Chapter 30

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Chara slip between unconscious and conscious. She can't open her eyes or signal in any way she is there. She hear parts of some conversations. 

"Why you left her there alone?" Loki ask furious. "She command us out. She was worried that she could lose control." Bucky answer sadly. "You imbeciles-"

"Why she won't wake up?" Loki plead. "She will brother, don't worry she is strong." "I know that better than anyone." Loki snap back to Thor.

"Her vitals are good. Her back is treated as good as it could. She will wake up when she is ready." Bruce say to someone.

Something nudge Chara's arm and whine. "Don't worry, Kiba, she will wake up soon." Loki comfort distress wolf with sad voice. "Please Chara, you have to wake up." Loki plead. Chara desperately try to move her hand without succeed. I'm here, she try to say.

Finally Chara open her eyes. She blink couple times and move her hand to rub them. She bite back hiss of pain for her back. It has couple burn areas after all. She turn to look around. Chara is surprised after realizing that she is in her bed on compound. She push herself to sitting position. Suddenly Kiba whine next of her bed. "Hey Kiba." Chara whisper. Kiba jump on bed with happy yip and rush to her arms. Kiba whine and lick her face. Chara chuckle. "I miss you too boy." She whisper and pet him. She hug Kiba tightly and sigh in relief. "Chara?" She turn her head toward groggy voice. Loki look her up with scared expression. Chara gently push Kiba from her lap and he jump on floor. "Hi Loki." Chara greet with smile. 

Suddenly Loki lunge to wrap her in his arms. "Chara, thank Gods you're alive." Loki whisper after she is safely in his arms. His hug surprise her. Chara circle her arms around Loki and hug him back. "I'm fine." She whisper comforting. Loki pull back and grab her shoulders tightly. "What you were thinking?" He ask angrily. Chara tilt her head in confuse. "You could have die." Loki snap. Chara see pure fear in his eyes and comforting smile spread to her face. "I'm fine Loki. If I didn't do that, everyone could have been killed." Chara try to comfort and reason with him. Loki's grip tighten. "You almost died." He growl. Chara see that tears start to form in his eyes. 

Chara gently rise her left hand on Loki's cheek. "I'm fine Loki. I have faced death many times and I have won every time. That was nothing compared to other times." She answer gently and wipe away slipped out tear from his cheek. "I should have been there." Loki suddenly say with thick voice and lower his gaze. "I should have been there with you." He whisper. Chara frown and gently use her hand to raise his face. Loki's eyes are full of shame and self-hatred. "Loki, it was not your fault. I chose to stay there and keep that building up. I chose to do that. I'm glad you weren't there. That you were safe." Chara tell him. Loki stare at her for a moment. "I thought I lost you." He whisper. His arms fell limb next to him. Chara smile him gently. "Like that could kill me." She say. Loki let out sad laugh.

"How long I was out?" Chara suddenly ask. Pain come in Loki's eyes. "30 hours." He whisper and look her up worried again. "Huh, less than last time." Chara comment aloud without thinking. She just now realize that she still wear her ruined dress. "I need to chance this." She murmur and climb out of bed. Loki stare at her mouth open. Chara ignore it and rush to bathroom. She sigh tiredly after she closed the door. She wash away her make up and look bandages in her back through mirror. "Just three spot. I did quite good job." She murmur to herself. She throw her dress to bin sadly. "I really liked it." She whine to herself. Finally she pull on some nightgown and open the door. 

Chara manage to close the door before Loki grab her arm. She turn to look at him frowning. "What you mean by last time?" Loki ask angrily. Chara can detect fear and worry underneath it. "It wasn't first time I had to pull out enormous amount of power in short time. With more power, my magic is harder to control. I almost lost control. I believe Stark told you about how I almost freeze him after I vanish ice. It took some effort to take control back. That is why I passed out. Last time I was out three days." She tell him calmly and tilt her head. "Why you want to know?" Chara ask gently.

Loki swallow and stare at her. "Loki?" Chara ask worried after a while. Loki pull her in hug and hide his face in her hair. "I was really scared that I lost you when you pass out." He whisper. Chara could feel how he shake. Chara wrap her arms around him. "I'm here. I'm fine." Chara answer. "Chara I-" "IS SHE AWAKE YET?" Thor cut Loki off with his bark inside room. "Oh. WINTER! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Thor yell cheerful. Loki quickly pull back when Thor opened the door. Chara glance at him and see how he wipe angrily away couple tears. Chara take step forward, catching Thor's full attention. "Hi Thor." She greet him. Suddenly Thor snatch her in his arms for bear hug. "We were really worried about you." He say after he put her down. "Sorry about that." Chara apology with little smile. "We need to tell others." Thor announce and rush out of room. 

Chara groan. "I need to chance again." She mumble and use her magic to put on some black leggings and blue shirt. Loki grab her arm growling. "You just say you almost lost control." He say angrily. Chara see fear still in his eyes. "This can't make me loose control." Chara answer gently. "What you wanted to say?" She ask. Loki let go of her arm and look away. "It wasn't important." Chara frown. "You sure?" Loki nod. Chara look at him for a moment. She huff. "Well let's go downstairs before everyone rush here." She say and call Kiba to her. Chara walk out of room. "You coming?" She ask in hall when Loki didn't follow her. "I think I pass. I go to take some sleep in my room." Loki say and rush past her. Chara look even more worried but shrug. Strange sting strike her heart for Loki's behavior. 

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