Dating Tango Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff 

Dating Tango Would Include:

- From the very beginning you had been drawn to Tango

- He had a playfulness that was infectious
A way of making even the most mundane tasks fun

- It didn't take long for you two to be seeing each other almost daily, a budding friendship formed

- Soon enough your closeness began to grow into something more
Buds flowering, creating tiny seeds which, after some time, had more than just roots of friendship

- Those roots grew deep as you and Tango got to know each other better

- Your attraction grew and grew

- You'd find yourself asking him to repeat his sentences, too lost in his eyes to focus on them the first round

- You'd end up losing a day just watching him work

- Every moment spent with him was a moment you cherished

- Not as much as the moment where he finally asked you to be his

- That moment has a special place in your heart.

- The day had started out like any other, but it quickly became apparent something was on Tango's mind
It wasn't often Tango found himself as nervous as he had been that day
Not even when working with tnt

- Although the concern of it blowing up in his face was a common tie between the two.

- Be had eventually figured things out, as he always does.
He had approached you with a bouquet of flowers and asked you to date him

- Tango often brings you back flowers still, he knows you love to look at them, to smell them, to care for them until you no longer can

- When that happens is when he'll bring you more, handpicked flowers.

- It's sweet that he hand picks them instead of using a farm
It shows you how much he cares

- Flowers aren't all you get either

- Tango is always bringing you back little gifts
Most of them are handmade by him, he'll make you all kinds of things out of spare materials

- He just loves to spoil you

- You do the same back, although your gifts aren't quite as mechanical
Usually letters or little carved pieces out of wood.

- You know he's kept everything you've ever made him
He has shelves and a storage box in his office for your little figures, and he keeps all your letters in a file ordered by date

- Both of you go to great lengths to make sure the other knows the worth, to make sure the other is left feeling as loved as possible

- You wouldn't have ever expected it when you first met Tango
But now you're here you know you wouldn't be able to live without it.

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