Chara slowly start to stir awake. She open her eyes after couple blinks and look around. She is in her own bed again. She frown confuse and slowly push herself to sitting position. She quickly spot Kiba on his own bed and smile softly. "Please wake up..." Chara turn toward quiet murmur. She see Loki asleep on chair next to bed. "Loki..." She whisper and slowly pet his head. "Chara..." Loki mumble in his sleep. Chara smile gently and climb out of bed. She slowly try her leg and side. They are almost completely healed. Chara frown. "That was fast." She mumble to herself and tiptoe to bathroom.
Chara quickly did her business and slip back to bedroom. Suddenly Kiba rise his head and stare at Chara for a second. Happy yip come from his mouth and he rush to Chara. Chara kneel down and grab him in her arms. Kiba whine and yip happily while licking her face. Chara chuckle. "I'm alright Kiba." Chara assure him while petting him. "Chara?" Loki croak on his spot. Chara let Kiba go and stand up. Loki stare at her groggily for a moment. Then he jump up pushing his chair over. "Chara!" Loki yell worried and rush to her. "Hi Loki." Chara greet with smile. Then she feel herself pulled in Loki's chest. "You're awake, you're alive." Loki whisper in her ear. Chara hug him back. "I'm alive." She assure him with gentle voice.
Loki push Chara in arm length away and look her up and down with scared expression. Chara frown and tilt her head confuse. "What?" She ask. Loki stare at her and swallow. "You were unconscious almost two days." Loki whisper and his grip tighten on her shoulders. Chara think about it for a moment. "Huh... It take lesser time than before." She mumble. Loki glare at her. "You idiot! Why you didn't wake me up. Why you went ALONE?" Loki ask angrily. Chara detect fear underneath his voice. Chara shrug and step back, so Loki let go of her. "I didn't think about it." She say and smile apologizing. He stare at her. "You didn't think about it?" Loki repeat unbelieving voice. Chara shrug.
Loki growl angrily and glare at her. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED WE WERE? HOW WORRIED I WAS?" He yell. Kiba whine anxious and take couple steps back. Chara hush him before turning back to furious Loki. "Loki, I didn't think about it because I never has anyone to turn to. I have always look after myself, protect myself. When I felt them went through my barrier I think only about finding out who is after us." Chara try to explain. "You're not alone anymore. You should have wake at least ME." Loki argue and start to pace around anxious.
Chara sigh and cross her arms. "Loki... Look, I'm sorry that you got worried but waking you up never even cross my mind. I automatically went to look what is wrong and when I realize what they were doing it was too late. I didn't have time to wake any of you." Chara try to reason with him. Loki glare at her. "You have passed out in my arms twice. TWICE! Do you have any idea what it feel like?" He ask angrily. Chara's temper rise up too. She snarl at Loki. "No, I don't know. BECAUSE only time someone I deeply care collapse front of me SHE DIED!" She yell and tears come to her eyes. Chara growl and wipe them angrily away. Loki has stop pacing and look at her shocked.
They stare each others for a moment. "I have been on survive mode almost my entire life. I had to always look out for myself. Do you know what I had to do in past?" Chara continue angrily. Loki didn't answer, he stood there shocked. "When I hurt myself like those times. First I made sure enemies won't come after me ever again and then I had to find safe place. Then I made several protection and illusion spells around myself, before letting myself to pass out in healing sleep and start to properly heal." Chara continue angrily while waving her arms in air. She fell in silence and look at Loki sadly. "Do you know what it mean to me that I can pass out in your arms? That I can trust someone so much and leave myself so vulnerable?" Chara ask sadly. "I trust you Loki. I trust that you can keep me safe when I got hurt." She whisper.
Loki still stand there, staring at Chara. Sob escape from her lips. "Say something, dammit!" Chara snap to him. She hug herself tightly and look down. "I was so scared..." Loki finally whisper. Chara whip her head back up. "When I saw your ice wall and that huge explosion. I got scared that you were on other side, protecting us all alone." He continue. For Chara's surprise Loki rush to her and pull her in hug. He hide his face in crook of her neck. Chara circle her arms around Loki's neck. "I'm here. I'm safe." Chara murmur. Loki's arms tighten around her. "Don't ever do that again." Loki growl. Chara chuckle. "Can't promise that." "Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again." Loki command again. Chara kiss side of his head. "Can't promise that." She whisper.
Loki pull back and grab Chara's face between his hands. "Then at least wake me up." He plead. Chara smile gently to him. "Only if I had time to that." "Then I should sleep with you, so you can't sneak out like that again." Chara stare Loki surprised. Blush start to appear in Loki's face. "Only if you want me to..." He whisper unsure. Smile appear to Chara's face. "Of course you can." She answer. Loki stare at her for a moment in shock. Chara chuckle and lay her hands on Loki's arms. "I trust you Loki. I care about you. Of course you can sleep in same bed if you want." Chara say with gentle, loving smile on her lips. Shy smile appear on Loki's lips and he pull her in gentle loving kiss.

Frozen soul
FanfictionChara Winter is cast out from her family. Her adopted parents were killed front of her eyes. After that she loved no one, only living for herself. She has secret parentage. She has lived on earth over 1000 years. She has participated on many wars, s...