Chapter 43

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Chara show to Loki around cabin. Downstairs has big open concept living-dining room with kitchen, living room has big fireplace, one big bedroom with one-suite and walk-in-closet. She has queen-size bed in bedroom. Upstairs has one bedroom. Chara has decorated her home with grey, white and green. Walls have their natural wood color. Chara has used magic to clean everything so her home is spotless again. After they sit down on couch she turn toward Loki. "So, what do you think?" She ask exited. She has never had opportunity to bring anyone in her home. Loki look around. "It feel like you." Chara frown confused and tilt her head. Finally Loki look at her. "It feel wild but welcoming, rough on edges but really warm on inside." He explain and smile to her. Chara cross her arms. "Am I rough on edges?" She ask while glaring. Loki smirk. "Yes love, but I like it. It show who you are and what you have been gone through." Loki assure and kiss her knuckles. 

Chara smile and chuckle. "Then you have extraordinary taste Your Highness." She tease Loki. Something flash in Loki's eyes before he smirk. Chara frown. "What?" Loki shake his head. "Nothing, pet." Chara snort and climb to his lap. Loki look at her surprised. Chara grab Loki's face between her hands. "Why it bother you?" "What?" "Me calling you Your Highness." Loki try to avoid her eyes. Chara suddenly kiss tip of his nose to catch his attention. "Come one Loki. Talk to me." She plead softly. Loki sigh, lean on her forehead against her's and close his eyes. "I'm not crown prince but I'm still prince. Many court ladies were after me, calling me that. I was just new feather in their hat, just way to get closer to crown or worse to Thor." He explain. Chara could see pain of rejections and pain of loneliness in his face and voice. "No one who used my title didn't want me for me, only because of my title." He whisper lastly.

Chara feel anger bubble inside her. "Loki." Chara whisper softly. He open his eyes. "I want you because of you, not because of your title, not because I would hunt Thor. Only you." She assure him and kiss his forehead. "I don't understand why. I'm Jotun, a monster. You can be princess of Asgard if you reveal your identity. I'm nothing." Loki whisper. Chara frown and decide to assure Loki again about her feelings. She use her magic to make Loki's Jotun form appear. Loki's eyes widen when he realize what she is doing. Chara stare straight at Loki's red eyes. "You're not a monster." She say and kiss his forehead. "You're not any way lesser than Thor." She kiss his right cheek. "You're you no matter what form you have." She kiss his left cheek. "I love you no matter what." She say finally and kiss his lips. Chara stop her magic and soon Loki's Asgardian form come in view again.

Loki grab Chara's hands from her face and look at them worried. Chara chuckle and kiss his forehead again. "You can't hurt me even in Jotun form. Cold have never bothered me." She assure him. Loki rise his head to look at Chara's face. "You" He ask unsure. Chara smile him softly. "I love you, Jotun or not, prince or not. I love you Loki." Chara whisper. She gently rise her right hand to caress Loki's cheek. "You have melted my soul to feel again." She whisper. Loki pull her in deep kiss. Chara circle her arms around Loki's neck and grab his hair while Loki circle one arm around her waist while other hold her neck.

Chara pour her love and passion in kiss same as Loki. Suddenly Loki spin them so Chara is on her back on couch. Loki move to kiss her cheek and move toward neck while his hand roam lower in Chara's side. Chara feel panic rising. "Loki.. Please wait." She manage to whisper. Loki stop immediately and rise to look at her. Chara take shallow breaths and try to swallow lump from her throat. "Love?" Loki ask worried and caress her face. Chara finally manage to take deeper breaths and calm herself down. "Sorry..." She whisper and blink tears from her eyes. "Shh. It is okay." Loki assure her and kiss her forehead. He push herself away from her, Chara detect hurt from his eyes. 

Chara push herself up and climb in Loki's lap. She curl herself under his chin. "Darling?" Loki ask unsure. Chara pull his hand to her chest. Slowly Loki circle other arm around her too. "It is just.... I haven't had sex for centuries. I tried couple times after that.... when I was almost raped but I.... freaked out everytime. Men didn't take that well and I accidentally almost kill them when my magic came to protect me. Then my leg got cut off and I didn't have explanation how I have ice leg." Chara explain quietly. Loki listen her in silence. He kiss her head after a while. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." He mumble. Chara shake her head. "I didn't tell you. Not your fault. Don't blame yourself." Chara answer and pull his hand up so she can kiss his knuckles. 

They stay silent for a while. "You don't get scared by this?" Loki suddenly ask. "No, I can cuddle and such but when things get too intimate then memories come in surface. I can remember how helpless I felt and...." Chara start to tremble. "Shhh... You don't have to tell me." Loki assure and kiss her head. Chara take deep breath in. "Yes I have to." She swallow and clear her throat. "I start to feel how they rip my clothes and start to feel my body." Chara get to tell Loki before first sob escape from her lips and tears form in her eyes. She quickly cover her mouth and lean more toward Loki. He hug her tighter. "Oh pet... Shh. It is over. No one will never touch you like that again." He murmur. Chara desperately try to control her sobbing and tears back. She never had the luxury to break down like that. "Your safe. I got you." Loki whisper gently and Chara shake even more and finally turn to hug Loki while hiding her face in his shoulder. She cry, she let go last bit of her walls and cry.

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