Request Info (requests open)

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I take x reader requests!
All requests will be written with a gender neutral reader.
Feel free to leave a comment, DM me, or even go over to my tumblr Nix-Writes-MCYT and drop an ask there :)

Things I will not write:
- Character x character
- SMUT (Suggestive is okay but I won't write NSFW)
- Self harm and other triggering topics
- Any minors, including parent/child relationships

All my content is written in character only. In the world of the game or an AU it is never the real people.

I will write most things for most people (romance, angst, comfort etc.)
I do manly write romance, but you can ask for platonic too. You can ask for Yandere, that is up to my discretion
I will write hybrids and Au's

Who I write for:
- Grian
- Mumbo
- Impulse
- Scar
- Xisuma
- Bdubs
- Tango
- Zedaph
- Iskall
- Cub
- Gem
- Pearl (platonic only)
- Cleo
- Doc
- Ren
- xB
- Skizz

I will write for traffic series too if a hermit is there!
With hybrids, au's and platonic relationships please include these in your requests

All requests will be gender neutral with no identifiers (race, weight, disabilities) as I want to be as inclusive as I can and I'm not comfortable writing for groups of people who I don't have the experiences of or detailing my experiences publicly
Requests will be written in whatever form comes to me really

If there is any other information you need you can leave a comment below or message me directly.

An important note about the hermits boundaries: I know them.
If you don't or are unsure, I will list them below. Each one of these does in fact have receipts on a publicly accessible Google doc.

Based on my research and research of others in the community, and also based on the fact I do not write any hermit x hermit, I am not breaking any boundaries.

In fact, no hermits are explicitly against the writing of fanfiction, and the only explicit no's are from people not wanting to be shipped romantically with their close friends (and I don't do hermit x hermit because I don't like shipping. I don't care if anyone else does, it's just not for me. So I don't interact)

Also: this is not intended to be seen by the hermits! If they don't want to see it they won't, I'm not hurting anyone by being here and doing this nor breaking boundaries.

This is my PSA for people to research fully and find actual clips or screenshots, or just ask rather than assuming I don't know the boundaries of the hermits.

If what I write isn't for you that's okay, just don't interact, let alone spread hate.

Xisuma: said its not his thing and he doesn't want to be involved, but does not want to limit what people create. This means I'm not breaking boundaries by writing for him

Cleo: Straight up said she doesn't care at all, that fanfiction isn't like the real hermits and in their opinion is just like an AU

Doc: Stated the hermits had actually discussed it and no one really had an issue with it or ever complained except for the odd instance of people being weird about mainly the female hermits and making them only exist as objects to ship with the male hermits
He has also referenced shipping himself

Gem: Thinks its weird to be shipped with her friends, especially those that are in relationships. She hasn't explicitly said she does not like shipping (also my fanfictions do not involve hermit x hermit so does not break her boundary.)

Impulse: Refused to give comment, this is (in my opinion) something similar to Xisuma's statement where he doesn't want to be involved but doesn't want to tell the fandom what to, or not to create

Pearl: Does not like to be objectified with shipping. Does not like to be shipped with male creators she collaborates with. She has also said that when it's in fanfic and not serious it's whatever but sometimes you can't tell if people are being weird and creepy about it and she finds it awkward.
(With this statement I could write her romantically but choose not to. I do not endorse the shipping of real people.

Wels: said he'd never seen it and would ignore it if he did

Quite a few hermits have referenced shipping but never made a statement (Stress, Iskall, Jevin, Mumbo, Grian, Ren), the rest have not stated their opinions.

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