Chara run as fast as she can. "WANDA?! What are you doing? Put him down!" She hear Steve yell angrily and scared. "Shit." She curse under her breath and rush inside. In living room others have circled around angry looking Wanda and Bucky who is lifted in air with red mist. "Wanda?" Tony plead her warily. Chara glance around and see how everyone look like they are preparing for a fight. "Wait!" She yell and rush to Wanda. "Winter? What are you doing?" Tony whisper yelled. Chara ignore him and stop front of Wanda. "Little witch? Wanda?" She try first. Wanda ignore her and snarl to Bucky. Chara grit her teeth and grab her reached out arm.
Pain shot through Chara's hands and she hiss. "WINTER?!" Others yell. She growl toward them and turn to look Wanda again. "Wanda. Look at me. Look. At. Me." Chara command more sternly. Finally Wanda turn to look at her. "Winter?" She whisper and pain stop. "I know he is a jerk, but Bucky is wasted. He is like that in drunk. Don't kill him for it." Chara explain and loosen her grip from her arm. "He is not worth it." She smirk finally and let go. Wanda lower Bucky on floor. He grunt and drop on his knees. Others rush to him. Chara ignore them and focus on Wanda. "He talk to me like I'm some slut and his thoughts.... They... They.. remind me of-" Wanda burst in tears and hug Chara tightly. Chara hug her back. "Shhh... I know, I know." Chara comfort her. She peek over her head. She see Loki and Thor standing there shocked.
"I'm fine." Chara mouth to Loki with comforting smile. He glare at Bucky, soon daggers appear in his hands. He start to sneak toward him. "Oh shit." Chara mumble and push Wanda gently in arms reach. "Wanda. I had to take care of one thing. Can you look after Kiba for me?" She ask gently. She nod. Chara wave Kiba to them and Wanda crouch down to hug him. Chara smile gently to them before rushing toward Bucky, Steve and Sam. She stop to stand between them and angry Loki. Chara spread out her arms. "Loki.... No. He is not worth it." She try to reason with him. Loki stop front of her but point his dagger toward Bucky behind her. "He deserve some punishment. This is second time." He growl angrily and try to slip past her. Chara stop him easily.
Others have turn to look at Chara and Loki curious now, expect Bucky. He is too drunk at this point to understand what is happening. Loki snarl at her angrily. Chara snarl back to him. "Reind-" "You stay out of this!" Chara command Tony and others with dark voice. Tony take step back. "Loki. He is stupid in drunk. He always harass women in that state. Who you think saved his ass in 1940s? He might deserve to get stabbed but still. Please don't do this." Chara plead Loki gently. He stare at her. "Please don't." She whisper again. Loki growl but vanish his daggers. Chara smile widely to him and leap to hug him. Loki quickly hug her back and kiss side of her head.
Steve clear his throat. "Not that I'm not happy to see you Winter, but could you please explain rest of us what just happened?" He ask sternly and glance toward Bucky and Wanda who is still hugging Kiba. Loki growl to Steve. "We should sit down." Chara whisper to Loki and peck his cheek. Loki let her to lead them in couch. Chara grab Wanda while passing her with them. Chara sit between her and Loki. She has taken Wanda to her side, under her arm. Loki hold his arm over them both and keep giving death glares to Bucky. Wanda refuse to look anyone in the eyes and stare at Kiba's neck while petting him.
Chara clear her throat after everyone has sat down. "Steve. What Bucky told you about our first meeting?" She ask. Steve frown. "Only that you guys meet at bar. Why?" He ask confuse. Chara shake her head and chuckle. "Of course he did. Well that is partially true. I was spending my evening at bar. He came in with some other friends after you went home. They were all totally wasted. Acting like they owned the city. They start to flirt with one of the waiters."
"She played along as long as they kept their hands to themselves. After first grope she slap him. Bucky got mad and even more when his friends start to laugh at him. He has risen his hand up when I step in. I grab his wrist and flirt with him so waiter got away. I managed to convince them to left the bar. I was sober so I easily dodge all their groping attempts." Chara feel how Loki's chest stiffen next to her. She lower her hand to his knee and squeeze it gently, trying to calm him down.
"I fooled them one by one to lead us to their homes. I knock home's owner down when we got inside and last one was Bucky. He rant on and on about you Steve." She point toward him. He look shocked. "He told me how you tried to always save the day and put yourself in danger." Chara chuckle. "Eventually we got to his home. He lead me in and try to kiss me." Loki growl and would probably attacked pass out Bucky without Chara's tight grip on his knee. "I easily knock him out and carry him on near couch before leaving." Chara end his story.
Everybody is deep in thoughts. "How I didn't know?" Steve ask aloud ashamed. Chara smile gently to him. "He didn't want to tell you. He is ashamed of his behavior. He once told me that his dad was same. After that he only got totally wasted when I was with him." Chara explain calmly. "Why YOU didn't tell me? We could have avoid previous situation." Steve suddenly accused her. Loki snarl to him. Chara glare at him. "Because he asked me not to. And after he became super soldier I think that he wouldn't get drunk again. I didn't consider he could get some Asgardian alcohol." Chara answer and glare at Thor. He shrug apologetically.
Steve look at Chara so lost and betrayed look in his eyes. Chara stand up and walk to him, ignoring Loki's possessive growl. She grab his shoulder. "He revere you greatly Steve. He always told me you are his best friend. Don't hold grudge against him for this. He just desperately tried to be as good man as he think you are." Chara smile to him comforting. Steve didn't answer. Chara sigh. "Now you know Rogers, and it is up to you what you do with this information." Chara tell him sternly and turn around. "What about Wanda? And why your wolf attack Bucky?" Sam ask curious. Chara slip to sit back her spot. Loki immediately pull her in his side and kiss her head. "Kiba probably sensed her distress and start to defend her. Why Wanda react that way is her story to tell not mine." She say and squeeze Wanda's shoulder comforting. She turn to look at her. "It is your choice." Chara whisper to her. Wanda give her a weak smile as thank you.

Frozen soul
FanfictionChara Winter is cast out from her family. Her adopted parents were killed front of her eyes. After that she loved no one, only living for herself. She has secret parentage. She has lived on earth over 1000 years. She has participated on many wars, s...