Loki is first one to pull back from their kiss. They lean their foreheads against each others. They stare each others in eyes. "You sure I can move in your bedroom?" Loki whisper. Chara chuckle and kiss tip of his nose. "Absolutely. My room has better view." She answer. Shy smile appear in Loki's lips. "I really like that smile." Chara whisper and kiss corner of Loki's mouth. Their sweet moment got interrupted by Chara's growling stomach. They both freeze for a moment until she burst in laughter and pull back. Soon Loki chuckle too. "I think I need to feed this monster." Chara chuckle and turn toward door. Loki grab her arm. She turn to look at him. "You should probably wear something else before leaving." Loki say darkly.
Chara look down and just now realize she is only wearing panties and short night gown. She didn't like Loki's tone and smile to him mischievously. "You're probably right. It is already dinnertime." Chara answer sweetly. Loki let go of her arm but look her suspiciously. Light blue mist surround her. She put on one of her favorites dancer costume(above). When she come in view again Loki's chin drop. He stare her stunned. Chara smirk triumphantly. "Now, food please." She say and slip out of room, Kiba fast behind. "HEY!" She hear Loki yell after her. Chara chuckle and rush downstairs before Loki can catch her.
When Chara rush to living room everyone turn to look at her. "WINTER!" They greet her happily. Then they see what she is wearing and every men freeze to stare at her. Wanda chuckle after seeing their reaction. "I love your outfit." She praise Chara. Chara see how Kiba's bowl is already full and he happily devouring it while she walk to hug Wanda. "Loki didn't like what I was wearing before so I chance it." She tell her same time Loki rush in room. "What are happening- I see." Natasha come from kitchen and chuckle after seeing men and Chara. Chara smirk and curtsy toward her. "Do you like it?" Chara ask innocently and spin gracefully around. Natasha smirk. "I love it." Chara smirk mischievously back. "What about boys? Do you like it?" Chara tease them and spin around while moving her waist like dancing. "YES!" Everyone yell same time.
Chara chuckle and glance at Loki with devilish smile on her lips. He glare toward others green mist dancing around his hands. Chara chuckle. Suddenly song start and Tony walk to her reaching his arm out. "Can I have this dance?" He ask with flirtatious smile. Chara smile and grab his hand. "Yes you can. I just hope you survive it." She answer and Tony start to lead her skillfully in foxtrot. Tony try to slide his hand too low. Chara rise her eyebrow. "Pepper won't like that or what you think?" She ask sweetly. He quickly move his hand back and Chara smirk.
Then Bucky ask permission for dance. Chara agree and he start to lead her skillfully too. Chara see glances of angry Loki. "If you're type is bad boys, I can please you better than that trickster." Bucky suddenly whisper to her ear. Chara frown. "What you're talking about Barnes?" She ask warily. She could smell scent of alcohol from his breath. Then Chara notice strange bottle front of Thor. "Have you been drinking?" She ask. "Maybe, but I'm still serious. You don't need a man like him. You need a real alpha man." Bucky purr. Chara feel how he start to caress her back while moving down. "Barnes, if you don't stop that right now I will freeze your metal arm." Chara threaten with devilish smile.
Bucky stop but keep his hand too low. Chara freeze his arm while pushing him away from her. "AARGH SHIT!" He yell and grab his froze bitten shoulder. Chara smile sweetly to him. "Warned you." She say sweetly. Suddenly Bucky move closer and try to punch her. Chara get ready to catch his hand when Loki teleport between them. He grab Bucky's hand and put dagger on his throat. "Don't you dare." He growl to Bucky. Everyone jump to their feet. "Brother..." Thor say warning him. Loki snarl and his grip tighten around Bucky's hand. Then Kiba move appear next Loki and growl furiously at Bucky too. Chara rush next to them. "Loki, let go. He won't try to harm me again. Kiba down!" She try to calm them down.
Bucky stare at snarling Loki little scared. Chara grab Loki's arm gently. "He is drunk Loki. Thor gave him something very strong. He is intoxicated idiot. Let him go, please." Chara try again. Finally Loki turn to look at her. Chara smile him gently. "He didn't hurt me. I hurt him. Let him go." Chara whisper and reach to kiss Loki's cheek. "Please." Chara whisper. Loki grunt put let him go and take a step back. He pull Chara in his chest and point his dagger toward Bucky. Kiba move to stand between them, growling to Bucky again. "If you try to do that ever again, you will have two metal arms." Loki threaten before vanishing the dagger. Chara chuckle and kiss Loki's cheek. "Kiba enough!" She command the wolf. He stop growling but glance warily at Bucky before jogging back to his bowl.
Bucky stare at them. Chara turn to look at him. "You should know Barnes that I am Alpha female and I only accept as my partner true Alpha male." She say to him. Natasha, Wanda and Thor burst in laughter. "You should probably show your shoulder to Banner." Chara say over her shoulder while leading Loki further on floor. Next song start and Chara move in dancing position. Loki still glare toward Bucky. "Loki, dance with me." She plead and start to move. Loki soon take the lead and they waltz along living room. Chara smile more when Loki start to finally relax and pull her closer.
Loki bend them in final position same time as music stop. Others cheer. Chara chuckle while Loki pull her back up. She twirl front of him. "You like my costume?" She ask innocently. "Yes." Loki answer and lean closer. "I still would love it more on our bedroom floor." he whisper with deep purr. Chara blush and giggle. "Maybe we can correct it then sometime." She purr deeply too and now Loki blush. Chara kiss his cheek. "Come on others are already moving on table. Let's get something to eat before my stomach start to demand it." She say and turn toward others. Loki pull her back and kiss her deeply. Chara quickly answer it. "Mine." He growl in her ear afterwards. "Completely yours." Chara whisper back before leading them in table too.

Frozen soul
FanfictionChara Winter is cast out from her family. Her adopted parents were killed front of her eyes. After that she loved no one, only living for herself. She has secret parentage. She has lived on earth over 1000 years. She has participated on many wars, s...