Grian - Drabble - A God's Revenge

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Based on Last Life

Contains: Slight AU, Watcher!Grian, Winged!reader, Angst, Readers death (not very descriptive), Last life ending (Ren and Scott's final deaths)

"Listen, I don't know what you guys read but I'm not a god." You say, a desperate attempt to defend yourself from the other red lives in front of you.
They broke your shield, knocked your sword from your hand and took you down to half a heart.

"You can't hide your secrets from us, Y/n. We read it in this book. Your wings are a giveaway." Scott states, throwing the book from the enchanter to the ground.
The book that was supposedly impossible to translate.

"What? I'm a bird hybrid, Grian has wings you're not holding him hostage demanding he shows he's a god."
Sure you have wings, they aren't Grian's at all but there isn't much of a difference.
Yours are white with gold detailing and a light purple sheen like that on enchanted gear.

"Grian's wings don't glow."
"It's the reflection from the light." You argue, hoping they'll give you mercy.
It was fair to attack, every party being a red name, but why you?
Why now?

"They glow gold. In the dark as well. Bird wings don't do that." Pearl says, a crazed look in her eyes as she draws nearer.

"Please, I'm not a god. I don't know what you want from me. You can take my weapons, my armour, my potions. I don't want to fight you."

"The book says you are a god. That you're supposed to win. I don't think that's very fair." Scott stands face to face with you, his grip on his sword telling you what's about to happen.

"That's going to kill me, we should be going after the others. Please." You see Pearl shake her head at your begging.
This isn't how you wanted things to end.

"If you aren't a god then you're one less person to worry about. Now, let's find out if you can die." With that Scott plunges his sword into you, the last half a heart disappearing from your health bar.

The world goes dark as your final life is taken.
But even in the eternal darkness something speaks out to you.

"I never meant for things to end like this. They were never meant to find out. Return to me."

You open your eyes, still in the dark. Although now you're surrounded by stars.
He floats before you, the divine being.
The Watcher.

Much like you his form mimics that of a person, except for a few features.
His wings are one. They match yours for all but the patterns on them, his mimicking eyes, a symbol for what he is.
Around his head is a halo of sorts, covering his face is a mask with the distinct symbol of the gods, carved into it in purple and gold.

"I am happy you chose to return here to me. Death in the mortal realm gave you the choice to come back here or to pass on. You returned to me." You're unsure of what he means, with no memory of ever having been here before or met the Watcher.
Although you do seem to know who he is.

"Forever awaits for us, an eternal life as things were before. Where we can create and watch a temporary realm once more. But first this one must come to an end." He reveals a mask, just like his, presenting it to you.

You take it, putting it on.
It feels right, it's familiar.
He holds out his hand for you to take, as you do you're transported to the mortal realm just in time to see Scott slay Ren with an arrow, winning.

"You created this world, now you can destroy it." The watcher says, Scott turning at the sound.
His eyes widen seeing the two of you.
He seems to recognise you behind the mask.

Scott points, opening his mouth to speak. But it's too late.
You've already done it.
Scott's gone, the world disintegrating slowly around you.

You know who you are.
A god, capable of creation. Equally as capable of destruction.
With The Watcher beside you you will see a thousand worlds of your creation destroyed by its inhabitants, just as they destroyed you.

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