Chapter 17

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Chara has circled her arms around her chest, trying to ease the pain while she laugh. Kiba whine worried and stare at her. Loki look also worried. Chara eventually calm down. "Now it all make sense. Why he tried so hard to get rid of me. He wanted every single evidence about her to disappear." Chara say to herself while staring at her lap. "Who are you talking about?" Loki ask confuse and worried. Chara turn to look at him, she move to sit down properly and cross her legs front of her. She take deep breath in and out before facing Loki properly. "Odin has never tell you about his greatest general, his executioner?" Chara ask. Loki stare at her confuse and shake his head. Chara chuckle bitterly. "Of course not." She murmur to herself. Kiba move to lay his head on Chara's lap. Chara smile to him and start to pet his head. She turn to look at Loki again. "You're not only one Odin has lied to." She say. Loki frown. "This is truth about my heritage, why I am such threat to Odin's house." Chara start and smile sadly to Loki.

"Thor isn't Odin's first born, he is actually second. He has daughter with someone else before Frigga, I don't know who it was. Nevertheless, Odin's first born was woman, Hela Goddess of Dead. She was general of Asgardian army. She was fierce warrior, Odin's sword. They conquer all nine realms together. At some point prophecy came; Offspring of Freya's house will be either doom of Asgard or it's savior. That child will wield magnificent amount of magic powers, rivaling even Goddess of Dead herself. Freya has only one son at that point. Hela made a plan. She seduce her son and made him to impregnate her. When she was sure she is pregnant she kill the man. 

Freya was furious of course and demand Odin to kill her. Hela disappeared with her most loyal men. Odin try to track her down without succeed. I was born in exile. Hela raise me for five years, when I didn't show any magic powers she abandon me, making sure I knew what kind of disappointment I was. How she should have killed me in first place." Chara take shaking breath in and blink tears away. Loki sit there taken aback. "After that Odin find her and send Valkyries to slay her. She kill them all, Odin somehow managed to lock her up on some kind limbo. Then some warrior find me and bring me to Odin. He reject me, Frigga convinced him to not kill me. She take me to some older couple who raise me for next 10 years. Then Frigga got pregnant. Odin.... he send killer after me. My adopted parents protected me. They have made some plan ready. They.... they gave their lives for me. They send me in here, Midgard. When I saw my adopted mother killed on front of my eyes, my magic woke up, but it was too late, I drop inside portal. Odin has send after me dozens of assassins. I have killed them all, that orc champion was one of them. He has survive our last fight somehow. After 200 years I learn how to mask my presence and he stop." Chara wipe tear from her cheek angrily.

"My dear mother Hela gave me this." Chara say and tap her vibranium leg. "She manage to escape from Odin's prison for 200 years ago. She came after me. She told how she made a mistake and she want me in her side. That we could conquer whole galaxy if we want, starting for Asgard. I refuse. She didn't take it well. She try to kill me. We fight for hours until I manage to kill her. She manage to cut my right leg off just below knee and almost gut me." Chara tell and rise her top's hem showing long scar on her abdomen. "I used my magic to made the bleeding stop and made prosthetic from ice. I used it until I got this." Chara say and tap her leg again. Chara turn her gaze slowly toward Loki. "That is my heritage, my sin. Main point of my story." She whisper. Chara drop hem of her top and wait for Loki's judgement. She get ready to get rejected again. Loki stare at her mouth open.

"Why you didn't join her?" Loki suddenly ask. Chara raise her eyebrows surprised. "Hela, why you didn't join her?" Loki ask again. Chara smile sadly to him. "I made promise to never attack Asgard." She whisper. "I also made a promise to never kill any royalties of Asgard and I killed my birth mother but I think my real mother forgive me for that." Chara continue and let out nervous chuckle. "Didn't you want revenge?" Loki ask. "Of course I wanted. I trained like crazy for centuries, cutting every single assassin he send after me to little pieces. But every time I think of going after him I remember my promise. I didn't let myself getting drown in revenge, but I trained to be ready if he come himself after me." Chara answer with harsh voice and glare at Loki before lowering her eyes again to Kiba's head. "No matter who I kill, they won't come back. We cannot bring back death peoples." She whisper sadly.

Chara pet Kiba's head for couple minutes in silence. She sense how Loki try to digest information she told him. She got more nervous and scared of rejection while times go on. "Is that the reason you told me that Odin at least wanted me?" Loki finally ask. Chara nod. Loki stay silent for a moment. "Basically you are next on line for throne." Loki state. Chara chuckle sadly. "Basically yes, but I have no intentions to challenge Thor for it." "Why not?" Loki ask curious. "I don't have any ambition toward the throne. I'm not suite to rule. I'm one abandoned and rejected woman. I have always fought for every piece of my life." Chara answer. Chara stare at her hand petting Kiba's head. Suddenly she feel cold fingers under her chin. Loki rise her head and make her to look at him. Loki smile to her comforting. "You really are amazing woman Winter.... Chara." Loki say. Chara feel how couple tears force their way out. "You don't scare me?" She whisper with broken voice. Loki chuckle. "Why should I?" He ask and wipe gently tear away from her cheek with his thumb. Chara let out broken sob. Kiba whine comforting and stare at her too. 

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