Chapter 35

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Chara rush through forest, she run without sound. She avoid couple guards easily. She get on forest line after 10 minutes. Chara look around lake and compound. She see how HYDRA has really focus their defense on other sides beside lake. She roll her eyes. "They really are idiots." She mumble and make herself invisible with illusion. Chara concentrate on diving inside her magic. She dive for 10 minutes and pull out as much as she can with her. Her eyes has white swimming in them, blue mist play around her. Chara grit her teeth and force the magic bend under her will. "This will be little hard." She curse under her breath. Chara take couple calming breath and roll her shoulders to relax herself. 

Chara peek at her clock. "Time to move." She mumble and strengthen her illusion before walking in view. She walk to lake's edge. Chara wave her hand and narrow bridge appear front of her. Chara use her magic to vanish it from others view. Chara rush as fast as she dare toward compound. Her magic dance in her veins. She soon hear how alarms go off around compound. Then battle start on other side. Good luck guys. She thought and jump on land while vanishing her bridge. Chara rush to press her back on wall. She listen for a moment to make sure there won't be anyone on other side of window. Chara jump and use her magic to help her to reach the window. 

Chara make overhang next to window and land on it. She try to push window open. Fuck, it is locked. Chara use her magic to make sure there won't be anyone near window before swinging herself inside through glass. She quickly made illusion so window look like intact. Chara rush through hallways. She has still invisibility spell on herself. It took around 15 minutes for her to find kidnapped scientists. Chara hear them by accident when one of them threaten their abductor with Avengers. Man didn't like it and hit him. Chara slip inside after one of them come out of room. Chara look around and see only one guard. There is three scientists tied to chairs. Chara freeze door on lock and drop her spell. 

Everyone jump to her appearing. Guard turn his gun toward her. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" He ask scared. Chara smirk. "I'm Winter, newest recruit of Avengers." She say and curtsy to man. "Now, I have job to do and you're in my way." Chara continue and grab her daggers from her back. Man yell help and start to shoot her. Chara run and dodge bullets. She soon jump to man's face and slice his gun to pieces. Chara has dangerous smirk on her lips. Man drop on his back and try desperately to crawl away from her. Chara chuckle and kick man unconscious. Then she free scientists and put her daggers back to their place. "Grab my hands. I take you out from here." She command. Everyone grab her hand or arm. Chara teleport them to pointed location, middle of SHIELD's camp.

"WINTER?! YOU MADE IT!" Hill yell to her happily and rush to her with Fury. Chara smirk to them. "Did you doubt me?" She tease them and rise her eyebrow. "Now is only one thing left. They have some dangerous weapons, even you should be careful if they managed to open boxes." Fury warn her. Chara smile mischievously. "This will be fun." She announce and teleport back to room where she found those scientists. 

There is yelling from other side of door. Chara smirk and grab her daggers again. "Time to dance." She murmur to herself and kick door to pieces. She rush middle for confused men and kill some of them and knock some unconscious. She rush through hallways and look for weapons Fury mentioned. Suddenly something hit her side and she crash through wall. Chara groan and flip around in air so she land on her feet. She growl and look above her. Man with strange looking weapon in his hands peek out. Chara growl again and jump toward man. 

Man point big gun toward her again. Chara use her magic to push her over the ammo. It hit the tree and it burst to in flames. Chara land top of man and kick him to his back. Weapon slide away from his grasp. Chara hit her daggers through man's palms. He scream in pain. Chara glance at her scorched side. She wipe it and sigh in relief. "That really is dangerous weapon. You burn away my protection shield. You're lucky my armor is unharmed." She say and glare darkly to man. He let out scared yelp and soil himself. Chara crouch top of man and pull her daggers out. 

Man scream in pain. "Where did you find that toy?" Chara ask innocently and tilt her head while playing with her bloody dagger. Man whimper and shake his head. "You sure about that answer?" Chara ask too sweetly. Man try to grab something from his waist. Chara throw two ice daggers to nail him in place. Man scream in pain again. "You wanna try again?" Chara ask indifferent of his pain. "T-t-those are i-i-in basement." Chara rise her eyebrow surprised. "This place has basement?" Man nod and tears stream down his face. "Good boy." Chara praise him and vanish her daggers while rising back to her feet. Chara think for a minute. She suddenly grab the weapon from floor and then man's shoulder and teleport them to Fury. 

Fury turn to look at her surprised. Chara throw the weapon to table and drop man on ground. "Weapons are in basement. Order everyone to move at least 50 metres from that compound." Chara command. "What are you planning to do?" Chara smirk. "I am going to burst that place to ground." Chara answer and teleport to front door. 

"Winter?" Steve ask surprised when she come in view. Chara smile to him. "Hi Cap. Could you be a dear and order everyone to move away from here." Chara say while freezing the door. Steve look at her confused until Fury's voice come through ear pieces. "ARE YOU MAD?" "Possibly." Chara answer with smile before rushing inside. Chara freeze every single wall she see. She pull more power out and light blue mist dance around her. HYDRA's men try to shoot her at first but they too start to run away after she freeze around 10 of them. 

Chara finally find entrance for basement and kick the door open. No one is inside anymore to stop her. She rush downstairs and see three big boxes still closed. One is open and there is some other weapons too. She walk to them and pick one in her hand. "These are extremely dangerous." She mumble. "Of course they are. SHIELD design them to fight against aliens and creatures from hell." Someone say behind her. Chara rapidly turn around and see some middle aged man holding a gun. He smirk darkly. "I'm glad you make everyone else run away so I can test this thing in peace." He say and fire. "Fuck." Chara curse under her breath before first ammo hit her leg.

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