Chapter 23

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Chara wake up when someone knock on her door. She groan and turn to her side. Suddenly she feel pain explode. She rolled over on her left side. "Fuck!" She yell in pain and turn on her back while holding her side. Door slam open and Loki rush inside. Chara hiss in pain. Kiba whine worried standing next to her. "Winter?" Loki say worried and rush next to her bed. "I'm fine." Chara answer and slowly relax again. "What happened?" Loki ask still worried and look quickly over her, trying to localize the cause of her pained yell. Chara open her eyes and sigh. "I roll over my injured side. I'm fine." Chara answer again and push herself to sit. Kiba nudge her arm gently and look worried. Chara smile and pet his head. "I'm fine." She assure worried wolf and turn to rise up from bed. Loki stand there worried too. Chara frown and sigh. She reach her left hand toward Loki. Loki look confused at her hand. Chara chuckle. "Little help?" She tease and smirk. Loki help her up. 

Chara stretch her body slowly and groan in satisfaction when her muscle relax a little. She turn to look at Loki. "Now, give me couple minutes and then we can continue your training." She announce and walk to her bathroom. She do her business and chance for black yoga pants and dark green hoodie. She put her hair in ponytail, including little braids Loki made yesterday, before going back to Loki and Kiba. Loki stand middle of room arms crossed glaring at her. Chara stop walking. She frown and tilt her head in confusion. "What?" She ask. "We are not going to train today, you're not in condition to do that." He answer sternly. Chara smile mischievously to him. "Who say anything about me training?" She answer and chuckle. Chara turn to look at Kiba. "Kiba, forest." She command and point toward it. Kiba jump to his feet and rush to newly made bridge to run toward forest. Then Chara walk to Loki and grab his arm. "Don't try to teleport." She command and teleport them in forest. 

Chara let go of Loki's arm when they get in clearing. Soon Kiba rush to them and circle around happily. Chara take couple steps back and put hands on her waist. "Now, try to catch Kiba without magic." Chara answer and smile when Loki stare at her confuse. "I peg your pardon?" He ask unbelieving. Chara smile more widely. "Catch him. No magic." She answer and wave toward Kiba. Loki stare between Kiba and Chara still looking confused. Chara chuckle. "Kiba run." Chara command and point toward forest. They have played this game many times. Kiba look at her exited and turn around. He run in forest howling happily. "Go!" Chara command when Loki still stare at her. "You gotta be kidding me." He mumble but run after Kiba. Chara chuckle and make herself a chair from ice. She sit down and enjoy gentle summer morning.

Chara sit there and monitor Loki's exercise. Kiba run couple times to her. She pet him and when Loki came in view command him to run again. Loki groan and curse everytime he saw that. Chara made couple obstacles to Loki's path and loud cursing could be heard after everytime. After two hours Kiba run panting to Chara again. He look so proud of himself. Chara laugh and praise him. Soon exhaust Loki follow. Loki lean on his knees and try to calm down his panting. Chara chuckle and rise to her feet. She vanish her chair. "Tired already?" Chara tease Loki. He glare at her but couldn't answer. Chara pull out cold water bottle and toss it to Loki. He grab it and drink almost whole bottle. Chara walk to Loki and pat his shoulder. "Ready for next exercise?" She ask smirking and rise her eyebrow. Loki groan loudly. "You're a monster." He whine. 

Chara chuckle and made hitting dummy from ice appear middle of clearing. It has three rotating part with six poles. Chara walk to it. "When you hit one pole, part of it rotate. Hit every pole and dodge if you need." Chara instruct and toss Loki two rods of ice. Loki stare at rods and dummy. Chara sigh and made two rods for herself. She walk to dummy and hit highest one, dodge when pole come toward her from other side and repeat it with lower one. "Okay, okay I get it. Stop." Loki command angrily. Chara vanish rods from her hand and smirk. "Not so hard." Chara tease and move out of Loki's way. Loki hit couple first time too hard and got hits himself. He growl angrily. After around 5 minutes he got hang of it. Chara look proud when he start fend better. When Loki concentrate completely at his doing, Chara slip in forest and help Kiba to hunt some rabbits.

Chara enjoy her walking through forest. It is so quiet inside there, not as quiet as real wilderness but quieter than in compound. They soon catch couple rabbits that Kiba devour happily. Chara return after 30 minutes in clearing. Loki is still doing his exercise, this time without shirt. Chara freeze on spot. Wow. She admire Loki's figure. Then she notice little fluttering on his skin and realize Loki has illusion over himself, not his Asgardian form illusion but something else. She frown and walk closer. She stare at his back trying to figure out what is it. Loki stop and smirk over his shoulder. "Like what you see?" He tease. Then he realize Chara's frown. Loki turn around. "What's wrong?" He ask warily. Chara rise left hand to chin and tilt her head. "What illusion you have still on?" She eventually ask. 

Loki freeze and pull indifferent mask back on. Chara peek to his face after he didn't answer and get worried. "Loki?" he ask worry evident in her voice. Loki stay still and refuse to meet her eyes. "You don't have to answer me if you don't want to. I'm sorry." Chara say. Kiba sit next to her and look confuse between them. Loki still stand there quiet. Chara sigh sadly and go to grab Loki's shirt from ground. She vanish ice dummy and rods. She reach toward Loki his shirt. He snatch it without a word. Chara get more worried but didn't push him. She know that somethings need time. Chara turn to walk back to compound with Kiba. Soon Loki rush to walk at her side. They walk quietly back.

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