Xisuma - Drabble - Oblivious.

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Contains: Fluff, Slight Angst

You sit on the wall watching Xisuma and Evil X.
You're watching Xisuma.

Evil X waves you over, indicating he's done chatting business with Xisuma, something that was private apparently.
But you weren't going to pry or eavesdrop. Their business was their business.

"I'm just going to pop and get some wood, I won't be long." Evil X states.
"Okay, see you soon." You reply. Evil X just nods before shooting off.
Leaving you alone with Xisuma.

Neither of you say anything at first, X being the one to break the silence.
"So, uh, nice weather today?" His question is awkward and to you it's frankly adorable.

"Yeah, it is." You respond quietly.
Xisuma smiles a little, you presume just because you entertained the idea of small talk.
You're just happy to be able to talk to him at all.

The two of you stand in silence, Xisuma offering you some blocks, his way of asking if you'd like to lend a hand.
You take the blocks, relishing in the chance to help him out, to spend that time with him.

Minutes of silence later and you hear Evil X land behind you.
"Nothing, really?" He groans, causing both you and Xisuma to turn and look at him.

"Huh?" Xisuma asks.
"I leave the two of you for ten minutes, come back and you're not even talking." He rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well we were working-"
"I have been working. I have been working so hard to get you two to figure it out." Evil X is visibly frustrated, having to take a few deep breaths.

"Figure what out?" Xisuma asks, you look over at him but he avoids looking over at you. He glances, but doesn't even meet your eyes.
It worries you.

"I know you struggle to see the bigger picture, but you can't be that oblivious,  truly you can't." Evil X walks over, turning you to face Xisuma, then walks over to Xisuma and turns him to face you.

"I am so tired of pushing and pushing for what you both want only for neither of you to see it. So look at each other and admit it, please. It's so painful to watch." You look at Evil X, he's pleading. That is not what you would have expected.

You do look back over at Xisuma though, but you don't say anything.
Neither does he.
Finally your eyes meet, causing you to start to heat up.

You're nervous, you can tell he is too. It radiates off of him.
You try not to look away.
You know you're going to have to make the first move.

"Xisuma I love you." You just say it. You surprise yourself with how far you go straight away.

"I- I love you too. Would you want to be mine?" He stumbles over his words, blushing deeply.

"Yes, I would." You smile, the two of you embracing.
It's the moment you had imagined, although you didn't think it would be cut off so short.

"I'm so glad that's finally been said, you could cut the tension with a knife, I tell you." Evil X walks over hugging you both.
Xisuma silently mouths sorry, earning a giggle from you.

Even though Evil X did interrupt you're nothing but grateful.
For so long you've waited for Xisuma to say something, without the help of Evil X who knows if you'd have ever gotten here.

If you'd have ever been able to confess your feeling.
If you would ever be able to call yourself Xisuma's partner.

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