Grian - Drabble - Delirious

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Contains: Lack of sleep, Fluff, No Implied Relationship

You're so focused on working you don't even realise Grian is behind you.
It takes him to get in your face for you to notice.

"Oh hey Grian, I didn't hear you come in." Your words are quiet, you haven't really used your voice in a while.
"I could tell, are you okay Y/n? You don't look very well." His face reads concern, as does his voice.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I haven't had much sleep is all."

"Much, or none?" He asks. You chuckle.
"Well, you see Grian, I was working." You say matter of factly.

"You've not slept at all, have you?" You shake your head, which he responds to with a frown.
You smile at him, turning your attention back to your work.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. No. You are not continuing to work."
"I need to finish it G." You say with a frown.

"I don't care, you can finish it later. You can't finish it like this, your last three paragraphs aren't even words." Puzzled you look down at the paper.

"Oh." He's right.
They're just lines that are attempting to be something.

"Yeah, now come on. We are getting you to bed." He pushes your chair backwards, the sound of it scraping across the floor making you wince.

"But Grian-"
"No." He stops your protest immediately, "you need sleep. I'm not leaving you until you get some."

"You're no fun when you're serious" You pout, but take his hands and stand up.
"You're no fun when you haven't slept in a while." You shrug.
Maybe he's right..

Come to think of it you do feel a little tired.
Maybe some sleep will help.

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