Tango - Oneshot - Reunited

401 13 5

Contains: Fluff

With a sigh, you rise from your seated position, checking the clock again.
Mornings are long these days, and not just because it's summer.

No, that's how it would be anyway.
But these mornings drag even more.
These mornings are unusually quiet and uneventful.
You have no Tango to make them anything else.

He's been gone for so long now. At this point, you've lost track of the weeks, but it's got to be nearing three months now.
Perhaps that's passed already.

At first, you kept going as per usual, seeing hermits you'd normally see, getting in on the community projects.
Lately you just haven't had the motivation.
You've not even ventured outside your base.

You spend much of your time in the cottage you built for Tango and you at the beginning of the season.
You've added a few things to the grounds outside since Tango has been gone, but nothing major.
You don't want to remove all the Tango from this space.

It's safe to say you miss him.
No one can doubt that.

You glance out of the window as you walk past, the giant silhouette of Deep Frost Citadel no longer intimidating. At this point it only brings you sorrow.

You've spent many an hour staring from various windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of the one you love.
Hoping he will come home at last.
Sometimes you think you see something moving in the distance, but who knows? Maybe you're too far away to tell.

Your communicator beeps quietly in your pocket, it's not an uncommon occurance but it doesn't happen often still.
Every now and then someone will check up on you, see if you're okay since you're not venturing out as much any more.
That's what you expect this message will be too.

You're pleasantly surprised when it isn't.
When the message reads
- <Xisuma> I'll be 5 minutes, be ready to leave. Or else ^.^

The threat and uncharacteristically cute face give you mixed messages, but you decide you'd rather be safe than sorry.
X isn't very threatening, sure, but while you don't think he'd hurt a fly you've never seen him in that situation to be sure.

So you move away from the window and go sort yourself out for company.

Before you know it there is a pounding at the door, you find yourself pulling on your footwear and trying not to smack your face into the wall as you rush to silence the knocking.

Xisuma looks unimpressed, or so you think behind the mask anyway, pulling you out of the house.

"We'll I'm at least glad I didn't have to drag you out of the house." He says, the slightest hint of amusement in his voice.
The emphasis on the word 'you' seems strange, but you decide not to question it.

Xisuma gives you some coordinates, just in case, but tells you to just follow him and it'll be easier.
He shoots off into the sky, making flying look easy.

You've not flown in some time.
While there is some muscle memory it's certainly rough going.
You're a little all over the place for the first five minutes, but you settle back into it fast enough.

The landing isn't particularly smooth, not at all.
You almost go flat on your face, but manage to save it last minute and roll.

Xisuma helps you up, not uttering a word or any kind of an expression.
Once you're on your feet he immediately sets off walking.

You follow behind him as best you can, relying on the small path.
Here the trees are thick, the spruce forest pretty dense.
It's beautiful though, the dark green of the leaves glowing from the sunlight above.
Moss covers most of the podzol, small white flowers managing to grow over the layer of green.

You haven't been walking for long when Xisuma comes fully back into sight, a clearing up ahead.

Here you're able to see the sky once again, but that's not the most impressive feature.
There is grass here, mixed with the moss, on it grows many many flowers of all different colours.

Hidden in the tree line you spot a small building, but see no door for it.
Not that it seems you'll be going over there.

X pulls out a picnic blanket, laying it in the center of the clearing.
"Care to sit?" He suggests, nodding in approval when you take a seat on the blanket.

Then Xisuma leaves without a word, moving towards the small building.
You think of asking him what he's doing but decide not to.
That's a man that works in mysterious ways.

Being alone again makes you miss home.
You haven't left in so long, not that it isn't nice to, it's just who knows how far you are from Tango.

You can feel the sadness that comes with that thought rising in you.
Xisuma disappears and you sigh deeply, choosing to focus on the trees just past the building.

This keeps you occupied until Xisuma reappears.
Not that he really looks like himself, the helmet and armour is gone or covered up by long, black robes lined with blue.
His eyes glow frosty in the darkness cast by his hood.

This isn't Xisuma at all.
This is "Tango?"

"The one and only, my love." He takes a seat in front of you, taking down his hood.
His hair is a mess, you can see the dark circles that have formed under his eyes. He looks paler now than he ever has.
But it is, unmistakably, Tango.

You forget any sadness, any anger that you haven't seen him sooner.
All you feel is happiness in this moment.
Especially as he shuffles and pulls you into his side for a hug.

  "I'm sorry it's taken so long to do this. I lost track of time in the dungeon." His voice is sincere, you know he's not lying.
You had also lost track of the time in your own home waiting for his return.

"I would have waited forever to see you again." You say in return.
Your eyes meet Tango's, his expression is still sad.

"I know you would, as I would for you. But let's be honest, all this time apart hasn't done either of us very good." You nod in agreement.
It's not like he's wrong.

The time apart has done a number on you both, it seems silly when you look at it in hindsight. All the problems being apart for so long has caused.
You can't change that now, but Tango speaking once again fills you with hope.

"I'm coming home. Every night. No excuses. I even got a Bdubs Offical.' Tango smiles now, a smile you've missed dearly.
He waves the clock around, taking the time to point out the Bdubs signature on the back.

You wrap your arms around him, the joy you feel taking over your entire body.
Tango holds you just as tight, as if to say he wasn't going to let go again.

You make a mental note to thank Xisuma for bringing you here, for just generally being there for you.
It's good to have friends that care about you.
It's good to have Tango back If he belongs.

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