Chapter 45

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"Loki? Are you alright?" Chara ask worried and reach her hand toward Loki's face. He quickly move to sit up and pull back. Chara frown even more worried but lower her hand. Loki stare at her silent. Chara move to sit on her knees even if it hurt her tight. "Loki, please talk to me. Are you okay?" She plead. "How you were there?" Loki ask with dark voice. Chara is confuse. "You were pushing your dream strongly toward me and I let it in." She explain gently. He glare at her. "I'm telling the truth. I won't lie to you Loki." She say. They stare at each others for a moment. "How much did you see?" Chara tilt her head and look at him worried. "How much did you see?" Loki ask more sternly. Chara sigh. "How Odin told you about your heritage. How you reacted. Some glimpses from your torture at Chitauries. New York and how Odin treated you before I wake you up." Chara explain.

Loki stare at Chara silently again. "Talk to me Loki, please." Chara whisper. Chara sigh after a while. "Fine I at least lay down. This position make my leg hurt." Chara announce and plop on her back. "You don't hate me?" Loki eventually whisper. Chara turn to look at him confused. "Why should I hate you?" She ask gently. Loki glance at her. "Because of.... everything you saw." Loki whisper. "They were my memories." Chara stare at him for a minute. "Come here." She command while spreading her arms wide. Loki look at her confuse. "Come on." Chara say and wiggle her fingers. Ghost of smile play on his lips. Slowly Loki move toward her. 

Chara pull Loki's head on her shoulder. Then she hug him. "I have no reason to hate you. I already knew most of that and I didn't saw anything that could chance that." She assure him. Loki circle his arms around her and pull her closer. Chara feel how Loki start to tremble. "I'm still here. I still love you. I got you." Chara whisper and kiss Loki's head. She move her left hand to pet his head while tears start to wet her shoulder. 

Chara start to gently hum and eventually sing softly to Loki. She let Loki break apart like she did earlier. Holding him gently whole time. She sing gently to his ear, assuring that she is still there, loving him, that she didn't think any lesser about him after seeing those memories. "To make you feel my love..." Chara end her song. "I love you Loki." She whisper to him. He start to calm down. Chara still pet his head softly and hum song's melody. After sometime Chara realize that Loki has fallen asleep. He has cuddle her like his favorite plushie. Chara chuckle and pull blanket better over both of them. "Good dreams love." She whisper to Loki before letting herself to fall asleep.

Chara wake up when Loki move away from top of her. She yawn and stretch her body. Then she open her eyes and smile to Loki. "Good morning. Did you sleep better rest of night?" She ask gently. "Morning... Yes." Loki answer clearly ashamed. Chara rush to stand front of him. "Hey, hey. Who was that told it isn't something you should be ashamed. I'm glad you feel safe enough to break apart around me." Chara say to Loki trying to catch his gaze. She groan and grab gently his chin. She make him look at her. "I mean it Loki. You have nothing to feel ashamed or sorry for. I'm here just like you're here for me." She say with comforting smile. Corner of his mouth lift up little. "I love you. No matter what you have been gone through, no matter what you have done. No matter who you think you are. I love you." Chara say and kiss him. "Now bathroom and then breakfast." Chara announce after she pull back and slip first inside bathroom. "Hey!" Loki protest with smirk. Chara chuckle and do her business in there.

When Chara return to bedroom there is one of her casual dresses on bed

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When Chara return to bedroom there is one of her casual dresses on bed. She look at it with frown. "I, I think you would look good on it." Loki say with shy smile. Chara rise her eyebrow. "Did you now?" She tease him. She walk to grab it. "It is hot day ahead anyway, I think you're right." She say and smile to him. "Thank you love." "Anytime pet." Loki answer with victorious smile before going in bathroom. Chara chuckle and pull dress on. "I like that this has pockets." She mumble to herself. Chara grab her hairbrush and go to living room. Kiba jump up and rush to door whining anxious. "Fine, fine. You can go out. There won't be any hunters." Chara chuckle and let wolf out. He run straight to woods. Chara shake her head. "Anxious one." She chuckle.

Chara sit on armchair and start to brush her hair while humming softly. Suddenly Loki snatch brush from her fingers and start to brush them gently. "Hey." Chara chuckle. "Let me." He whisper softly. Chara shrug and relax against backrest. She enjoy feeling of Loki's fingers in her hair. "What you were humming?" Loki ask after a while. "Same song I sang in that party. Freeze me out." "Could you sing it?" Chara open her eyes and glance at Loki. He has soft but sad expression. "Sure." Chara answer and remote appear in her hand. She press couple buttons and soon music start to play from speakers. 

Chara start to sing. She has memorized this song quickly. It is one of her favorites. She keep her eyes closed while singing. Loki continue to brush her hair gently. Chara put so much emotions inside the song and her voice she could. Loki start to braid her hair. Chara keep her eyes still closed. She try to assure Loki with this song that she is here, she is trying, that she love him. He still feel like unstable after last night. After song and music stop Chara hear quiet sniffle and open her eyes. 

Chara turn to look at Loki. He has tears in his eyes. "No, no, no. I didn't mean to sadden you." Chara say worried and stand up. She quickly rush to stand front of Loki. She gently lay her hands on his cheeks and wipe tears away. "Shh, I'm here." She try to calm Loki down. "You really love me." Loki whisper between sniffles. Chara frown. "Of course I love you." She answer him confuse. Adoring smile spread to Loki's face. Chara continue to wipe his tears away. "What is wrong?" She whisper worried. "Wrong? I haven't be this happy in my entire time." Loki answer, twist her around to lean her on his arms and kiss her deeply. Chara chuckle and kiss him back. Soon he twirl her back on her feet again without breaking the kiss. 

Soon they have to break apart to gasp some air. "My song convince you?" Chara smirk and chuckle. Loki kiss tip of her nose. "Yes. It was so full of raw emotions." Loki answer serious. Chara stop chuckling and smile lovingly to Loki. "Then I should sing to you more often." Happy smile spread to Loki's lips. "Yes. You should." 

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