Chara use her magic to push dead bodies inside wider area. Enemies push them out of way too and keep attacking her. They try to use guns but Chara easily block them with ice bullets. She feel how they have start to try melt other exits. Machines are more powerful than she anticipate and decide to spare her magic to keep dome up. Chara send last wave of ice daggers toward enemy. She pull out her sword and move to attack position. "What the hell you think you're doing?!" She hear Clint's angry, scared yell. She made pile of arrows next to Clint. "Use a different strategy." She answer and wink toward Clint over her shoulder. "NO" Clint yell same time Chara push herself to move.
She let herself to dive inside warrior beast she has made herself. She is deadly vortex. She use her long sword to cut around her. She got couple hits in too but ignore them. Enemies start to realize their guns are useless against her and have taken their swords and such in use. They are better than Chara anticipate and got couple cuts in her shoulders. She growl in anger and push herself to higher speed. She start to use dead bodies as barricades each of her sides so they can't go around her. Chara push them back, she hear Clint yell to her something about out of arrows. He has stop firing. Chara peek over her shoulder and see how he has start to rush toward them. "Fuck." She curse under her breath. She push enemy line more back and is soon at dome's entrance. Chara use her magic to clean area around her. She take quick glance around and see that half of them is already gone. Half of enemies is surround other exit she made. Chara peek over her shoulder toward Clint again. "You would die." She say toward him.
Clint read her lips. "Don't you dare-" Chara wave her hand and seal the entrance, trapping herself in and Clint out. Chara turn toward enemies again. She take better footing and rise her sword. "Let's dance." She say and smirk. They start to rush toward her again. Chara start to swirl inside their line. Suddenly she feel how one melting spot stop melting. She repair it and soon it happened again. She take quick glance above and see Ironman destroying them. She smirk even more widely. "Yes." She whisper and throw ice daggers around herself. Soon she feel how every melting spot freeze and stop melting, then Ironman land next to her. "You are reckless Winter." He say and shoot around them. "If I wasn't it would be less fun." Chara answer and cut enemy's head off. Then Thor land next to her. "Need some assistance M'Lady?" Thor ask and throw Mjolnir.
Chara shake her head and laugh. "Clint send you?" She ask and throw ice spears toward one side. "Yes. He told that you shut him out." Tony answer. Suddenly he stop. "They are what?" "What happened Stark?" Chara ask worried. "Natasha and some SHIELD's people are seriously injured." He answer. "What?" Chara and Thor ask same time. Chara frown and think for a moment. "Stark, command everyone out and leave too." She command. "What? We are not leaving. We need to stop them." Tony argue and Thor join him. Chara push enemies back and glare at them. "I kill them all at once. They clearly can't handle coldness too well. You need to get out or you die too." She yell angrily. "But-" "No buts or anything. Leave. NOW." She growl and wave her sword in wide line. For tip of her sword burst out ice. Enemies freeze on spot and made ice wall. Tony and Thor look shocked at her. "GO!" Chara yell again. Finally Tony tell her command to others and leave. Thor move to stand next to her. "Are you sure you can handle this, prince?" Chara ask and rise her eyebrow. "I'm God of Thunder and Asgardian. I won't run from battle." He answer. Chara shrug. "I warned you." She answer.
When Chara see that everyone is outside and enemies start to go inside her dome's corridor she close it. Angry yells of frustration can be heard and every single enemy turn toward them. Chara take deep breath and start to collect her magic in her hands again. Thor move to battle stance too. Suddenly someone walk forward. Chara look at him confuse. He walk toward them hands up. "I want to talk." He announce. Chara let her magic disappear but keep it ready. Blue alien stop couple meters away from them. "Why you side with humans Witch?" He ask and point toward Chara. Chara shrug. "Because this is my home and I have grown quite fond of it." She answer and smile sweetly. "You can be my next of command. You can be anything you want. Humans won't ever accept you after this." He answer and wave around them. Chara look around and see many dead bodies and her dome.
"They will accept her, even love her. She isn't someone to hate." Thor say angrily behind Chara and grab her shoulder. Chara shake her head. "I have always been hated and feared. Still I have always find some people who accept me, they haven't always knew the whole truth but still. I am me. I am someone you should fear. Someone who has decided to protect this little planet." Chara answer and smile darkly at commander. Before he could react Chara swing her sword. When she stop, her sword has extension of ice. Commander's head drop on ground and body soon follow. "Now, let's finish this." Chara say darkly and shake Thor's hand from her shoulder. Chara's arms got surrounded by light blue mist, same as her sword. Chara feel how Thor is frozen in place. He stare at her mouth open.
Chara stomp and wave of ice attack toward enemies. They scream in fear when ice got them. They all freeze on spot. Chara move her sword and circle of thin ice rush forward, it cut in half everything on it's way. Chara pour more power out and soon screams of fear and dying stop. Everything has got covered inside her ice. Thor has jumped out of way. Chara vanish top of dome. "Thor would you be kind and hit on this spot? Then their bodies would broke in little pieces and every single evident about them vanish too." Chara ask sweet smile on her face when she cut X-mark on ice. Thor nod and start to rotate his hammer. Chara jump high same time as Thor hit the spot. Ice broke down little pieces inside dome.
Chara land next to Thor and vanish rest of dome. Soon wind hit them again. "Remind me that I never anger you." Thor say little scared of her. Chara chuckle and pat his back. "I hope you never have the need to do that." She answer and smile. Suddenly Chara hear cracking noise behind them. Then some big monster break through ice and roar in anger. "No way, orc champion." Thor whisper. Chara glance at him and tighten her grip around her sword's handle. "We need to kill it." Chara answer. She curse inside her mind that her magic is almost empty by now. Chara could hear others yell toward them. "Make sure they stand back. I handle it." Chara say. Thor glance at her but nod eventually and fly toward others. Chara inhale and exhale to relax her screaming muscles. "This will be fun." She mumble and walk toward yelling beast. It see her and turn to face her. They both stop when they get inside each others view. "You?!" Orc yell angrily. Chara see that he has only one eye and half of his right hand is cut off. "Fuck." She mumble when she remember him. Odin has send him to kill her some centuries ago. "I will kill you." He threaten and rush in attack.

Frozen soul
FanfictionChara Winter is cast out from her family. Her adopted parents were killed front of her eyes. After that she loved no one, only living for herself. She has secret parentage. She has lived on earth over 1000 years. She has participated on many wars, s...