Chapter 22

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Chara wipe away tear from Loki's cheek. "You're not a monster." Chara say gently again while smiling comforting. Loki suddenly grit his teeth and pull his face away from Chara's hand. "You don't know what you're talking about. I'm a monster parents tell about for their children at nights." Loki growl and look away. "Everyone would fear me if they see the real me." Loki whisper. Chara frown and think for a moment. "Fine then." She say confidently and grab Loki's face between her hands. She start to make her hands colder. Loki grab them away from his face. "What are you doing?" He ask warily. "Prove to you that I'm not scared." Chara simply answer and push her hands back to his face. Loki drop his hands and stare at Chara's eyes. Chara use her magic to make Loki's Jotun form to appear. 

Loki's skin turn blue with marks and his eyes turn red. Chara could see fear of rejection in his eyes. Chara hold her hands on Loki's cheek and look him over. "Hmm, I still don't see any monster." Chara answer and smile comforting to Loki again. She lower her hands and Loki turn back to his Asgardian form. Suddenly Loki grab her hands and turn them so he can see her palms. Chara tilt her head in confusion. "There is no frost bites." Loki mumble and rise his head to look shocked at Chara. Chara rise her eyebrow. She chuckle and smirk. "Did you really fear that cold could hurt me?" Chara tease gently and smile widely. Loki stare at her with broken expression. Chara's smile turn softer. "Loki, you're not a monster. You're not some nightmare. You are still you, no matter what form you have. And I had to admit, I'm glad I took this job from Fury." Chara gently say to him. 

Loki's grip of her hands tighten. He lower his head and ragged sobs come out. Loki move his one hand to his eyes and let go of her hands. Chara gently grab back of his neck and pull his head top of her left shoulder. Chara gently hold Loki while he cry. After a moment Loki circle his arms around her neck and hold her tightly. Chara stay quiet, comforting, understanding. She let him break apart, giving Loki assurance that she won't judge him or see him as weak. Chara feel how Loki try to suppress his crying. "Shh... It is okay. I won't judge you, or think you're weak." Chara assure him while she gently start to pet his head with left hand. Loki shake in her arms, Chara feel how his tears soak her shoulder but ignore it. Her injuries hurt but she ignore that too. She didn't know why but she feel the need to make sure Loki is okay, assure him for that he is not a monster as he see himself. 

After about 10 minutes Loki calm down. They stay in their places. Chara has decide to hold Loki as long as he need, even if her injuries scream for her to move. Loki slowly pull back. He refuse to meet Chara's eyes. Chara frown and tilt her head. She slowly start to smile mischievously. "This doesn't mean you can skip your training at morning." Chara gently tease him. Loki let out little laugh and finally look at her. "It didn't even cross my mind." He whisper with ghost of smile playing on his lips. Chara chuckle. She turn slowly to better position and bite back hiss of pain. Her side burst in pain even more when she moved. "Chara?" Loki immediately ask worried. "Nothing." She answer and lay on her back, her feet moving on ground. Chara huff out tiredly. 

Loki move to sit on his knees next to her. "You okay?" he ask clearly worried and ashamed. Chara wave her hand. "Not your fault. Just tired and your bed is really comfortable." Chara answer and close her eyes. Chara feel how Loki still stare at her. "I move soon. We both need more sleep." She mumble. Suddenly Chara feel cold hand on her forehead. She open her eyes and see worried Loki feeling her temperature. Chara give a laugh and smile. "I'm okay Loki. Don't fuss." Chara say and push his hand away before rising to sit. "I need to go now, Kiba will return soon." Chara say and rise to her feet. She turn to look at him. "You okay now?" She ask while tilting her head. "I'm fine." Loki mumble and nod. Chara nod and walk almost to door when Loki talk again. "Chara... please don't tell about this to others." He bid. Chara turn to smile for him. "I may be new to this friend thing but I can keep secrets well." She answer with smile and wink. Loki frown and stare at her. Chara chuckle. "Good night Loki." Chara say and wave before slipping through door.

Chara walk to lay down on her bed with sigh. "This week will be so long with these injuries." She mumble to herself and pull blanket over herself. Chara stay awake until Kiba slip back inside and jump on bed. He swirl himself next to her. Chara pet Kiba's fur couple times and sigh in relief. You're okay, is her last thought before sleep came over.

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