Secret Mission - Not going as planned !

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(( top image is a fanart of Tenten and Neji , I just edited Neji to make him look like Indra for the sake of the story . I only edited them I do not own them and have no rights to the original fanarts !))


Tenten was so much older and more mature , I briefly remembered that she was two years older than me . She rubbed her forehead then eyed me suspiciously "how do you know my name ?" She then stood " who are you?!"
Aww cap!  This is not going as planned definitely not ! Entering the village was beyond childsplay but escaping is the problem !

"Um well , you see..."

Tenten leaned closer to get a better view , she was only a few inches from my face , I held in a breath with nervousness , her eyes followed my every feature and then her eyes widened " Indra?" My breath hitched , how did she know ? No one could recognise me like I am now


"Oh I'd recognise you from a mile away , I watched you train all the time when we were younger !"


She gasped and covered her mouth , a deep blush making its way on her face " well...I mean....after the chunnin exams I really admired you so.." she began to play with the dirt by her shoe " I watched you..."

Tenten. ..stalked me?!
Well this is definitely some new information I did not expect ...

Tenten looked so awkward now , confessing must've really done a number on her self esteem . I wanted to reply , to change the subject and make her feel better but I was interrupted by those women calling out for me from the shadows

"Oppa where did you go ?"

"Girls I think I saw him run this way !"

"Quickly let's find him!"

Tenten's gaze shifted to the crowd of girls searching the streets up ahead " what are they doing ?" Without hesitation I jumped up from the ground , grabbed Tenten's wrist and pulled her into the narrow alley "whaa--" I quickly covered her mouth and peeked out the gap of the alley to watch the girls run passed . Once we were clear I let Tenten go , she suddenly chuckled as she stepped back . I eyed her curiously " what ?"

She shook her head " reminds me of the old days , we hid just like that in the exams .." I gasped " we did! I completely spaced " Tenten chuckled again and then just smiled softly at me with a calm vibe , almost like she too was doing the admiration gaze . I huffed " would you stop that ? It's freaking me out "

"Sorry" Tenten chuckled " so what are you doing here ?"

"Oh well , I was able to sneak out for a bit . Thought I'd check up on my home , fetch a heirloom , that sorta thing "

Tenten nodded " I get it...I mean I get why you are staying there . It's for your brother , isn't it ?"

I looked at her surprised " you are remarkably understanding "

" it's not that ...its if Lee or Neji left like Sasuke did , I would do exactly what you are doing because I care for them and their safety "

I don't know if it was the sweet words from Tenten or the calming aura she had or the fact we were pressed up against one another still hiding in the alleyway but I hugged Tenten . She was surprised at first but immediately calmed down and returned the hug , she rubbed my back affectionately. 

"Thank you. ..." I whispered , she chuckled " you are welcome "
I stepped back " maybe I should make this a regular thing , talking to you really seems to help me " 

Tenten blushed all shades of red , she was even at a loss of words " I"

I watched her fumble over her own words again and again , it was adorable to see her so lost like this . I looked to the Hokage statues " how about every 23rd of each month , we meet up at the Hokage heads ?" Tenten looked to the Hokage heads " won't that be difficult for you ?"

I shrugged " oh please , Orochimaru can't do anything to me , besides we act a lot like step father and son . I hate him openly and he avoids me unless he has to talk to me "

Tenten blushed , she suddenly seemed determined as though she remembered something , she smiled and suddenly kissed my cheek " see you then..." she whispered and quickly ran out the alleyway before I could respond .

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