Impulse - Drabble - Surprise!

928 14 5

Contains: Fluff, kisses

You smile as you see the small figure appear in the sky.
He's back.

Two days he's been gone, the first time the two of you have been away from one another since you moved in with him.
They've been painfully long and quiet without Impulse.

You're so glad to have him back.
You close the door to the living room, not only because you don't want to let the heat out but because you don't want him to see what you've prepared.

You hear him land outside, opening the door before he's even approached.
A large smile makes it's way on to his face as he sees you.

He seems to forget what he was doing, rushing toward you and wrapping you in a warm embrace as soon as you're in reach.
"Oh I've missed you." He mumbles, squeezing tighter.

"You're squishing me." You state with a small laugh.
"Sorry, got caught up in the moment." He chuckles, letting you go.

He sets his things down, taking off his elytra, jacket and shoes.
He looks around, "why are all the doors closed?"

"I wanted to keep the heat in" You shrug, trying not to let on that you actually have a surprise for him waiting.

Impulse shrugs, opening the living room door.
He immediately notices what you've done.

"You finished the interior!" His excitement shows as he walks in, taking a good look around.
When he left there wasn't much in thd room, in fact only the exterior of the house had been completely finished when he left.

You had become overwhelmed with inspiration when he left.
You wanted to keep yourself busy and decorating was the perfect way to do so.

You had looked over the design notes, concept sketches, all of the things you and Impulse highlighted you wanted doing when you first moved in.
And you had done it all.

"This is amazing." He grin, pulling you around the house with him as he explores.
He doesn't miss a thing, excitedly pointing out the things he remembers discussing with you.

At the end the two of you end up back in the living room.
Impulse pulls you with him onto the sofa, "I can't believe you did all of this while I was gone."

"I wanted to surprise you." Impulse gives you a quick kiss, a thank you for getting everything together.
"You did, it's perfect. A perfect interior created by my amazing partner."

You're glad he likes how it turned out, you're glad you did it right.
You're glad Impulse is back.

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