Chapter 70

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Chara and Loki spent the day by exploring the castle. No one tried to put Loki in chains again or try to stop them from walking around. Kiba almost bite at the one maid when she start to flirt with Loki. He sensed annoyance from both of them. After that, rumor about Loki's guard's monster wolf spread like wildfire. Chara and Loki find it hilarious and after that Thor find them for dinner. Fandral continued to flirt with Chara until she freeze his lips shut. He looked her so horrified that everyone, even Loki, burst in laughter. Chara quickly vanish the ice and threaten to do it again if he won't stop annoying her. Chara and Sif bonded after that quickly. They agreed to train together on tomorrow.

After dinner Loki lead Chara to her room. "This is yours M'Lady. Mine is just across the hall if you need anything." He tell her formally. "Thank you, Your Highness." Chara answer and slip inside her room with Kiba. Chara look around. Room has king size bed, fireplace, one-suite and desk with paper and ink ready. "Not bad." She mumble to herself and make Kiba's bed appear front of fireplace. He quickly rush to there, circle it around couple times and lay down with huff. She chuckle. "Tired, are we?" She tease the wolf. It look at her before closing his eyes again. Chara quickly chance to her tank top and shorts. It didn't take long for Loki to teleport in her room. He is wearing his pajamas too.

"Hi again, your Highness." Chara tease Loki. He growl for an answer. "Don't use that title in private." He spat. Chara smile to him gently and move to hug him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." She whisper. Loki hug her back tightly. "It's just.... It pull back so many memories in here. Stronger than I anticipated." He admit quietly. She kiss his cheek. "I'm here. I'm in your arms because of you, not because of your title. I love you." She assure him. "I know." He breath out and move to kiss her. It soon turn hungry one and Chara pull Loki with her in bed. They both made barrier around the room before lust takes completely over.

Chara wake up at morning safely in Loki's arms. She look outside and see that it is sunrise. Kiba whine quietly when he see her awake. She turn toward Loki and start to give light kisses across his face. "We need to wake up, darling." She mumble. He groan as answer. She kiss him on lips and chin. "Come on." She tease him. Finally Loki open his eyes. "I could get used on that." He smirk sleepily. She chuckle. "Come on sleepyhead, you should go to your room before someone come to look you." She say and peck his cheek before slipping out of bed. He complain for a while until do as she told. 

In breakfast table Chara frown when she didn't find Thor. Soon warriors three and Sif come inside. "Morning." Chara greet them. They greet her and sit around her and Loki. "Where is Thor?" Chara ask from Sif. "He went to Midgard. He said something about Jane." She mumble. Chara didn't push it further, sensing that it is sensitive spot. "You're up to train this morning?" Chara ask instead. "Am I?" Sif answer with smirk. Chara smirk back. "After breakfast?" Sif nod and they continue to talk other topics. 

They went to training field after breakfast. Warriors three tried to talk Chara out of it, worried that she could get hurt. Chara snort to them. "I can handle myself, thank you very much." She answer and ice blue mist surround her. Loki look at her surprised when she didn't put on her own armor. Instead she has green and golden armor. She still has her sword and daggers. Chara wink her eye to Loki before concentrating on Sif. "Whenever you're ready." Sif invite her. Chara smirk and pull out her sword.

Then Chara kick herself on move. In mere seconds she is front of Sif and swing her sword. Sif almost got hit, Chara surprised her completely. Soon she get it back together and they fight in high speed. Other trainers turn to look at them too. Chara enjoy fighting against compete opponent. She start to rise her speed and soon Sif has to move on defend. Chara faked her misstep and when Sif used it, she kick her legs from beneath her. Sif fall on her stomach with thud. Chara hit tip of her sword in ground next to her head. "I win." She breath out and pull back. 

Everyone stare at them shocked. Chara help Sif up. "That was fun." Chara say when they look at each others with wide smile. "How the hell you have trained?" Sif asked with smirk. "Hard and I have had many deadly battles in my life." She answer. "Again?" Sif ask. Chara nod and they move to their positions. Soon they fight again in high speed. Sif noticed how Chara is little careless when defensing her right leg. They continue to fight 10 more minutes, then Sif aim her swing on her right leg. 

For everyone's surprise her sword snap. They both stop when tip of Sif's sword drop on ground. "What?" She wonder aloud. Chara pat her shoulder. "You should have known that I had a reason to do so lousy job." She tease her friendly. Chara rise a little her leg and show her prosthetic leg. "Wha-How?" Sif ask. Chara smile sadly to her. "I faced once very dangerous opponent, they almost killed me." She explain and sheathe her sword. "I think that is enough for this day." She announce and chance her armor on dress.

" She announce and chance her armor on dress

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"Green and gold?" Fandral ask. Chara shrug. "I like these colors." She answer and walk inside Loki and Kiba following her. They headed to hidden alcove again. In there Loki pull her in a kiss. "Remind me to not angering you." he growl playfully. Chara chuckle. "You notice when you anger me." She promise and kiss him.

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