Chapter 20

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Chara push herself to run as fast as she could. She summon her armor on her. She ignore her muscles that scream to stop, her injuries that feel like getting worse by every step she take. She hear Kiba howl in pain and anger again. She turn for a little and run in straight line toward his voice. She jump over every object, couple times almost falling over but miraculously managing to stay in her feet. Chara come on river bank. Other side of river she see how two men approach Kiba who has one leg trapped in some fetter. He growl angrily toward men. "Rumors were true, there really is arctic wolf." Bigger man cheer. Other agree and laugh toward angry wolf. "Nighty night." He say and rise his gun. 

Chara felt how rage come over her. She wave her left hand and ice wall appear between men and Kiba. Then she made ice bridge over river and rush toward men while pulling out her sword. Men turn to look horrified at her. Chara slice men's guns in half. Then she turn rapidly to stand between them and ice wall, protecting Kiba. She growl in anger, ignoring breaking sound from her ribs. Magic swirl around her, moving her hair up. "You are dead." She growl and kick herself on move. "WINTER!" Chara hear someone yell and Ironman land front of her. Chara brake and stop front of him. "Move out of my way Stark." Chara growl. "Calm down. They will be punished." Tony try to calm her down. Chara growl even more angrier. "Winter, he is okay." Loki suddenly yell behind her. Chara look over her shoulder and see Kiba whining on other side of ice wall. Chara vanish the wall and drop to her knees. She lay her sword down and spread her arms open to Kiba. He rush to her arms. "Thank Gods, you are safe." Chara whisper to Kiba's neck. Kiba whine and move to lick her face.

Chara grab Kiba's face and press their foreheads together. "I thought I will be too late." She whisper. Kiba whine and lick her tears away. "He is okay." Loki say next to her. Chara turn to look at him with grateful smile. Then she jump back to her feet while grabbing her sword again. She turn to glare at two men Tony is putting on handcuffs. "Chara.." Loki whisper. Chara ignore and walk to them. "Winter.." Tony warn her. Chara ignore him too. She swing her sword. Men yell in fear. She stop just before slicing other one's neck. "If I ever find you again, I will gut you up." Chara threaten darkly, her eyes promised painful dead. Both men soil themselves. Chara turn to go away. She vanish her weapons and armor while walking over her ice bridge. She hear Sam land next to Tony and soon Steve and Bucky come in view. "What happened?" Steve ask aloud. Chara ignore everyone and push past them, Kiba fast behind her. 

When Chara got out of others view and hearing range she lean on near three and hunch over in pain. She start to cough out some blood. "Fuck." Chara curse when she see blood on her hand. Kiba whine worriedly and pace front of her. "Don't worry Kiba, I will be fine." She manage to say until she had to slid down. She cough more and spit some blood out. Chara feel how she start to have some troubles on breathing. She look up and groan quietly. "I think one of my ribs fracture properly this time." She murmur to herself. Kiba lay down next to her and whine again. Chara turn to look at him. "I will be fine." She whisper and smile, she feel how blood slid down from corner of her lips. Suddenly Kiba turn to look other way, he move to stand between comer and Chara. He growl. Chara groan and force herself up, she lean on tree. Chara knew she couldn't stand anymore by herself. 

Loki rush in view. Kiba stop growling and whine to Loki. Kiba turn to look at Chara and then at Loki again and whine. "Loki.." Chara whisper surprised and cough. She growl weakly and spit blood out of her mouth again. "Chara?!" Loki yell worried and rush to her side. "I'm fine." Chara say weakly and try to push Loki away. "Why you didn't teleport yourself to compound?" Loki ask angrily out of fear. while trying to help her. Chara glare at Loki. "Like hell I leave Kiba here alone after that." Chara answer angrily. She try to take step forward but her leg gave up. Loki grab her by waist before she fall down. "Like hell you can walk back there." He say angrily and lift Chara in his arms bridal style. Chara groan in pain. "Sorry, sorry." Loki whisper and kiss her forehead. Chara cough some blood again. "I got you now." Loki whisper. 

"Kiba here." Loki command and Chara see for her surprise how Kiba obey. Loki move his leg against Kiba and teleport them back to compound's medical wing. Chara glare at him. "You were supposed to keep it as secret." Chara complain weakly, she has start to have more difficulties to breath. "And leave you to die? Never." Loki answer angrily. "BANNER?!" Loki yell loudly. Soon Bruce run in view. He look coughing and clearly in pain Chara in Loki's arms and wave Loki to carry her inside operating room. "What happened?" Bruce ask worried while Loki lay Chara down. She groan in pain again. "I'm sorry darling." Loki murmur before turning toward Bruce. "She ran through forest as fast she could and then swing her sword around." Loki answer angrily and glare worried at Chara. Chara chuckle through pain. "Be careful Loki. I could almost think you care." She whisper and smirk weakly. 

Loki didn't answer anything. "Please take Kiba out." Chara whisper and cough. Kiba whine from next her bed. Loki nod and command Kiba follow him. Kiba whine and hesitate for a moment. "Go" Chara command and point after Loki. Kiba frown and whine again before leaving the room. Loki shut the door after them. Chara let her face crunch in pain after that. Banner take thorax X-ray and frown. "You have little piece of bone separate from your rib and it puncture you lung." Bruce say and turn to look at Chara. "You need surgery." Chara groan to him for answer. 

"Do it in local anesthesia." Chara command. "But-" "Do it!" Chara command and glare at him. "Or I take it out myself." She growl. Bruce hesitate. "Fine." Chara growl and make knife of ice. She saw the X-ray and know where she need to cut. She make first cut and grit her teeth. "Wait! Are you mad?" Bruce say horrified and grab knife from her hand. "I do it in local anesthesia." Bruce agree when Chara glare at him again. Bruce start to work. Chara force herself to stay in place. She hiss and groan in pain occasionally but command Bruce to continue every time he stop. It took over an hour before Bruce is ready. Chara breath more freely after he was ready. She start to push herself up. "Wow. No way, you need rest. No running or lifting anything for next couple days." Bruce command. Chara glare at him. "I'm not staying in this bed for days." She argue. Suddenly Loki open the door. "I take Chara to her room." He announce and before Chara could refuse, Loki lift her in his arms. "Loki!" Chara hiss but let him carry her. She know struggling would only made her wound worse. 

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