Chara gave Loki painkillers in every eight hours on next two days. She gently chance his bandages and check his ribs every day. Loki stay unconscious. Chara sang for him occasionally. She didn't sleep at all and only ate little bites here and there. She felt so bad and blamed herself for Loki's injuries. Kiba leave her side only for short hunting trips.
Chara watch sunrise on third morning. She gently pet Loki's hair. "Time to check your injuries." She mumble to herself and move out from bed. She first go to bathroom do her business. While she wash her hands she look at mirror. Sad laugh escape her lips. She has dark circles around her eyes, her hair look horrible and her eyes look like dead. "I look horrible." She chuckle. She quickly dry her hands and grab box where she hold her medicines and bandages.
Chara kneel next to bed on Loki's right side and inject morphine in his muscle. She put song on speakers and start quietly sing.
Chara feel how tears start to slide on her cheeks. She blink them away so she can see what she is doing. She use her magic again to check Loki's skin properly. She smile softly when she see that it has healed well. She then feel his ribs. They are almost healed. She gently put healing cream again to his injuries and bandage the burn gently. She move the bandage box to bathroom with magic and stay on her knees in floor and continue to sing. She close her eyes and let her emotions be heard through song. She let tears stream freely to her face. She didn't care. Only thing she wanted is that Loki wake up. She know that he blame her for what have happened but she gladly accept any consequences if he only wake up. Her voice start to break down at the end.
When last note disappear Chara couldn't hold back her sobs anymore. She quickly cover her mouth with her hand, trying to silence them. "Hey..." Chara whip her head up and open her eyes. Loki look at her with worried expression. He has reached his hand toward her. New sob escape from Chara's mouth and new tears pour out. "Hey.. What's the matter?" Loki whisper with croak voice. Chara grab his hand like lifesaver. "You're awake." She sob. "Hey, shhh, come here." Loki whisper. Chara let Loki pull her closer and move to hug him. She hide her head under his chin and circle her arms around his neck. Loki try to calm her down.
"You're alive." Chara whisper after she has calmed down some. Loki gently push her further and move to look at her face. He frown worried and push himself to sitting position. "What are you doing?" Chara say scared and try to usher him down. Loki wave her hands away and move to lean his back on wall. She stare at him worried. She follow how Loki look himself up, realizing that he is only wearing some underwear. He turn to look at Chara. "How long I was out?" She swallow. "Three nights." She whisper. Loki frown and gently feel his chest. "I have healed fast." He mumble to himself.
Chara sit down on foot of bed and stare at Loki. He turn to look at her. "Have you slept at all?" He ask worried. Chara shake her head. "Or eaten?" She slowly nod. Loki squint his eyes suspicious. "Why?" Chara frown and tilt her head confused. "Why you haven't slept or ate?" Loki ask angrily. Chara stare at him and clear her throat. "You got hurt because of me. Of course I had to look after you." She answer quietly with pained voice. Loki's expression soften. "You were worried about me?" Chara blink couple times before her face crunch in anger. "Of course I am worried. You got hurt because of ME! You almost died because of ME!" She yell and new tears slide down. She jump to her feet. "I'm sorry." She whisper with broken voice and rush out.
"CHARA!" She hear Loki yell but ignore it. Chara run outside and disappear in forest. She hear Kiba to follow her and stop. She turn around and see him rush to her. "Kiba home. Protect." She command and point toward cabin. Kiba whine and look between her and cabin. "Go." She command more sternly. Kiba whine but run back to cabin. Chara sigh and start to run again. She ran around forest for hours. Finally her mind start to calm down. Her whole body shake and muscles scream for exhaustion. She force herself to jog back to cabin.
Chara slowly reach at door handle and hesitate to open the door. She take deep breath and push door open. She quietly slip inside and push door close. She look around and got worried when she didn't see Loki. She rush forward and hear noise from kitchen. She peek in there and freeze when she see Loki cooking in there. She look around and see how table is already set. Then Kiba yip happily and rush to her. Loki also turn around and smile to her. "Hey. I thought you might be hungry. At least I am." He say. Chara gently pet Kiba's head. "Hi and thank you." She answer quietly.
Loki has made some stew. It is delicious. They eat in silence. Chara feel how Loki occasionally glance at her worried. She didn't dare to look at him. "Okay, I'm not good at this Chara. You have to help me out." Loki finally say desperately. Chara put her spoon on plate and turn to look at Loki. He has pleading expression. Chara take deep breath in and out. "You should leave me." She say. Loki stare at her shocked. "What?" "You should leave me." She repeat. "Why?" Loki ask angrily. Chara swallow and steal herself. "This won't work." She answer with cold voice.
Loki stare at her with hurt evidently in his eyes. "You really think so?" He ask. Chara nod and push back her tears. "You want me out." Chara nod again and bite inside of her cheek so she won't sob. "Fine." Loki say coldly and stand up. "I just back my things and I will be out of here." He announce and rush to bedroom. Chara stay in her seat and try to control her emotions. Soon Loki stomp in living room. "Can I teleport to compound from here?" He ask coldly. Chara nod. "I let you past." She answer sadly. Loki hesitate after hearing her voice. "Bye then." Loki say. "Safe trip." Chara answer without looking at him. Then he teleport away. Chara feel him disappear and first tears start to slide her cheeks. "This way you won't die." She whisper, trying to convince herself that this is for best. She managed to walk in bed before she break down. She curl herself as small as she can while her heart broke to pieces.

Frozen soul
FanfictionChara Winter is cast out from her family. Her adopted parents were killed front of her eyes. After that she loved no one, only living for herself. She has secret parentage. She has lived on earth over 1000 years. She has participated on many wars, s...