Going On A Date With Scar Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff, Themepark

Going On A Date With Scar Would Include:

- Scar is first and foremost a gentleman

- The date was his idea, he wanted an excuse to do something extra special with you

- It wasn't quite what you had expected, that was for sure.
"I'd like to take you on a date."
"Where to?" You had asked.
"Well, you know I've been working on a top secret project? I was building you a theme park!"

- He was so happy with his creation, he wanted you to be the first ever visitor. It hadn't even opened to the public yet.

- So the day was set, everything arranged, and the date was to happen.
And happen it did.

- The theme park was bigger than you expected.It was made with your favourite colours in mind.

- Plus included all of your favourite rides

- When you arrived Scar had presented you with an envelope, excited for you to open it

- Inside was a letter, reading:
This is an official letter granting Co-Ownership of the theme park created by GoodtimewithScar. By signing this document you accept responsibility as Co-Owner and will ensure the quality of the park is upheld to legal standards with the help of the original Owner, GoodtimewithScar.

- You had skimmed the responsibilities but knew of all the people Scar could scam you weren't going to be one of themAnd so you signed your name at the bottom.

- You were next handed a card which read Co-Owner PassWhich gave you free access to everything and everywhere in the park

- Scar was so proud of his creation, you could see it as the two of you walked around

- He spent time talking to you about the design choices, the layoutMuch of it was done with you in mind.

- The two of you took your time to enjoy the rides free of charge (not an experience the public would get that was for sure)

- The sun had long set by the time going home crossed either of your minds.
You had been distracted talking about the park and going on any ride you wanted as many times as you wanted (which was for the most part just once, especially on the fast and spinny rides)

- The day was amazing, custom tailored by Scar over a number of months to be an experience you would never forget.

- And it wouldn't be, in fact the two of you made plans to revisit again once the park was fully up, running and open.

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