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In the morning I woke up and saw that Sasuke already left . Last night still ran in my mind

Sasuke came home slightly dissapointed because he was put into a team with the 'Flirt with any Uchiha ' Sakura and the 'Not really using his brain ' Naruto . He sat down across the small dinner table picking up the chopsticks and started eating the dinner I made us " so what is your Jonin like ?" He asked . I shrugged " Her name is Kurenai , she seems easy going I suppose and yours ?" He groaned " Kakashi , he's guarded "

" isnt it odd ?" I asked . He looked up confused " what is ?" I sighed putting the chopsticks down " Think about it , out of all the Jonin available to take Genin teams . Why were we put under the supervison of those two specifically . One with a Sharingan and another who is a master with Genjutsu ?"  Sasuke frowned catching onto my train of thought " you think it was on purpose to watch us ?" I shrugged " given our clan's history of violence , would you expect anything less ?"

Sasuke stood " We will have to stay guarded then , dont show our hand " he looked at the wall clock " Kakashi wants us to show up before dawn , some kind of training excersise " I nodded " huh....we are going on a mission , bodyguarding or something " Sasuke clicked his tongue " you're already starting missions ?! At this rate our team will be the lowest and weakest "  There it is . That is Sasuke's main issue . He is hasty to get powerful , to avenge our clan . He doesnt care about the concequences to gain power meaning if anyone offered it , regardless of their intent , Sasuke will go for it . Its mainly the reason why we dont discuss the strength gap between us , because he chose to be the avenger but his younger rational brother is stonger and it irratates him .
He huffed and went to his room slamming the door shut .

And then he didnt even greet me before leaving . He is still upset that his team isnt starting mission's like every other team is . I preped my equipment and went to the meeting place for our mission , Kurenai sensei arrived moments after us with a Lord , he was old like in his 50's with a long white beard and dressed in traditional chinese outfit . " This is Lord Fuji , he has an important meeting with Lord Jin . We are to escort him to Lord Jin's estate near the border of the Land of Wind and back , any questions ?" I raised my hand " yeah I have one " Lord Fuji looked at me " yes boy?"

" If you were targeted , would you know what kind of men would attack you ?" Lord Fuji had a small smile and glanced at Kurenai " a very impressive young man " he walked closer " my meeting with Lord Jin is to discuss tax rate interest, profits and regulations . If anyone were to attack me they would be hired men from Lord Jin himself or anyone under his leadership " I glanced at Kurenai and back at him " so they could have any sort of skills " Lord Fuji nodded " yes , exactly . I specfically asked for a team with a well-known Konoha Clan member , Im surprised to find both members of Konoha's greatest Clans in one group "

I looked at Hinata who met my gaze and gave a small smile . Hinata is of the Hyuga Clan but she is no Neji , she's too gentle even for her gentlefist technique . She's more like a lookout then a fighter and I think its because of how she is being trained . If she was trained by a critical fighter like Neji or someone from the branch clan - someone who will be harsh with training - then she will be a strong fighter . Thats how Sasuke and I were trained , our father was harsh , critical and always pointed out our mistakes on first discovery and now we always strive for perfection even without him watching us .

We began the journey , to make it seem less suspicious , Kurenai walked beside Lord Fuji with Hinata on his other side while Kiba and I walked behind them . Kiba and I were the support pillars , if theres an attack , we would be the ones to either guard Lord Fuji or attack the enemy . Kiba wanted to make small talk to pass the time " so why do you guys have so much fangirls?" I was stumped ,of all the questions I've been asked , that was one out of the blue . " umm? Maybe the Clan name ?" He snickered "your joking right " I smirked " sort of , Uchiha have amazing genetic's . Most of us are unnaturally goodlooking " Kiba smirked back " you sound vein saying it like that "  i chuckled " whats vein is that you call yourself the best but cant even do 20 pushups in a row without complaining " Kiba's smirk dropped . Thats right , Im not oblivious to others training regime , I scouted the genin's skills although there isnt much skill yet .

We stopped at an Inn with a hotspring . Fuji , Kiba and I went to the boy hotspring and Kurenai sensei and Hinata went to the girls side . While Kiba was running around butt ass nude with his dog splashing like a child , I sat beside Lord Fuji who was drinking some alchol the Inn provided . I noticed a adbnormally large dragon tatttoo on his back , he noticed me staring " you like the dragon mm" I nodded " yes , its beautiful " Kiba finally relaxed and sank into the warm water " why a dragon?"

" well tell me boys , when you see a dragon what do you think ?" Lord Fuji asked , " A large lizard?" Kiba asked " Fire " I answered . Lord Fuji nodded " exactly , what does fire resemble " Kiba thought deeply " destruction ? Hot ?"  I thought for abit , Uchiha's main element is Fire and one thing my father always described it as " Change " . Lord Fuji chuckled " Change is correct . A dragon is beautiful and fierce and it uses the element of change . It represents constant change and that there are countless ways you can change your life , your path and your future "

Wow , that is a beautiful way of seeing it , normally people hate the element fire because it is seen as destruction but for an outsider to see Fire the same way we do really impresses me .

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