I DON'T OWN PICTURE, Chara's armor without helmet
On next day Chara wake up by sunrise, she had nightmare about her adoptive parents murder and her escape. She sigh and cover her eyes with her arm. "I haven't had that dream in long time." She murmur. Kiba gently poke her arm and whine. Chara move her arm to look at Kiba. She move her hand to pet him. "Yesterday dinner was quite tense, don't you think?" Chara ask from him smiling. Kiba whine softly. "Okay time to get up and wake Loki up too." She say to herself and jump out of bed. She quickly do her business and put her armor on. Then she walk to Loki's door. Thor has chanced it, old one was beyond repair. Chara knock on it. "Loki, time to wake up." She say loudly. She hear someone grunt tiredly other side of door. She smirk and knock again. "Coming, coming." Chara hear Loki answer. He open the door and rub his eyes. "Come on Winter it is only sunrise." He whine. "Put your armor on, I give you 15 minutes." Chara answer and move to lean wall next to his door.
Loki sigh tiredly and close the door. Chara check all her weapons while waiting. Kiba pace restless in hall. Eventually Loki come out in his armor. He yawn while shutting the door. He turn to look Chara irritated. "Why hell you want to start at break of dawn?" He ask. Chara smirk and push herself from wall. "Because we have lot to do." She answer and wave Loki to follow her. Loki complain to her but Chara ignore it. Chara sense that Vision watch after them when they walk past living room. Chara ignore him even if she knew he will tell about this to Tony. When they got outside Chara start to jog toward forest. Loki groan but follow her. Chara keep their speed steady but quite fast. Not as fast that yesterday at hunt but faster than their jog back to compound. Loki start to pant after 30 minutes. Chara speed up a little. Kiba stay close to them. Chara use forest natural obstacles to complicate their run.
Chara decide to stop after 1,5 hour when Loki start to fall seriously behind. She stop and wait for Loki to catch her and Kiba. When Loki catch them he lean on his knees and pant heavily. He slowly get his breathing more steadily. Chara wait patiently for that. When Loki finally straight his posture, he glare at Chara. "You could have went on easier path." He say angrily. Chara shrug. "Then you have used less your muscles. They need work Loki." She answer. Loki curse under his breath. Chara start to walk back to compound. She has other plans for Loki and didn't want to exhaust him too much. Loki walk after her without a word. Chara could sense his disappoint toward his shape right now. It took 30 minutes for them to get forest line.
When they got in clearing Chara turn toward Loki. "You prefer long daggers, right?" She ask from him. Loki look confuse but nod eventually. Chara grab her dagger behind her back and toss it to Loki. Loki catch it and look confuse between her and dagger. "You need training, not just for your stamina. Also to get use to fight again." She answer and grab her other dagger in her right hand. "You just gave me a weapon." Loki mumble unbelieving. "Yes I did. Now fight with me like you mean it. Don't worry about hurting me, I can handle little wounds." Chara taunt him and move to fighting position. Kiba lay down some distance away from them, he enjoy the warm sun. Loki look confuse but weigh the dagger she toss. He toss it couple times between his hands and move to fighting position too.
Chara is first to move. She attack Loki with high speed, he barely dodge her swing toward his head. Soon Loki got hang of it again and they swing and dodge each others attacks. Chara let Loki to kick her in stomach, taking it. She need Loki's confident to come back. They fight for high speed about 20 minutes when Chara notice that Loki start to slow down. She got punch in. Loki stumble back, he growl and attack again. Chara let Loki to relieve his frustration, she dodge his attacks and use slower attacks toward him so he could dodge. Chara hear Kiba's warning growl, look up and make ice wall just in time behind Loki, stopping Ironman's attack. Her ice wall break apart almost completely.
Loki has stop his movements after seeing Chara do magic. "Stand down Reindeer Games." Tony say and move to get better position in air. Chara turn toward him angrily. "What the hell Stark?!" She yell with dark voice. He turn to look at her. "What you mean? I just stop him for killing you. I knew you couldn't handle him." Tony answer, holding his hand toward Loki. Soon others beside Bruce run in too and Thor land close to Chara. Chara sigh and facepalm. "You morons. I gave him that dagger, I order him to attack me. We trained you idiots." Chara yell to them. Kiba move to stand between Loki and Avengers, he growl to them. Loki didn't dare to move. "You were what?" Tony ask confuse and land next to Steve. Chara put her dagger behind her back and move her hand to her waist. "We were training. You really think I let him steal one of my daggers?" She answer angrily. Others share a look confuse.
Thor start to laugh. "I think I like you Lady Winter." She answer and pat her shoulder. Chara smirk to him. "Well... How we could know what you were doing. We see in drone's video of you two fighting." Tony argue. Chara glare him darkly. She snort and turn to walk Loki. She reach her hand and Loki give her dagger back without problems. She put it on it's place. She pat Kiba's head. "Now that this is settled. You can leave us alone." She command others. Bucky chuckle and shake his head. "Don't get yourself in troubles doll." He say, Chara growl to nickname. "I'm not your doll, never was, never will." She answer. Steve smile and shake his head to their familiar arguing. Thor smile widely and wink his eye to Loki before leaving. Loki roll his eyes.
"Over protecting idiots." Chara murmur to herself. "Why you stop it?" Loki suddenly ask from behind her back. Chara turn to look at him and tilt her head. "Why you stop Stark's shot?" "It would have hit you if I didn't stop it." Chara simply answer. "Why?" Loki ask more aggressively now. "You didn't deserve to get hit. You didn't do anything wrong." Chara answer and shrug. "You are under my surveillance. They don't need to interrupt until I ask for it." She continue and smirk. "Now, I'm starving. Would we go to breakfast?" She ask and wave toward compound. Loki assess her again and eventually nod. They walk side by side toward compound, Kiba on front.
Chara make them some omelettes and bacon. She put them on kitchen island and they eat in silence. Others have already eaten so they didn't want anything. Chara let Loki go alone back to his room to shower and chance. When she think that he is out of hearing range she turn toward Avengers angry look on her face. She stomp to stand front of them. "Now. I say this only once. Leave Loki to me. I can handle him. I can do what ever I want with him. I can train with him, hell I can fight with him if I want to. You don't interfere with us if I don't ask for it. Don't anger me, don't spy on me." She glare at Vision and Tony. "Fury hire me for this, not you, me. We has to live here, doesn't matter if you want us or not. Fury and Odin make a deal. Swallow it up. Accept it." She lecture them. Everyone eventually nod.
Chara could feel Wanda trying to get inside her head again. She glare at her and send two ice daggers toward her mind. Wanda groan in pain and hold her head. "I warn you little witch. Don't do that." Chara say darkly, glare at shocked others and turn to walk upstairs, Kiba behind her. When she get halfway stairs she see Loki sitting on there. He has his indifferent mask back on. "You only do this because you got paid for it. You want to use me like everyone else." He say with cold voice and glare at Chara. Chara sigh sadly. "At first yes. But then I met you. I really want to help you Loki, I don't know why, but I do. You deserve better than that." She answer and wave her hand toward living room. "You aren't some monster that need to be lock up or tame. You are prince of Asgard, adopted or not. You are great warrior, probably great magician too." Chara continue and smile comforting to Loki. He didn't answer. Loki rise to his feet and turn to go up. Chara grab his arm. Loki turn to look at her. "Loki, I will tell you reason why I accept this job just... I'm not ready yet. Please believe me." Chara plead. Loki snatch his arm away from her and rush upstairs. Chara sigh sadly. "You are not ready yet." She whisper to herself sadly before following him.

Frozen soul
FanfictionChara Winter is cast out from her family. Her adopted parents were killed front of her eyes. After that she loved no one, only living for herself. She has secret parentage. She has lived on earth over 1000 years. She has participated on many wars, s...