Chapter 8

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Chara and Loki jog after Kiba with much slower pace than before. Chara make sure Loki could handle it with ease this time. They jog in silence. Kiba jog just inside Chara's view. They were almost at the end of forest line when Chara hear a snap in forest. She rapidly turn her head toward it. She see something glint in sun. Fear run down her spine, she wave her hand toward Kiba, same time as her ice wall is in place shot came. Bullet hit her wall. "What?" Someone ask confuse and take another shot. Second bullet hit the wall. Kiba rush next to Chara and turn growling toward the sound. Chara snarl toward the sound and make daggers appear in her hands. "Shit." Someone say and more rustling came. Someone walk slowly toward them. Loki stay behind Chara indifferent look on his face. Chara could feel his surprise that she show him her open back. Soon young man come in view. Kiba growl even louder and move to attack position. Chara hold her daggers tighter. Man stop and stand there scared. He is clearly confuse why wolf is protecting humans and woman look so angry. 

Chara teleport right front of man. She grab his throat and push him on tree, she rise him so he has to reach her toes toward ground so he won't suffocate. Chara press her other dagger's tip on man's chest. "What the hell you think you were doing?" Chara growl to him. Man wheeze out scared. "M-my friend told me he saw a wolf in here a week ago. I have been hunting it ever since." He tell scared. Chara growl more, tighten her grip around men's throat and push her dagger more, so it draw drop of blood. Man try to get her hand off his throat. "I should skin you for this." Chara growl dangerously low. "If I ever see you again inside this forest I. WILL. KILL. YOU." She continue before throwing man on ground. Kiba growl to man and bite the air next to his leg. "Kiba let's go." Chara say sternly and start to walk toward compound again. Kiba glare at man before jogging after his alpha.

Chara is stomping forward angrily. "This is exactly why I don't like living so close to people." She growl under her breath. Loki follow her quietly. Kiba soon relax again and jog happily front of them. Chara kick stone while passing it so hard it sink in near tree. "Calm down, he didn't shot him. Nothing happened." Loki finally say frustrated. Chara rapidly turn toward him and growl. Her magic twirl around her, developing breeze. Kiba turn around and let out little whine. Chara let her magic calm down and take deep breath. She force her posture to relax. "Sorry, bring back some ugly memories." She say quietly. She see Loki frown but ignore it and continue their journey again.

When they come out from forest Chara see Quinjet landing on compound too. "For fucks sake." She mumble and groan. Loki slip his cold mask back to his face. They approach compound in silence, soon Chara could see Steve standing there with crossed arms with Sam and Bucky while Tony pace behind them. Chara spot Natasha peeking behind corner, gun in hand, and Clint on roof bow ready. "They really don't like you." Chara say humorously and wink at tense Loki. When they come close enough Tony storm toward them. "Where the hell have you been? You let Reindeer Games out of compound?" He yell in anger. Chara roll her eyes and stop. She cross her arms and glare at Tony. "I had to get Kiba outside. Do you prefer that I had left Loki behind?" Chara ask and rise her eyebrow. Loki take a quick glance at her after hearing Chara using his name. Chara ignore him. Tony huff in anger and take a step toward her. Suddenly he has sharp ice pressing against his throat. "I really had bad day already Stark. Don't push me." Chara growl to him before vanishing the ice. Tony swallow and glare at her but for once keep his mouth shut. 

Chara see in corner of her eye how Clint lower his arrow after she vanish the ice. Tony grunt something and storm inside after yelling to Steve take care of them. Chara turn her attention toward him. She see how Kiba move to sit front of Loki. She rise her eyebrow surprised but let it go, Loki looked even more surprised for a second. Steve sigh tiredly and walk to stand front of her. Sam look warily between Chara, Kiba and Loki. Bucky try to conceal his amuse, failing miserably. "You still do what ever you want." Bucky chuckle. Chara smirk mischievously to him. Steve smile little. "You really should have told me what you were planning." He finally say. Chara chuckle. "Do I ever? Beside you would have say no even if none of you would want to stay inside with bored, fidgeting arctic wolf for a day longer." She answer and wink her eye. "You could have let him out alone." Sam answer to that angrily. Chara's smirk drop. She glare darkly at Sam. "I just stop some idiot for shooting him. Like hell I let him outside alone this close to city." She growl and push past them. Kiba run after her. Loki look to others, they stare in shock after her, before slipping after her too. 

When Loki catch Chara, she suddenly grab his shoulder and teleport them three to hall between their rooms. Chara open her door, she turn to look at Loki. "I grab you for dinner later and we start your training by tomorrow." she announce, let Kiba inside and slam the door shut. Chara hear Loki go to his room soon after. She sigh tiredly, go to bathroom and make herself a bath. Chara stay in bath for 30 minutes. When she come out she see Kiba laying top of bed. She chuckle. "You know that is my bed?" She ask, Kiba stretch and roll to other side. Chara smile adoring to him. She use her magic to dry herself up, put on some leggings and green t-shirt. She drop on couch and start to brush her hair. 

Suddenly Loki storm in and slam door shut behind him. Chara look at her confuse, little laughter playing in her lips and eyes. Soon Thor's yelling come. "BROTHER? Where are you? What you did with Lady Winter today? I want to hear all about it!" Then he bang his room door. "LOKI? Come on!" Loki turn to look at Chara when she chuckle. Kiba has turn around again and look Loki confuse while tilting his head. "Hide me. I don't want to handle him right now." Loki plead and glance between door and Chara. She pat her couch. "He can't come inside here without my permission. Sit down." She answer and smile humorously at him. Loki move quietly to sit other end on couch. Chara could hear Thor still banging Loki's door until it break down. Loki groan. "Loki?" Thor ask and suddenly he bang Chara's door. "Lady Winter? Open the door, this is important." Chara chuckle when Loki look like giving up. "Trust me." She wink at Loki and walk to door. 

Chara open the door so Thor couldn't see behind her. "What is so badly wrong that you had to bang on my door." She ask faking annoyed. "I'm truly sorry Lady Winter, but Loki is missing, he isn't inside his room." Thor answer apologetically. Chara rise her eyebrow at Thor when she see broken door. Thor scratch his neck ashamed. "I know where he is and that is all you need to know." Chara answer. "Where he is?" Thor ask exited. Chara rise her eyebrow again. "I want to speak to him. I have something important." "It can't wait till tomorrow?" "Well... yes it can." "Good, you should fix that door before he come back. He won't be pleased if he find it." Chara say and smirk to Thor while pointing the broken door. Thor sigh sadly. "You are probably right." He whine and turn toward stairs, to go get something to fix it. Chara chuckle and close the door. She turn toward Loki smiling mischievously. "He is way too easy to fool." Chara chuckle and walk back to her spot. Loki smile little to her. "I know." He whisper. Chara continue to brush her hair. She start to hum while doing it. "You can read one of those if you want." Chara say and tilt her head toward spell books on her coffee table. Loki grab one of them and nod to thanks. Chara continue to brush her hair. She could see that Loki take quick glances toward her here and there. She ignore it and continue her doing.

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