Chapter 33

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Chara hear Thor, Tony, Steve and Bucky argue about something. "It has to have some sort of spell on it, so only you can lift it." Tony argue and Thor laugh. Chara shake her head and ignore them. She walk to kitchen and see Mjolnir on kitchen island. She sigh annoyed. "THOR!" She yell while putting dishes to sink. "Don't leave your hammer in kitchen it will get in way." She say angrily and grab it's handle. "I won't just move it on third time." Chara tell him while picking it up. She point it toward Thor. "I will throw it away next time." She say angrily. 

Chara see how others stare at her shocked. She lower Mjolnir to her side and frown. "What?" "No way..." Tony mumble. Chara tilt her head and turn to look at Loki. Even he is staring at her mouth open. Then Thor burst in happy laugh. He push past others and rush to Chara. "You're worthy!" Thor boom happily. Chara tilt her head and stare at Thor confuse. "What are you talking about?" "You can lift my hammer. You are worthy of Mjolnir!" Thor boom and pat her shoulder. Chara look even more confused now. "Of course I can lift it. I have lifted it weeks ago. It is not even heavy." She tell them. "WHAT?!" Other men yell, Loki stand there staring at her shocked. 

"You didn't realize that? Who you think move this thing from that side of table to other?" Chara explain and flip Mjolnir in air. Everyone stare at her quiet. Chara chuckle and give Mjolnir to Thor. "You guys really are idiots." She mumble and shake her head while walking toward front door. Kiba jogged next to her exited of going out. "You coming?" Chara yell over her shoulder when she realize Loki isn't following her. Soon he is beside her. Loki look taken aback and Chara get more worried. She frown and look at him but didn't ask about it. 

Chara lead them in forest. Loki jog next to her quietly. Even Kiba look unsure about situation, he could sense their mood. Chara stop at familiar clearing and turn to look at Loki while pointing at Kiba. "Kiba, go for hunt." She command. Kiba look between them and whine, he nudge gently at Chara's hand. She pet him before pointing toward woods again. "Go." She command again. Kiba let out little whine before jogging away. Chara turn her focus back to Loki. He stare at her with blank mask on. 

Chara sigh. "What is wrong?" "Nothing." Chara snort to Loki's answer. "I know you better than that. What is wrong? That I can lift Mjolnir? It doesn't mean anything to me. I don't want it." Chara try again and take couple steps closer to Loki. They are almost arms reach now. Loki stare at her, refusing to answer. Chara sigh again and give Loki little sad smile. "You don't have to hide from me." She whisper. Loki blink for her words and let his shoulder's relax. Chara take little step forward and slowly reach her left hand to Loki's cheek. He lean gently on her hand. "I won't judge you Loki. Tell me what is troubling you." Chara whisper gently, assuring. 

Loki sigh and put his hand over Chara's on his cheek. Chara stare at him worried. "You can lift Mjolnir." Loki whisper. Chara frown but nod. "I can't." Chara's heart squeeze for Loki's pained voice. "It doesn't matter-" "Of course it matters!" Loki growl and pull her hand from his face. Chara stare Loki for a second. He is facing down refusing to meet her eyes. She gently pull her hand from Loki's and grab his face. Chara make him look at her in the eyes. She can see pain, shame and self-hatred in Loki's eyes. 

Chara smile gently to him. "It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't make you any way lesser in my eyes. You are still Prince Loki of Asgard. Great warrior and God." Chara assure him and give him quick kiss. "Lifting Mjolnir doesn't make anyone better. I don't want it, Thor can keep it. I prefer my knives and sword." Chara continue before lowering her hands. She take step back, giving Loki the space he probably need. "I like you Loki. Your ability to lift that stupid hammer doesn't chance it one way or another." Chara say with gently smile on her lips. 

Loki look at her with pained expression. Chara's smile slowly disappear. "No matter what?" Loki whisper. Chara put her hands on waist. "No matter what." She answer sternly. Loki take deep, shaking inhale. Suddenly he pull his shirt off. Chara frown. "You asked about my illusion. It is because of this." Loki tell with thick voice and refuse to meet her eyes. Chara see how his illusion disappear and Loki's scarred skin come in view. Shocked gasp escape Chara's lips. She stare at Loki shocked. 

Chara slowly walk to Loki and rise her hand. "Can I?" She ask gently. Eventually Loki nod. Chara gently move her fingers across Loki's scars. Some of them are battle wounds but most are clearly from torture. Chara move to see Loki's back. She feel how tears try to come in her eyes. Loki has also lash marks on his back. Chara caress biggest one and feel how Loki shiver under her touch. "Who did these?" Chara whisper, rage clearly in her voice. Loki didn't answer. Chara move back to face him. She see shackle scars on his wrist and growl. "Who?" Chara demand. Loki dodge her eyes. She grab his chin with her right hand and turn him to look at her. "Loki. Who?" She growl again. 

Loki take one shaking inhale and exhale. "Chitauri's leader didn't want to use mind stone at first. They try to make me submit by force." Loki whisper with cold voice. Chara grit her teeth. "I should have make them suffer more." She growl and light blue mist appear around her left hand and fingers. Cold breeze move around her. "I should have cut every single one of them to little pieces." Chara growl while ice start to form under her feet. "Chara?" Loki whisper and grab her face. Chara snap out of it and push her magic back down. "It is in past. They force me to attack Earth, they wanted Tesseract. They didn't get it, it is over." Loki tell him quietly. "And then Odin lock you up." Chara growl angrily. 

Loki kiss Chara's forehead and pull her in hug. "I don't want your pity." He whisper in her hair. Chara hug Loki back tightly. "I don't pity you. I feel sorry for you. I know how those scars are made. I know just by looking at them how much you suffered." Chara answer. "You didn't deserve to be imprisoned." She continue. Loki let out sad laugh. "You're first one to say that and you're supposed to be my guard." Loki chuckle. Chara chuckle too. "Am I doing that lousy job?" She tease. Loki stop laughing and push her gently further. Chara frown and look confused at Loki. "Not at all." He whisper and kiss her passionately. Chara circle her arms around Loki's neck and kiss him back.

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