Chapter 36

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Huge explosion shake the whole place. Chara smirk to man while dust lower down. Man's laughter die to his lips when he realize Chara is unharmed. "Impossible..." He whisper. "You chose the wrong leg." Chara answer and leap toward man. She has changed her daggers to sword. Man yell in fear and turn the weapon toward Chara again. Before he could shoot Chara slice it in half with man's right hand. Chara stop behind man. Soon weapon and man's arm drop on floor. He start to scream in pain. Chara turn around. She freeze man's wound so he won't bleed out. "SHIELD want to interrogate you. So be a good boy and don't cause anymore troubles." Chara command calmly and walk past him. 

"How?!" Man growl to her. Chara rise her vibranium leg. Boot and armor have burned away. Man's face got pale. "You're her..." Chara turn around. Man look her up and down. "You're White Death. You saved that Wakanda's princess from us. You hunted us in past." Man continue and suddenly start to laugh maniacally. "This will be better than my wildest dreams." He chuckle. Chara frown and move to fighting stance warily. Man turn to look at her with wicked smile. "You will die here with me." He announce and pull out controller. Chara's eyes widen. "NO!" She yell when man open the lid and press the button. 

Explosions come all around them and whole building shake. "I take you with me in hell White Death. HAIL HYDRA!" Man yell just before big rock drop top of him. "FUCK!" Chara curse and rush to stand middle of basement. She refuse to teleport away and leave this weapons in HYDRA's hand. Chara close her eyes and dive inside her magic again. She pull out as much power as she can. She ignore every single warning signals for losing control. Light blue mist swirl around her, it soon start to have more shapes of blue and white in it. Chara open her eyes and see blizzard forming around her. She freeze every single box around her to core and smash them in pieces, breaking every weapon inside them. 

Then Chara focus her powers above her. Concrete start to explode outwards with sudden temperature chance. She pour more magic above her and hope that everyone is in safe distance. Suddenly she could see sky above her. It has start form more clouds front of sun. Chara pull her magic back. It resist her command. Chara grit her teeth and force it back. Slowly clouds start to disappear. Chara pull her magic back inside her and put lid over it. Her whole body shake and her knees keep buckling. Chara force herself to stand tall. She look around and see how whole compound is wreck. "Mission completed." She say to herself tiredly. 

Chara turn toward stairs and realize they were gone too. She look at their ruins shocked before bursting into a laughter. "Typical me." She chuckle lastly. She pull out enough magic to teleport back on ground with some difficulties. She drop on her knees in middle of concrete pieces. Her breath is white and ground under her has ice forming. "Fuck." She curse. She put her hands in fist and grit her teeth. She close her eyes. Chara fight to put her magic completely under control. "WINTER!" Chara hear Loki and others yell. She open her eyes and slowly rise to her shaking legs. Chara tiredly turn to look toward others voices. They all look around in panic. "WINTER!" Wanda yell. 

Chara chuckle and smile toward them. She start slowly to walk toward them. "Shit!" She curse when she almost fell on one concrete piece. Before Chara could rise back straight someone pull her in tight hug. Chara smell Loki's familiar scent and feel his familiar arms around her. "I thought I lost you." He murmur. Chara let out a laugh. "Like that could kill me." She answer and hug Loki back. They pull apart when others come closer. "WINTER! You're alive!" Others yell happily. Chara smirk. "Like something like that could kill me." She answer and then Wanda rush to hug her. Chara almost fall over. She gently hug her back. "I'm fine little witch." She assure her. Wanda pull back and wipe her tears. Others hug or pat her back too. "We are all happy that you didn't get yourself killed." Tony say and smirk toward Loki. Chara gently hit his chest. "I won't die for that." She answer with smile. 

They start to go back to Quinjet. Chara has some difficulties with her still shaking leg. Suddenly Loki rise Chara in his arms bridal style. "What the hell you think you are doing?! Put me down!" Chara yell and try to get out of his arms. Loki growl and tighten his grip while walking toward Quinjet. Others laughed when Chara colorfully curse to Loki. "You can barely stand. Let him do that Lady Winter." Thor chuckle and pat her shoulder while passing them. Chara glare at everyone, lastly at Loki. She eventually accept her fate. She sulk all way back to Quinjet.

Loki gently lower her on seat and sit down next to her. Chara still sulk and glare at him. Others chuckle to her behavior. Loki glare back at her. They stay silent all way back to compound. Some start to nod off. Chara think what that man has told about. Her nickname; White Death. She has hunted them in past, she just didn't realize they have noticed that she is same person. It will put everything in new light. She can't continue to do so sloppy work. She might have to call one debt from Fury to make her disappear in their information systems too. 

When Quinjet landed Chara jump over Loki and rush out. "Winter?" She hear Loki ask. Chara ignore it and walk deep in thoughts toward front door. Kiba rush happily to meet her. He let out little happy yips. Chara mindlessly pat his head and walk past him. Chara get halfway upstairs when someone grab her arm. She turn to look behind her. She see how Loki stare at her worried. "Are you mad at me?" Loki as unsure. Chara rise her eyebrows confused. "Ohh... that. No, I'm not mad at you Loki." She answer and continue to go up. She hear how Loki and Kiba follow her. 

Chara let them inside her room before closing the door. Suddenly she almost fall down when her prosthetic leg malfunction. Loki catch her by waist. "Thank you." "What was that?" He ask scared. Chara move to sit down on couch with Loki fast behind her. Chara rise what is left from her armor leg and take prosthetic off. "Chara? What is going on?" Loki ask again. Finally Chara look at him. "I got hit by one of those SHIELD's weapons. Shooter told me they were made to fight against beings like me." She explain and make her toolbox appear on coffee table. She grab one tool and start to open vibranium leg. She soon find reason to malfunction. She whistle amazed. Loki lean to look too. "Blast wave almost release couple wires." She murmur and tighten them again. She put her prosthetic on table and vanish her toolbox after she is ready.

Chara lean on back rest and sigh tiredly while closing her eyes. Suddenly she feel how Loki move his finger across her side and open her eyes. She turn to look at Loki who look his now black fingertip frowning. "It wasn't only time you got hit." He say darkly and turn to look at Chara's face. Chara shrug. "It was a battle. It is only normal to get hits." She answer indifferent. Loki growl. Chara rise her eyebrows. "I should have come with you. You wouldn't have gotten hurt." Loki mumble. Chara frown and sigh. "Loki it was a battle, getting hurt is part of job. I got only couple bruises, nothing dangerous. I don't need your protection." She tell him. 

Chara grab her prosthetic and put it back on before rising to her feet. "You don't have to-" Chara got cut off when Loki pull her in his lap, to straddle him. He grab her face between his hands. "I could have lost you." He growl. Desperate plead in his eyes. Gentle smile appear in Chara's lips. "I'm not fragile, I'm not defenseless. I trusted you to survive on that battlefield. Trust me to do same." Chara assure him. Loki stare at her, battling with himself. "I feared I lost you when those explosions came." Loki confess. Chara rise her hands to cup Loki's face. "I'm here, I'm alive." She comfort him and pull his head in her shoulder. Loki snake her arms around her. "I'm safe." Chara whisper lastly when Loki start to tremble under her.

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