Chara stand up and walk to iPad. She decide the song and soon light blue mist surround her. She chance her outfit on black and gold dress and hide her scars with simple illusion. Thor, Bucky, Sam and Tony whistle to her. Chara smirk and give them little curtsy. She press play and first note of song come in air. Chara start to move her hand and waist with music. She start to move more when music goes by. Her dress give more highlight her movements. Chara dive inside music and dance with all her heart. She has flirtatious smile and lust on her eyes. She see how men were all fascinated by her dance, even Loki. Women appraise her dance too and chuckle to men.
When last note hit Chara stop and give them curtsy. Others cheer and clap at her. Chara chance back to her T-shirt and pants. She walk back to couch and grab her beer. "That was fun. I haven't dance in a while." She say and take a sip. Suddenly Loki grab her by waist and pull her in his lap sideways. Chara frown and turn to look at him. "What-" Loki cut her off with passionately kiss. It got her by surprise but Chara quickly kiss him back. When they break apart Loki hug him tighter. "Mine." He growl to others. "I KNEW IT!" Thor boom happily and Steve paid to Natasha. Tony and Bruce stare at them shocked. Chara chuckle. "Jealous, are we?" She tease Loki. He just growl possessively. Chara kiss his cheek before spinning bottle on coffee table with help of magic.
They continue play the game for almost midnight. It didn't land on Chara, Loki, Wanda or Vision. Chara was sure Loki and Wanda cheated by using magic but didn't reveal them. She enjoy way too much watching others doing stupid things.
To Chara's surprise Tony challenge her on arm wrestling. Chara chuckle and look Tony's intoxicated form up and down. "Sure about that Tinman?" She tease him. "Yesss" He slur. Chara shake her head and move from Loki's lap after couple kisses. He didn't want to let her go. Chara and Tony move either side of table and kneel on floor. Chara put her arm up first. Tony grab it. Natasha move to be judge. "Ready, set, GO!" Chara keep her arm in place. Tony has soon sweat forming on his forehead and he growl. Chara look at him amused. "You should have knew better Stark." Chara say and start slowly push Tony's arm down. His eyes widen. Chara smirk to him. "I'm not ordinary woman." She say and push his arm on table. "WINTER WIN!" Natasha yell and others cheer.
Tony look shocked between his arm and Chara's face. "Maybe next time Tinman." Chara tease him and pat his head. Tony jump to his feet. "Again." He demand and soon Ironman's glove is on his hand. Chara rise her eyebrows. "You sure?" "Again." Chara shrug and kneel back down. Soon everyone is gathered around them again and Natasha set them off. Chara feel how Tony use some jets to help him. Chara use more power and has to really mean it this time. Their hand remain in middle until Chara use her magic to freeze couple jets. She mash Tony's arm on table again and everyone cheer. Chara stand up and smirk to Tony. "You cheated!" He accuse and show his frozen jets. Chara's smirk widen. "So did you." She answer and give Tony flying kiss before sitting back on Loki's lap. Everyone laugh to pouting Tony.
Soon everyone start to nod off, even Chara. She hasn't feel so safe in her entire life. Kiba laying next to couch and she securely in Loki's arms. She feel how Loki stand up. Chara blink her eyes couple times. "Shhh Pet, go back to sleep. I take care of you." Loki whisper. "I know that." She murmur before closing her eyes again. She feel how Loki kiss her forehead and snuggle closer to his chest. Next thing she know is Loki lowering her in bed. Kiba jump next to her in bed. Loki pull blanket over her and kiss her forehead. "Sleep well darling." He whisper. "You too..." Chara mumble and hear Loki chuckle before slipping out.
Chara snap awake in small hours and look around confuse. She sit up. Kiba is sleeping peacefully in her bed. Chara pet him before standing up. Then she feel it again. Something has come through her shield around compound. Chara chance in her armor and rush out her balcony window. She make bridge from ice and slide down. She rush toward forest where she felt it. She slip through shadows and soon see find five men in all black suits sneaking toward compound.
"You sure these thing can kill everyone? You saw what that monster did to our hideout. She destroy whole place!" "Shh" Other man shush angrily. "Yes these can. They will destroy everything in mile radius completely. Boss will be pleased." He continue and they start to build some big cannon. Shit. Chara curse in her mind. She quickly evaluate what she should do. They built it ready quicker than she anticipate. Before she has time to attack they shoot missile to go. Men quickly start to run away. "SHIT" Chara yell and teleport next to compound. She pull out as much magic as she could and make thick ice wall around compound. Then huge explosion came.
Chara feel her ice wall breaking apart and desperately make more between compound and explosion. Suddenly last of her wall break apart and shock wave throw her through concrete wall. Chara feel how something pierce her left thigh and right side. She cough out some blood and glance down. Iron poles from wall have pierced her. She glance around and see that other walls look like they were intact. Chara grit her teeth and push herself up. She pull out poles and freeze wounds up. She limb outside and sigh in relief after seeing that only couple windows are broken, nothing more.
Other side of her ice wall has huge hole. "That could have killed us." She say to herself. "WINTER?!" Tony yell and land next to her. "Hi Stark." Chara manage to answer with weak smile. "WHA-" "HYDRA, there is five men running away. They are still inside my barrier. Catch them." Chara cut him off and point toward their way. "I'm fine. GO!" Chara command when he hesitate. Finally Tony fly away. Thor soon following him. Chara's left leg buckle under her and she drop on knees. Darkness swim in corner of her view. "Too much, too quickly." She mumble to herself and cough more blood out. Probably because of shock wave. She thought. "CHARA!" She turn to look at running Kiba and Loki fast behind him. "Loki..." Chara whisper. Kiba whine worried and lick her cheek. "You both are safe..." Chara manage to say before she pass out. "CHARA!" Loki's scared plead is last thing she hear.

Frozen soul
FanfictionChara Winter is cast out from her family. Her adopted parents were killed front of her eyes. After that she loved no one, only living for herself. She has secret parentage. She has lived on earth over 1000 years. She has participated on many wars, s...