Chapter 46

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Two weeks went in peace. Chara and Loki talked about their pasts. Chara notice how Loki slowly start to turn back himself after long imprisonment time. He start to smile more. They still trained every morning and Chara show Loki around forest. Kiba enjoyed himself. Chara told Loki how she own 150m3 area around her cabin. She has put spells and illusions around it so no one couldn't come closer than 20km her cabin without her knowing. 

Chara and Loki is reading in living room at evening. She lean on armrest and lay her legs on his lap. Kiba sleep peacefully on his bed front of empty fireplace. Suddenly Chara feel how something went through her barriers. She startle and lower her book. Loki turn to look at her worried. "What is wrong?" "Something came through my barrier." She answer and stand up. Soon she has her armor on. Loki follow her lead. Kiba stand up too, sensing that something is wrong. "You had to stay here Loki. I had to move as fast as possible through forest." Chara command. She has already start to dive inside her magic. Loki growl. "I come too." She turn to look at him. "Please stay here. I will contact you if I need you." Chara plead. He grab her shoulder. "I'm not going to let you go alone." She stare at his eyes for a second. She sigh, giving up. "I leave you behind if I have to." Chara warn him. Loki nod sternly.

Chara turn to look at Kiba. "Enemy, find it." She command and open the door. Kiba rush outside Chara and Loki fast behind. She soon notice that Loki has put silencing spell around them so whoever came through won't hear him. Chara chuckle to herself, realizing that he still can't move around forest in high speed quietly. Soon Chara notice how Kiba get the sniff of intruder. He slow down a little. Chara peek over her shoulder and see how Loki has been able to keep up with them. She smile to him proudly. Loki pant a little but smirk back. 

Chara soon see trail herself. "Wait." She command Kiba quietly and crouch down. She look footprints with experience eyes. Loki peek over her shoulder. "One person, probably man. Heavily armed." Chara whisper to Loki and stand up. "Probably Asgardian." Chara whisper lastly and glance at Loki. "You should probably hide at first." She suggest. Loki glare at her. "I want to know which one of us he or she is after." Chara explain. "No." He growl. Chara smile to Loki assuring. "Trust me on this. I want to know what is going on. If they are Asgardian I want to know is Odin suspecting that I am still alive." She explain and cup Loki's cheek. "Let me do this." She plead softly. She can see how Loki fight with himself. "I'm not far away." he answer finally. Chara smile warmly to him. "That is what I need to know." She answer. "They are not far away. Kiba can lead you." She turn toward Kiba. "Kiba around." She command. He start to go other way and Loki follow him.

Chara rush after intruder, following his trail. Suddenly those stop at clearing. Chara look around warily and pull out her daggers. Then she hear snap from her right and turn toward there. Person in blue and gold armor step in view. "Who are you?" Chara ask sternly. "Elisa Smith?" Chara squint her eyes. "Not my name." Person chuckle. "HYDRA sent their regards, or should I call you Winter?" Man voice taunt. Chara laugh. "How is Asgardian lowered himself to be HYDRA's errand boy?" She ask condescendingly. Man shrug and pull out his sword. "Everyone has to earn their salary somehow." He answer. Chara shrug too. "You're right, but how you're here. In Midgard?" Man laugh. "I think I can tell you because you're going to die anyway." Man answer with dark smirk.

"I was royal guard some decades ago. I guarded most dangerous prisoners. I made a habit to give them cruel punishments and such. Allfather didn't like that and remove me for my position, leaving my nobleman title to me. Then I tried to rear people in rebellion against him. That cursed Heimdall found out and warn him. He strip me from my position and exile me here. I struggle for years. I started as mercenary until HYDRA hired me. They pay me well." He tell with smirk. Chara start to chuckle. Man growl. "What is so funny?" he snap. Chara smirk. "So you're just some exiled former guard. Nothing more." She chuckle. 

Man snarl and leap in attack. Chara easily defend herself with her daggers. Man get more frustrated as time pass. Chara didn't even try to attack she play with the man. Chara chuckle to man. She kick him further away. Man crash on tree and drop on ground. "You're centuries away from winning me boy." Chara taunt him. Man glare and snarl to her. Suddenly he pull out some gun. "I came prepared you bitch." He growl and shoot. Chara make two ice walls front of her. They both break easily apart. "Fuck." She whisper when she realize she didn't have time to dodge it. Then someone pull her out of way. Explosion came and shock wave push her further away. 

Chara cough couple times and push herself up. She turn to look who has pushed her away. Everything went silent in her ears and ice slide in her veins. Loki lay down next to tree with still smoking wound in his side. "No." She whisper and teleport next to him. "No, nonono. You idiot." Chara whisper and freeze the wound so it stop smoking. Loki's armor has burnt away and he has large burn in his side. She gently try on his ribs. Loki groan in pain. Chara can feel that at least two ribs are broken and some more has fractures. "You okay?" Loki whisper. Chara turn toward him. He has pained expression and only one eye crack open. "I am. You idiot. I could have handled it." She growl. Weak smile appear his lips. "Good that you're okay..." Loki whisper before he pass out. "No, Loki. Please wake up." Chara plead, Kiba has come next to them and whine. 

Maniac laugh come from behind. "You had friend? Good. Two birds with one stone. HYDRA will paid me double for this." He laugh. Chara growl and slowly stand up. Ice blue mist start to form around her. "You are not getting easy death." She promise darkly and then blizzard attack.

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