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Indra Pov

We made our way to the secret location , when we entered all that we saw were rich people everywhere , it was obvious that they were Rich . The way they dressed and carried themselves like pompous higher beings was more than overbearing,  Orochimaru walked forward " this way " . We followed Orochinaru to a arena where the rich sat and bet on the best fighter , I leaned against the rails " well...this is sad " Orochimaru looked at me " Oh? A interesting perspective Indra , why would you say that ?" I frowned watching the two fighters .

" this is not a choice battle , these shinobi are used as mere tools for the rich . The battles they fight clear no conflict and serve no other purpose but entertainment for these people. The rich are sad " Orochimaru chuckled " I see ..."

The announcer then announced the next fight , he called on Orochimarus fighter Sasuke . Sasuke glared at Orochimaru " what is this ?"Orochimaru was unbothered " we need a rare kekkai genkai on the field to lure out the person we need to speak with " Sasuke frowned , I smirked " looks like you've been outsourced Sasuke "

Sasuke jumped to the field and just as the battle began , a random scream attracted attention . A exploding human appeared and fell to the field , Sasuke easily defeated him with the sharingan but more exploding humans appeared . I took care of the one approaching Orochimaru and myself , a weapon flew towards Sasuke as he barely nearly dodged it . He turned to pursue the attacker but heard Chiho scream and turned his attention to her , I decided to follow the attacker instead .

I raced down the corridor following the man , he turned left then right , as I turned I was ambushed by multiple ninja tools . I fought off most yet one got lucky and cut my cheek deeply,  the man used this to escape me . I could have easily followed him but something about all this struck me as odd , I decided to stay with the group to investigate more .

I joined up with them as Nowaki was 'catching'  his breath , Sasukes eyes landed on me " you let him escape ?" He then noticed the cut on my cheek , I crossed my arms " you will thank me later " Sasuke frowned but didn't ask anymore questions. A man walked up to Orochimaru and whispered in his ear , orochimaru smiled " Come Sasuke,  he wants to see you " 

Chiho and Nowaki said they would wait outside , Sasuke looked to me " and you ?" I shrugged " he wants to see Sasuke Uchiha , I'll wait with them " Sasuke nodded and left with Orochimaru . I sat across Nowaki and Chiho , the vibe between them was anxious like they wanted to talk about matters that they can't talk about infront of me . I watched them as Nowaki watched me , Suspicions growing between us . I gave a fake smile " so , when you find Fuushin what will you do ?"

" help Sasuke defeat him of course " I leaned forward resting my arms on my knees " its obvious Sasuke won't need the help , so why are you REALLY following him ?"  Nowaki glared as Chiho frowned " what makes you sure ?"

I shake my head " its obvious isn't it ? He is more than capable of handling all this , there is a hidden agenda behind your actions " Chiho stood " then why do you follow huh ?"

" eye-witness , my brother is under alot of suspension.  I am proof that he is to be trusted"

Chiho sat back down " since when do the Uchiha care ?" I frowned immediately,  there it is . That sounded very personal,  Chiho quickly hung her head . Sasuke emerged from the room " you were right " he told chiho who was confused , he then looked at me " once this is over , there is something I need to tell you "  I nodded in understanding. Now we were on our way to the land of steam , on our way we passed a few travelers .

As soon as Sasuke and I passed them , Chiho suddenly screamed . We turned back to find all the villagers were turned into those exploding humans , Nowaki quickly grabbed Chiho and escaped . I gave a quick glance at Sasuke who nodded , I rushed after them as he took care of the travelers .

I followed them until they landed , Nowaki put Chiho down . She looked at me then sprinted off , Nowaki turned to me and smirked . I frowned " I knew it ...there were way to many coincidences with the two of you " Nowaki cut his wrists and shrunk down to a smaller form .

I pulled out my Uchiha blade and prepared for a fight.

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