Leaving "Killing" Orochimaru

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I walked into the hideout , Kabuto stepped out from the shadows " where were you ?" . I ignored him and attempted to walked passed but he grabbed my arm in a tight grip " I asked you , where were you ?!" I looked at his hand holding my arm then up at him " that is none of your concern " Kabuto hissed " it is , what if you were out selling off our secrets !"

I slapped his hand off my arm rather harshly " as if you'd have valuable information like that , last time I checked . You're the ones stealing information from others " Kabuto glared at me " You insignificant arrogant bastard!" I stepped closer to him face to face I smirked " want to see what this insignificant bastard can do to you?" My voice playful but threatening.

" Indra enough " Sasuke called from behind us , his usual bored expresson. I clicked my tongue and stepped back , Kabuto smirked " good boy ..." oh ho ho this jerk is asking for it !! Unwilling my MS activated out of anger , Kabuto gasped and stepped back . Suddenly Sasuke appeared beside me and led me away slowly by my arm " okay ...leave him be " Sasuke whispered gently to me . I continued to glare at Kabuto as Sasuke led me away from him " you can't kill him now " Sasuke reasoned as Kabuto left " we need him to attend to Orochimaru , he will distract him while you free Suigetsu"

I hate it when he becomes the voice of reason , doesn't he feel this annoyance? !

"Fine" I hissed and walked off , he audibly sighed behind me and walked off . I went to Suigetsu's water tube as his head and neck formed " who pissed you off this time ?"

I sighed and sat on the floor across from him , legs crossed " you know there's only one that upsets me this much " Suigetsu chuckled " Kabuto "

I hummed and leaned on my hand with a sigh , Suigetsu smirked " so ...how did that girl take it ?"
Suigetsu is the only one who knows that I meet up with Tenten every month , well met up . "She was visibly disappointed "
" Aww Indra you broke her heart " I had a flash back of Tenten's shocked expression from the kiss and snickered " No , I definitely didn't "  Suigetsu smirked " oh~?"

The room shook suddenly , pieces of dirty dropping from the ceiling . I stood and pulled out the Uchiha blade , Suigetsu looked up at the ceiling " guess that's Sasuke's signal ?"  I nodded " yep " I unsheathed  the blade and cut the tube letting out all the water , Suigetsu fabricated and climbed out the water " let's just get one thing clear , I'm only joining Sasuke's team because I want my old master's blade ....that and because of you "

I tilted my head " me?" He chuckled " I like you kid " I grimaced " I'm straight " 

"NOT THAT WAY IDIOT!!" he screamed . I chucked " alright I'm fine with that then " I offered a cloak to him " here " he raised his hand to reject it " no need " his body suddenly created the clothing with his water type body . I smirked " that's handy " he chuckled " definitely " we suddenly heard the sound the shoes make on the cold concrete floors " Just in time Sasuke " Suigetsu greeted .

Sasuke looked to me " Let's go "

We left the hideout and to gain Suigetsu's support according  to Sasuke , we searched for Zabuza's sword kubikiribocho which was apparently by Zabuza's grave in the land of waves but when we arrived , the sword was missing . Sasuke asked some random guy and he said a man named Tenzen Daikoku had stolen it from Zabuza's grave as a form of 'Revenge ' but really it's a sign of disrespect.  We went to a local tavern to rest and to eat , sasuke sat across Suigetsu as Suigetsu gulfed down the desert he ordered . I sat beside Sasuke drinking water , a waitress walked by as Suigetsu called her " excuse me miss , do you know where Tenzen Daikoku lives ?" The waitress spoke as she kept glancing at Sasuke and I " I don't really know....why do you ask ?". Suigetsu pointed to Sasuke " this guy and his brother want to know " She looked at Sasuke then at me , I finished my water and looked up at her and offered the empty glass so she could take it . But instead she screamed "Kyaa!!" And ran to a group of waitresses who all screamed "Kyaa!!!"  I blinked looking at the empty glass she forgot to take , I sighed and put it down as Suigetsu smirked " you two are really popular with the ladies aren't you ?"

Long story short Suigetsu was able to beat a guy for information and found Tenzen's place . I refused to join their short excursion because "it would be unfair " I stated . Suigetsu smirked " aww we will give you fair play "

"It would be unfair.....for you " I stated bluntly . Suigetsu was confused " huh?" Sasuke walked passed me " he's right , this is a game just between the two of us . If Indra joined it would be his win by default ."

After Suigetsu took his sword from Tenzen , we set out to find two more 'cells' for Sasuke's team . A woman named Karin and a man named Jugo .

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