Ren - Drabble - Self Care

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Contains: Bad at Self Care Reader, Lack Of Sleep, Fluff, Comfort

Three days alone.
That's all it was.

And yet in three days you've managed to mess up linking the portal to the nether hub, lose all the chickens from the Giga-Pies shop and on top of that you've lost track of your own self care.

Did that stop you? Of course not.
Feeling run down didn't matter, you had a shop to take care of, a house and pets to look after.
Could you have asked Cub for help? Yeah.
Did you? No.

Besides, everything needed to be perfect when Ren got back.
There was things to do.

Things you stayed up all night finishing, you didn't go to bed when the sun went down, and you still hadn't when the sun came up.
That was hours ago now.

You stand in the kitchen, peeling carrots and potatoes, chopping them and placing them in the large pot beside you.
You had wanted to do this earlier, have it on by now.
But no sleep comes with no energy, causing you to go slower than normal.

Still, it was nearly done now.
You'd have a proper meal ready for when Ren got back.

"Baby, I'm home." His voice calls.
You glance over at the clock.
It's already 4pm.
So much later than you thought. Had you really been going that slow?

You hear his footsteps draw closer and closer, you focus on the current carrot you're peeling.
Now you really just want to get it done.

"Y/n?" He asks, clearly now in the room with you.
"Hey Ren, I'm just preparing some soup." You reply, not taking your eyes off of the carrot as you position it to be chopped, taking extra care as to not take your fingers with it.

Before you can cut it Ren's hand is on top of yours. He guides your hand so you put the knife down safely before turning you to face him.

A frown falls upon his features as he takes you in for the first time in days.
"You look exhausted." He whispers.

You shrug, "I didn't get much sleep."
"Much? Or none?" He takes off his sunglasses, clearly wanting a better look at you.
"None." You tell him honestly.

"That's not the only thing you've neglected, is it?" You shake your head, slightly ashamed at just how little you've remembered to take care of yourself.

Ren wraps his arms around you, he's warm, safe.
"I'm not happy with you not looking after yourself, you know that right? I love you, I want you to be okay."
"I'm sorry, I lost track of time and just forgot."

Ren nods, his expression concerned, but not disappointed, "it's okay, it happens to us all. I'm back now and I'm going to make sure you're looked after."
Ren makes sure the hobs are off before gently pulling you a little further away from the counter.

Without any other warning he takes a step back, scooping you up in his arms.
"I need to finish tea." You complain, but you make no attempt to free yourself from his arms.
You've missed him.

"I'll finish it and we can eat when you've had some rest."
"No, you are going to get some rest and I'm going to make sure of it." You groan, not wanting to protest further.
If Ren says you're going to rest then that's that.

Once in the bedroom Ren lowers you gently down onto the bed, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"I'm going to go get you some water, okay?" You nod, eyes already heavy.

Still, you wait for him to return, having a drink as soon as he brings it.
You hadn't realised you were so thirsty.

Ren smiles softly, placing your cup on the beside table before drawing the curtains.
"I'm going to sort out tea, okay baby?" He asks quietly.
"Stay, please."

Ren nods, getting in to his side of the bed.
He pulls you close, holding you tight.
"If you want me to stay I'll stay." His voice is soft, full of love.
It's reassuring, safe.

You're tired, you've missed him so much.
You've missed being held like this, waking up beside Ren.

Three days, that's all it took for you to forget to look after yourself.
Thankfully Ren's back now, to look after you, to remind you, to keep you in check.
For that, for him, you couldn't be more grateful.

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