Chapter 11

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Chara got more frustrated with Loki and Avengers as day passed. Loki refuse to speak with her and others question her judgement, Thor tease her. Chara is angry by evening. She go to training room and start one of Tony's training robots. She dodge it's hits easily. She growl in anger and kick it so hard it broke to pieces. Kiba watch her on sidelines, laying down. "Fuck this shit!" She growl under her breath. She made puppet from ice, who remind of Ironman's suit, and summon her sword in her right hand. She start to swirl around it and hit it. Ice puppet slowly start to broke to pieces, Chara repair it while breaking it. She has imaginary battle with it around 20 minutes. She start to pant and with one rapid move cut puppet's head off. Chara straight her position after hearing satisfying bang when head hit floor. She vanish the puppet and clean her sword to her shirt. 

Chara see Kiba stand up and turn toward the door. Chara put her sword on it's sheath and turn toward door too. She look surprised at entering Nick Fury. Fury glare at her after slamming door back shut behind him. "Why I got worried calls from Romanoff and Stark about you?" He ask. Chara shrug. "They don't really like me." She answer. Fury shake his head and groan in frustration. "You are like little kids, bickering to each others." He complain. "Not my fault if they don't trust my judgement." Chara say indifferent. "Why are you really here?" She ask and tilt her head. Fury look at her again. "You wouldn't come here for just that." Chara answer and cross her arms while holding her sword. "We need your help." Fury announce. Chara rise her eyebrow skeptically. "You had Thor and other Avengers already." "I know but this time enemy is bigger than we could ever imagine." Chara tilt her head again and frown. 

"You already owe me one. You must be really desperate if you are ready to owe me more." Chara finally answer and smirk. "Who I need to kill?" She ask. "I tell that same time as I tell others. Come on." He answer and wave her to follow him. Chara call Kiba to follow her, vanish her sword and walk after Fury. Fury lead her to living room where others, beside Loki, has already gathered. Chara move to lean on wall and wait quietly when Fury tell them the story. Dr Stephen Strange has contact him, he has find some new portal open in middle of Antarctica. Through it has came army of some aliens. Their leader seem to plan conquer earth. They have made some shield around their camp so cold won't affect them. Snow has melted inside it. They have same kind of weapons than Chitauries. Fury and Dr Strange evaluate there is around 500 soldier. 

When others argue about what they should do and when, Chara stay silent and is deep in her thoughts. "Winter? Do you have any ideas?" Fury suddenly ask. Chara snap out of her thoughts and turn to look others. Tony snort. "She isn't trustworthy enough to join us." He argue. Bucky, Steve and Thor glare at him. "We will need her to survive this battle." Fury announce darkly and Tony swallow. "I think we need to move out as soon as possible. I take you don't want world to know about them?" Chara ask and Fury nod. "I can take their attention and attack from front. Others can make sure they won't try to escape and attack from behind, that way we will make them fight in two lines." Chara continue and nod to herself. "There is no way you could take them on alone." Steve loudly argue and Bucky join him. Chara smirk to them mischievously. "Boys. You haven't ever see what I really can do. In Antarctica I can use my powers in their true extent. There would be no other humans." She answer confidently. "But-" Steve try to argue. "In Antarctica there is winter, I can use that to boost my powers. I can make walls around them so they won't get around us. I can make dome above them so they can't fly away." Chara continue to plan, ignoring others shocked expressions. 

Chara nod to herself again and turn her gaze toward them. "We has to leave tomorrow morning. Fury collect as many soldiers as you can, others prepare to fight in extreme coldness and wind. It will be freezing." She announce and turn to go to her room. "WAIT!" Steve yell, Chara stop and turn her head to look at him. "Our plan depends only at your magic skills. Are you sure you can do that?" He ask worried. Chara smirk. "Trust me Rogers, we have quite a spectacle tomorrow." She answer and walk out of living room. Kiba jog next to her upstairs, he could sense her excitement. 

Chara grab her door handle but stop, she turn toward Loki's room and frown. She look between door and Kiba. Kiba tilt his head and whine softly. Chara steel her gaze and walk to Loki's door. She knock. "Loki? I need a favor from you." She say and knock again. "Come on." She murmur and pang the door harder. 

Loki finally open the door and glare darkly at Chara. "What?" He spit out. "I need to join Avengers tomorrow on their mission. I can't take Kiba with me. Could you watch over him? Please." Chara plead. Loki look surprised between her and Kiba. "I thought you didn't want to join them." He mumble. "I won't but this time they need some back up. We have to face big army and I can't skip that." Chara answer. Loki look warily at her. "Please?" She try again. "Fine..." Loki agree. Chara smile to him widely. "Thank you Loki." She say happily. "I will let you know when we will leave." She say and turn toward her room. "What army you have to fight?" Loki suddenly ask. Chara shrug and open her room's door. "Some alien army who has locate themselves in Antarctica." She say over her shoulder to Loki. "What?" Chara hear Loki whisper before entering her room. Before she could close the door, Loki rush after her and push past her inside room. 

Chara frown and close the door after them. When she turn around, she is face to face with anxious Loki. "What you mean some alien army?" He ask clearly distressed. Chara shrug. "Fury came and ask my help. He told us that someone called Dr Strange has localized new portal in Antarctica. When he and Fury has made their own inquires they have see at least couple hundreds soldiers in there. They probably have some magic or tools to block out winter around them. We decide to move out tomorrow morning to attack them before they attack us. I made a plan." Chara tell to Loki nonchalant about the threat they are going to face. "I should join you." Loki suddenly blurt out. Chara rise her eyebrows and cross her arms. "Loki, right now you would be more in my way than help." "You are going to face an army of aliens." He try to argue. Chara shake her head. "No Loki. I can't take you with us even if I wanted. You are too weak right now." Chara try to reason with him. "I can help." Loki answer angrily. Chara sigh tiredly. She take couple steps closer to Loki and put her hands on his shoulders. "I can't take you with me. I need you to look after Kiba." Chara say and stare at his eyes.

 Loki try to challenge her but even if Chara is half head shorter than him he eventually sigh in defeat. "I hate how weak I have become." He murmur angry to himself. Chara pat her shoulder before letting go. "You get your strength back. You just need some time." Chara comfort him before moving to sit on couch. She made her weapons to appear on coffee table. She start to examine them and make sure they are in top condition. Kiba has lay down on his blanket on floor and stare at Chara, he wasn't sure what is happening. Loki eventually move to sit on couch too. Chara hand two of her daggers to him. Loki grab them confuse. "You need some weapons in case of emergency too." Chara answer and continue her doing. Loki look shocked but put them on his waist without a word. 

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