naruto cheered " and Sasuke Uchiha " Naruto's head hung as Sakura cheered . Ino glared "how'd you get so lucky ? " she secretly hoped for Indra's team " ...squad 8 , Ino Yananaka , Shikamaru Nara and Chouji Akimichi " Ino's head hung internally screaming .

" squad 10 ...Kiba Izuka , Hinata Hyuga and Indra Uchiha " people began to whisper " a hyuga and uchiha in the same group? Man that sounds so unfair " " that group is going to be the strongest " Naruto raised his hand " Iruka-sensei why does a great ninja like myself have to be in the same group as Him!" He pointed to Sasuke . Iruka sighed " Sasuke has the best high scores , Naruto you have the lowest ! The squads are organised by scores to balance the teams " that was half truth , Sasuke didnt have the highest scores , he was actually a point lower then Indra but his gut told him to put Sasuke and Naruto in the same group.
"After Lunch , you will neet your Jonin teachers "

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