Chapter 57

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Chara pull Loki hardly against her lips while circling her right leg over Loki's hip. Loki kiss her back with same amount of passion and desire. Chara grab Loki's face and push him a little back gently. They stare at each others eyes panting. "Do you believe me now?" Chara whisper. "Yes." Loki's raw whisper make adoring smile spread to Chara's lips. "Good. Then we should return to party." She answer and peck tip of his nose while lowering her leg back on floor. Loki gently grab her neck and stare. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" He whisper. Chara smile gently. "You can handle me and my quirks." She answer. Loki slowly lean forward and kiss her softly. "I love you Chara Heladottir." He whisper after pulling back. "I love you too Loki Laufeyson." Chara answer.

Chara and Loki return smiling to each others back to lounge room. Thor come to greet them. "Hey lovebirds. Everything okay?" He ask smiling. "Go away Thor." Loki growl and circle his arm possessively around Chara's shoulders. She chuckle and circle his arm around his waist as a answer. "Everything is fine Thor." She assure grinning Thor. "May I have one dance with you, M'Lady?" Thor bow while reaching his hand toward her with a smirk. Loki snarl to him. "Only one." Chara agree and grab his hand. "I trust that you come in my rescue?" She ask from Loki. "Anytime pet." Loki kiss her knuckles and reluctantly let her go. "Don't try anything." He threaten to Thor. He smirk. "Who me? Never." He chuckle and pull Chara with him.

Thor pull Chara front of him when they get in open floor. He gently put his hand on her back. He keep respectable distance to her. Soon new song start and he start to lead her through dance floor. "I hope you are serious this time with my brother Winter." Thor say suddenly middle of dance. Chara frown. "I am Thor. I actually should thank you for convincing me come back, so thank you. For bottom of my heart thank you." She answer. Thor nod. "You're welcome. But I must warn you that if you ever hurt him like that again I will kill you." He threaten. 

Chara smirk darkly. "You can try." She answer. Thor frown. "But honestly, if I ever do that again I let you kill me." She answer seriously. Thor nod accepting it. "I'm grateful that you chose my brother. He deserve someone who see him as him, not crown or his status." "I see him Thor. I don't know everything obviously but nothing can chase me away or make me think any less of him." She assure. Thor smile to her widely. "I'm happy to get you in family Winter." Chara's face drop a little. "Yeah, about that. I should tell you something. Not here, not now but eventually." Chara say. They stop dancing same time as song end. "What do you mean?" Thor ask confuse.

"May I have my lady back?" Loki ask next to Thor. "Of course." He agree and step to side. "I tell you someday." Chara answer to Thor same time as Loki pull her away. Chara smile to Loki widely when next song start. "This is definitely our song." She whisper to Loki while they start to dance.

Loki smile to Chara. "It surely is." He whisper and pull her closer. Loki skillfully lead her. They didn't miss a step even when they stare at each others whole time. Chara forget everyone else in room, concentrating fully on Loki front of her. Chara start to quietly sing in middle of song. She squeeze his shoulder while promising to let him in. "My heart is melting." Loki whisper as answer at one point. Chara smile adoring to him while singing rest of song. Loki has similar smile on his lips too. "My heart is melting." Chara whisper at the end and they lean in same time to kiss. 

Chara and Loki dance two more songs before going to bar get some drinks. Other Avengers are already gathered in there. They cheer for them with wide smiles. "You really look good together." Clint praise and others agree. Chara curtsy to them. "Of course. Who can resist my charm?" She answer with mischievous smirk. Everyone laugh while Loki pull her under his arm growling "Mine." Chara chuckle and peck his cheek. "All yours." She assure him.

Rest of the party went peacefully. Everyone had fun. Guests left in small hours and there is only Avengers in living room left. Chara sit comfortably in Loki's lap for others amuse. "I have to say, I never think you would be like that Reindeer Games." Tony tease Loki. "Tony.." Pepper scold him while hitting his arm. Loki look indifferent of his comment. "You're one to talk Tinman." Chara chuckle and point at Pepper in his lap. "Well I am wonderful man." He answer with a smirk. Everyone chuckle at their banter. Chara snort and mischievous glint appear in her eyes. "Pepper, honey. Did you know that Loki and Tony has interesting fight some time ago?" She say with flattering voice and smile. 

Tony stiffen and Loki start to chuckle. Pepper rise her eyebrows. "Is that so?" She glare at Tony. "What on earth they could have fight for?" She ask. "Winter.." Tony try to plead. Chara's smirk got even more wide. "They argued which one of us has better figure." Chara tell her with victorious smile." Pepper gasp. "TONY!" She yell angrily and start to scold him. Everyone laugh, even Loki. Chara smile widely, she enjoy hearing Loki's laugh. 

Their peaceful banter get cut of by scream of help. Everyone jump to their feet. Soon man in black suit with camera run toward them with angry growling Kiba behind him. "HEELPP!" Man yell and fall. He turn to face wolf. Kiba bite his camera and crush it in his mouth, he spit pieces on floor. He yelp in fear when Kiba turn to stare at him while growling. Chara teleport next to Kiba and lay her hand on his back. "Well, well, well. What we have here?" She purr darkly with a dangerous smirk. Man yelp in fear again.

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