Being with Mooner!Mumbo Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff, Sleep Deprivation

Being With Mooner!Mumbo Would Include:

- Things were fine.
At first

- The moon was big.
The moon was scary

- But Mumbo loved it.

- It didn't take Mumbo long to convince you to join the Mooners

- He was doing it because of his love for your lunar neighbour

- You were doing it because of your love for Mumbo

- Being a Mooner for a while turned out to be quite a productive adventure

- Not sleeping gave you hours of extra time to do whatever you liked

- There was a lot more time to get things done
And oh boy did you and Mumbo get things done

- But all good things must come to an end

- Going without sleep after a certain amount of time began to have some effects.

- You were both too tired to do much of anything
But had to because you didn't want to sleep

- All the progress you made before was really just what you would have done, just a little later

- So it ended up that you weren't actually ahead at all

- Mumbo still insisted on being a Mooner, believing in the Moon

- Although at this point you were starting to have doubts

- Plus you felt like you were going insane.

- The worst bit was the phantoms.
Oh the phantoms and their odd little laugh

- Once that began to happen you stopped going outside after dusk and before dawn.

- The phantoms weren't the only thing you noticed.
Mumbo seemed to be acting stranger by the day

- You considered confronting him for some time
But didn't

- You wanted to be supportive of his.. creative ideas to aid the ever more scary situation

- Things only got worse, blocks began to move on their own
Or at least that's what you thought

- It was Mumbo who came to you about leaving the Mooners, abandoning all hope that the moon had good intentions

- You had never agreed to anything faster in your life.

- That night was utter bliss

- For the first time in far too long you got into bed.
The first time in too long you cuddled into Mumbo and fell asleep in his arms

- The sleep itself was heavenly
You woke feeling refreshed and ready to crack on with your day
A strange feeling after being exhausted for so long

- Mumbo on the other hand had another idea.
The first thing that came out of him after that nights rest was a simple.
"We should blow up the moon."

- You rolled your eyes but agreed non the less.
After all, it wasn't the worst idea he had come up with

- At least this time you would be able to sleep

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