Chapter 67

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The day for their journey to Asgard rise. Chara has slept peacefully in Loki's arms. She stir awake and yawn. "Morning love." She greet while rubbing her eyes. "Morning." Loki answer with raspy voice. Chara frown and turn to look at him. "Did you sleep at all?" She ask worried and caress his cheek. "Yes." Chara glare at him. "No..." He whisper. She sigh. "Loki everything will go fine. Trust me. I can handle this." She try to assure him. "You don't know that." He snap back. Kiba stand up and whine worried. 

Loki sigh and hide his eyes in his hand. "Hey. Look at me." Chara plead softly. When Loki didn't obey she move to straddle him and move his arm gently away. She grab his face between her hands. "Now you listen to me. We go to Asgard. Odin won't put you in cell or anything like that, I won't allow it. You can see your mother. I will be fine." She tell to him sternly. Loki stare at her. He slowly rise his hand to cup her cheek. "You hear me? Everything will work out." She say. She caress his cheeks and he caress her cheek. "Everything will work out." Loki repeat after a moment. "Yes, everything will work out." Chara assure and peck his lips before moving to stand on floor. 

Breakfast table is quiet. Chara can feel others worry. They clearly didn't like that she is going to Asgard with Loki. Even if he has proved himself many times on missions. It pissed her off, but she swallow it and focus on her food. When everyone finish their food Thor stand up. "We should get going." he announce exited and start to walk toward front door. Others soon followed him. Chara stand up and stop when she realize that Loki is still sitting. She frown worried. "Hey, everything will be okay." She assure him and reach her hand to him. Loki glance it. He clear his throat. "Chara." He say and stand up while grabbing her hand. "I... I hope you like this." He say unsure and show her snowflake necklace.

" He say unsure and show her snowflake necklace

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Chara gasp and gently reach toward it. "It is beautiful Loki." She whisper. Relieved smile spread to Loki's lips. "You like it?" "I love it." Chara answer with wide smile. "Please put it on." She ask and turn around. She move her hair out of the way. Loki gently put it on. Chara look at her necklace with smile. "Thank you." She thank him. "My pleasure." He answer and kiss her knuckles. "We should get going." Chara say and grab Loki's hand. She lead him outside, Kiba fast behind. 

"There you are." Thor say when Chara and Loki finally get outside. "Heimdall is already waiting, we should get going." He announce. "Oh wait. One more thing." Chara say and ice blue mist surround her. When she come in view again she has casual dress on and her hair is in messy braid.

 When she come in view again she has casual dress on and her hair is in messy braid

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Loki rise his eyebrow confuse. "Better if they think that I'm just harmless sorceress." She whisper mischievously. They walk to stand next to Thor and Chara summon Kiba to her. "You're taking the wolf with you?" Tony ask surprised. She roll her eyes. "Of course. Wherever I go Kiba go too." She answer and put scarf over his eyes. She take tight grip of his nape fur and nod to Thor, signal that they are ready. "Okay everyone, step back." He instruct. "Heimdall, we are ready." He yell while rising Mjolnir up. Soon bright light surround them and they fly with high speed up. Chara hold tightly on Kiba when he whine unsure. "Almost there." She say to wolf.

Then Chara feel solid floor under her feet. They have come in round golden room. She quickly take the scarf from Kiba's eyes. It look around suspicious and stay close to her side. "Welcome back my lords. And welcome to Asgard Lady Winter." Someone greet them. Chara turn around and see the man on stage with big sword. She give him a proper curtsy. "Thank you Heimdall." She answer. She saw pleased blink in his eyes and smile gently to him. 

Suddenly Chara hear some rattle and turn toward noise. There is four guards walking toward Loki with chains. Chara feel anger bubble in her veins. "What do you think you're doing?" She ask coldly. They ignore her. She growl and teleport front of Loki and wave her hand. Ice spikes appear between guards and Chara, they have to pull back a little so they won't puncture them. Soon Kiba has appeared next to her growling. Guards yelp surprised. "I asked what you think you're doing?" Chara ask again coldly. 

"Winter." Loki whisper warning her. She ignore him and glare at guards. They share a look. "King Odin ordered that criminal Loki should be put in chains until Allfather has given him his sentence." One of them explain. Chara blink couple times. Then dangerous growl come from her lips and her magic start to dance around her fingers. "I'm Winter and I'm here as Prince Loki's guard. He is under my supervision AND my protection. No one is going to put those on him as long as I am his guard." Chara answer to them dangerously calm. 

Guards share a look again and one of them grab handle of his sword. "Bad decision." Chara warn him and cold breeze bite his face. "Now, now. Everyone calm down. I take the responsibility of this. Take those chains away. No punishment will come for you about this. You have my word." Thor step between them. "Calm down Winter. No one is going to question your duty." He start to calm her down. Everyone has sensed storm under her mask that could be released. Chara pull her magic back, mist disappear and spikes vanish. "You better be right Thor." She answer to him coldly. Kiba has calmed down too. He still glare at guards warily.

When they walk on rainbow bridge Chara freeze for a moment to look at Asgard. Loki sneak next to her. "I never though that I could see this again." She whisper to Loki. He touch quickly her fingers to comfort. They didn't dare to show affection toward each others yet. Not before facing Odin. "We should go." Loki whisper. Chara snap out of it and lead them to two remaining horses. She swing in saddle easily. Thor look at her surprised. "I have lived a long life already Thor. Riding is very familiar to me." She tease him. He snort. "I should have know that." He answer with a smirk before he start to lead the way. 

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