Chapter 71

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Chara and Loki make out for 10 minutes before Kiba warn them about approaching people. They break apart and peek between flowers and vines. Frigga and Odin walk there. "I don't understand Frigga, how she is alive?" Odin growl. "You shouldn't have try to murder that child in first place. She is your flesh and blood." Frigga scold him. "She is not!" He snap. "She is the reason Hela went completely mad. She is all our doom." He argue. Chara felt like Odin has hit her. Loki squeeze her shoulder. "You can't blame a child for that. You raised Hela to be like that. Don't try to push responsibility to someone else." Frigga tell him angrily. Odin glare at her but sigh. "Perhaps you're right. At least for now I leave her alone. She is powerful Frigga. If she loose control she can kill us all." Odin say lastly before they disappear from hearing range. 

Chara pull back and hug herself. Is it my fault? Did I really screwed up mother like that? She wonder. "No." Loki say sternly. She turn to look at him confuse. "It is NOT your fault. Don't think like that." "How you?" Loki hug her. "I know you. It is not your fault. What you told me, she was already messed up." He comfort her. Chara hide her face in crook of his neck, arms still around herself. "Maybe I wasn't meant to born. Maybe I am cursed." She whisper with sad voice. Loki kiss side of her head. "You were meant to born. Without you I would be in dungeon right now. Without you my hatred would have consumed me." He admit. Chara feel how tears start to wet Loki's shirt. Sob escape from her. "I love you Loki, so fucking much." She tell him. "I love you too pet." He whisper and kiss her temple again. "Chara, I want to ask you something?" Chara rise her head and look at Loki. "I.. um. Would y-"

Their moment break when they both sense something powerful has came in Asgard. They break apart and share a look. Chara quickly wipe away remaining tears. Kiba whine anxious too. "What is that?" She mumble. "I don't know but we better find out." Loki answer and they move out from alcove. They follow the source of that mysterious power in healing wing. When they step inside red barrier push everyone away from the center. Loki quickly pull Chara behind him. "Jane!" Thor yell worried. Chara push past Loki and walk toward woman in bed too. She see Odin do something and red power flow inside her. "No way." Chara mumble quietly. No one heard her. 

Jane, Thor and Odin disappear to somewhere. Chara walk around castle anxious Kiba fast behind her. "It is happening." She murmur in fear and anger. Snowflakes follow wherever she goes. Loki follow her little behind worried. He eventually grow frustrated and grab her wrist. "Winter. What do you know? Why that thing made you react this way?" Loki growl worried. Kiba glance between them and whine. Chara glare at Loki and his hand on her wrist. She grit her teeth, close her eyes and force herself to relax, so she won't lash out on Loki. She take deep breath in and out before opening her eyes again. "Not here. Let's go somewhere quieter." She answer and start to lead him in her bedroom. 

Chara didn't give a fuck about modesty right now. Loki hesitated for a moment but enter anyway. She push the door close and make three more barrier around her room. She finally turn to look at Loki. "You know about infinity stones?" He nod. "I have a reason to believe that Jane has somehow found Aether it is also known as Reality stone." She explain. He stare at her shocked. "What?" "Hela told me about those. It was one way she try to convince me to join her. She told me truth about dark elves, that they aren't all dead." She continue. She start to pace anxious. "And know Aether is in Asgard. It is only a matter of time when they come here." She admit.

"I have been collecting my magic for three weeks but I'm not sure if I am strong enough to face them or I can loose control and bury Asgard in ice and snow." Chara continue to rant. Loki stop her and grab her shoulders. "Hey, hey. You're not alone in this. Is this what have been troubling you?" Chara nod. "You're not alone. I will help you. We find a way to survive this." He assure and peck her forehead. "You're not alone." He whisper lastly and Chara rise her hand to caress Loki's cheek. "I love you." She whisper with little smile. "I love you too, Goddess of Winter." He answer and kiss her. They embrace each others after that.

Chara and Loki agree to go walk in town to look around marks of enemies. They get almost in castle's front door when alarm goes off. They share a look. "Prisoners are trying to escape. We need your help prince Loki." Some guard plead him. He glance conflicted at Chara. She quickly kiss her. "Go, I will be fine." "Be careful." He plead. "You too." Chara answer and he rush off. Chara decide to go look for Jane. She follow the power and soon find Frigga dragging Jane behind her. "Frigga!" She yell and rush to them with Kiba. "Winter? Good timing. We are under an attack. Someone has breached in throne room. Can you please go there? I take Jane in Thor's chambers." She ask. Chara could feel worry from her. She nod. "I can go." She agree and turn toward Kiba. "Kiba protect." She command and point toward Jane and Frigga. Kiba whine and nudge her hand, sensing that she isn't coming with him. "Protect." Chara command again after gently pet. She lay several protection barriers around Jane, Frigga and Kiba, then she rush away.

Chara chance in her true armor and quickly put her hair in messy braid so they won't come in her way

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Chara chance in her true armor and quickly put her hair in messy braid so they won't come in her way. She didn't even get in throne room when first enemies attack. "Shit." She curse when she realize that they are dark elves. She kill them as fast as possible. She managed to get in throne room when massive pain pierce her side. She groan and put her hand top of it. She look at the spot and realize that pain wasn't her own. Inside her head scream echoed. "Kiba.." She whisper and turn to look toward Thor's chambers. "No." She whine and teleport to him.

View that wait Chara make her bloodlust come in surface. "NO!" She scream and throw ice dagger at creature that has stabbed Kiba. Then she throw second toward other enemy. They quickly flew. Chara rush to bleeding wolf. "No." She plead. Frigga rush to them. "Your wolf push me out of the swords way and got hit himself." She explain. "Heal him." Chara growl and stand up. "Chara? What do you think you're doing?" Frigga ask worried. "There is some hunt to do." She answer coldly and rush out of window. Jane scream and run to balcony. Chara has made bridge of ice for herself. She climb top of one tower and look around. She soon found retreating ships. "Find you." She say dangerously sweet and smirk.

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