Gem Comforting You Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff

Gem comforting you would include:

- Gem always seems to know when you're upset

- She has always told you she's there if you need her, she's told you many times she'll be there if you need her

- Of course a lot of the time you don't go looking for her, not wanting to be a bother, so..

- She'll seek you out, take you by the hand and lead you to wherever she thinks is the most beautiful that day.

- Whether it's the highest balcony or under a tree, it changes every day but each time is just as scenic

- The two of you will sit in silence for some time, listening to the birds, the sound of the wind in the trees, bees buzzing, Goose purring

- It helps you calm down, it's peaceful

- Another thing that helps is how she holds you, she gives you space but allows for you to lean into her if you want to (which you usually do)

- When she does hold you she does so in a way that's tight, but not overwhelming, reassuring but not overbearing

- Gem doesn't interrupt you during this time, knowing you need time to think in a safe space.

- She'll fetch you both drinks when you're calmer, something hot or something cold, whatever you fancy she'll go and make

- She'll ask if you're ready to talk, not pushing if you say no

- If you say no she'll nod, "I'll be here when you're ready" is how she'll most often respond.

- If you say yes she'll listen to you carefully, taking in every word you say.

- She'll squeeze your hand, to let you know she's listening, gently rubbing the back of your hand as you speak.

- You'll stay in her arms or by her side for some time, it's nice there, calm. You're safe.

- You've watched the sun set like that many times, but it always feels more worth it when you've had a bad day.

- Gem just knows how to make a bad day better, she brings the joy and the magic to life that, without her, you wouldn't have so much of

- No matter how you felt at the start, at the end of the day you always go to bed feeling okay, you'll always go to bed ready to face another day

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