Chapter 73

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Chara leap back in fight. She made some stupid mistakes which cost her couple cracked bones. She soon got used to fight with ice leg again. She try to cut the Curse many places, even punctured her sword right through it but it didn't budge. She managed to pull sword out when it hit side of her head. She fly several metres and roll couple more. Her head spin and ears ring. She grit her teeth and stand back up. Malekith smirk to her, enjoying the show. Chara spit more blood out of her mouth and tighten her grip on her sword. She dodge Curse's punch by going under his arm and strike from his armpit to head. Tip of sword pierced his brains. She quickly pull sword out and roll further away. 

Curse stagger a little. It turn to look at Chara angry. "Still not enough?" She whine frustrated and dodge next punch. Chara accidentally activated one of grenades and roll away. Everything around it get sucked in black hole. She look at it shocked and got new hit on side. She groan in pain and stagger couple steps back. She force herself to stand back straight. While they fight she desperately look around and try to find another grenade. Only one she found is on monsters belt. "Fuck." She curse again. Only way to get that is to go as close as possible. For her surprise Curse grab a sword from ground. "Even better." She mumble. 

Then plan start to form in her mind. Loki will kill her if she survive because of it. "Getting tired of just punching me?" She tease. Curse roar at her. Chara concentrate on defense. She dodge or block every attack he tried. "What is the matter? Getting tired?" She continue to drive monster angry. She continue to do that for a while longer. Then she see her moment to come. She let one strike past her defense. Sword pierce her stomach. She push herself as far as she can and activated the grenade. Then she kick herself away and land on ice with painful groan. Curse growl at her. "See you in hell, monster." Chara say with pained smirk. Then it realized what she did, it was too late. Curse disappeared in black hole. 

Chara freeze her wound and stand back up. Her eyes has still fight in them. She walk toward Malekith. He look scared and grab his sword. "You can't win me woman. Not after all this." He threaten and point toward dead bodies. Chara didn't answer. She collect some of her magic and freeze his sword on ground. She sheathe her own sword. "I have no intentions to kill you yet." She answer darkly and punch him in gut. 

Malekith groan in pain and try to punch back. Chara dodge and hit him in chin. They fight like that for 10 minutes until Chara knock him out. "Finally." Chara whisper tiredly while swiping blood from corner of her lips. She pour snow on his face, waking him up. She quickly grab his nape. "Here is the deal. You take Aether out of my friend and put it on the box I order you and I kill you quickly. If you don't I kill you slowly, so in the end of it you pray me to kill you. Understood?" She tell him coldly. Malekith think of it a minute and nod. "Good. If you try anything shady I kill you immediately." She warn him lastly and destroy last ships similar way than first one. She see how he grit his teeth in anger. "Let's go." She order and pull him up.

Chara summon the magic that is left back to her from cube. It start to break and vanish. Then she teleport herself and Malekith in Thor's chambers. Frigga yelp in surprise. "Ho- Why you bring him here?" She ask in fear. Chara force Malekith to his knees. "Where is Jane?" She ask and look around. "I'm here." She say and come in view. Chara nod and summon her box between them and Jane. "Now, take it out." Chara command Malekith and squeeze little tighter. He grunt in pain and do as told. Jane rise from floor and Aether start to come out of her. When everything is out she drop on floor. "On box." Chara growl. Malekith smirk. "You're a fool child." He answer and Aether start to float toward him. 

"Idiot." Chara groan and cut his head off. Malekith drop on floor death. "Now what?" Frigga ask worried. "I didn't want to do this." Chara growl and sheathe her sword angrily. She rise her hands and start to freeze Aether. She groan under the pressure and grit her teeth. "Come on, come on." She plead and channel more magic toward Aether. It slowly start to bend under her will. Chara start to direct it toward the ice box on ground. "I can help." Frigga say and rise her hands. "NO!" Chara snap. "Don't mess with this." She growl and concentrate again on Aether. 

It felt like centuries but finally it start to flow toward box, like half-frozen water. When last drop went inside, Chara kick the lid shut and it sealed itself. Chara drop on her knees, extremely tired. She pant and sweat drop from her face. She felt like box had suck last bit of her magic from her. Her whole body tremble. "Chara!" Frigga yell scared. Chara rise her head with some difficulties. "Your leg!" She say and rush to her. Chara look at her leg, there isn't even ice leg anymore. "What?" Chara say confused. Then she feel how her wound melt and start to bleed. "Fuck." She curse and try to summon even little bit of her magic. Nothing came out. 

"Frigga, my magic is empty." Chara whisper and collapse on floor. She groan in pain. "CHARA?!" Loki yell and kneel beside her. "Loki.." Chara whisper and force her eyes open. She feel how Frigga try to stop her bleeding. "You idiot. You promised that we solve this together." Loki growl to her. "I'm sorry that I chose to leave you behind." Chara say quietly. "Why? Because you think I'm weak?" He ask with pained voice. "No!" Chara disagree as loud as she can and grab his arm. "Because I trust you." She answer, her fingers grow weak. "I love you." Chara whisper before she fell unconscious. Last thing she hear is Loki plead her to stay with him.

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