Being With Yan!Xisuma Headcanons

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Contains: Post Moon Collision S8, Axolotl!Xisuma, Xisuma As A God (well all the hermits as gods), Yandere, Possessive Behaviour

Being With Yan!Xisuma Would Include:

- When you first learned what had happened to this world you had been shocked to say the least

- You had been even more shocked to learn it's former inhabitants had become divine beings after the collision

- That fact had made itself known as you crossed through into the site of impact, breadcrumbs leading you to an underground bunker.

- A book had been left, it took weeks to decode alone

- You did it anyway, learning all of it's secrets, of all the gods.

- They each had their own areas, their own skills and powers

- You were in the area belonging to the god Xisuma, who was said to take on the form of an Axolotl

- After all the time spent decoding the book you had managed to create a small base for yourself

- You had even somehow managed to grow a few trees and crops
Which was a miracle given that you were in a giant moon-sized crater with no original surface

- You stayed for a while, offering small gifts to the gods whenever you could, especially to Xisuma since you resided in his land

- It didn't take long for him to appear before you

- At first it was short, and terrifying

- You hadn't been expecting to see him at all, let alone imagined he would look anything like he did

- He was adorned with gold, helmet sure enough resembling that of an axolotl
Even wearing a helmet you could see his eyes glowing, although all of him did (but not quite as bright as his eyes)
He glowed a faint gold, almost a rose gold
He floated rather than stood, although it took you a while to realise that given how close he stayed to the ground

- His appearances after that were much more often

- After a few weeks of appearing you gave him a large offering, one that you couldn't afford, asking to hear him speak

- And speak he did

- You were not disappointed by the Xolotl, which was a name you accidently called him while tired
It stuck.

- One day out of curiosity you asked why you couldn't see or hear the others
"You're in my land, your connection to them isn't as strong as it is to me"

- After a few days of thinking you had packed your things, ready to go find and speak to the other gods.

- When it came time to leave the base you placed down an offering for Xisuma, promising you'd be back to visit

- Only the god wasn't too happy with your decision to leave

- He let you get all the way to the border before appearing before you, teasing you with the idea of freedom

- His eyes burned brighter than before, a bow in one hand and a sword in the other
"You can't leave"
"I'll come back to visit, I just want to meet the others." The god was not happy with your answer, refusing to back down

- You hadn't realised how much of an attachment you had made with Xolotl, so much time spent together and so many offerings made your bond close

- You had been blind to how close until now

- He had weapons drawn, a determination you could sense
"You can't keep me here."
"Yes I can. You are mine."

- His words were spoken with a scary seriousness, one that struck you to the core

- You walked toward him, determined to pass over the boundary into the next area

- He stayed put, aura brightening as you got closer
It was blinding, you had to close your eyes

- Except when you opened them again you were no longer out in the open
Nor were you in your base

- Instead you were standing in a dark room, the only light coming from one Xolotl sitting upon a throne

- It was built from the materials you had offered him. The ones that had built your connection to him, your closeness to him in the first place.

- His chuckle was low, he seemed at such ease now that you were here, under his watch, where you can't leave
"It's like I told you, Y/n, I can keep you here. You are mine."

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