Bdubs - Drabble - Lazy Day

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Contains: Fluff

Waking up next to Bdubs was always nice.
Not living together means it doesn't happen as often as either of you would like.
But when it does it's amazing.

Spooning isn't a thing between the two of you, you'll go to bed a tangled mess of limbs in an attempt to be as close as possible, and you will wake up exactly the same way.

You look over at the clock that hangs on the wall across the room.
It's more than a little bit later than you would like.

Usually you're up early, ready to wake up and get on with whatever project the day brings.
10am is normally the latest you wake up, even if like yesterday you had a late night.

You look over at Bdubs, who is clearly already awake, a smile on his face.
"Morning." He says, sleep still evident in his voice.
"Afternoon." You reply.

"Oh is it afternoon? I didn't notice." Even if you hadn't been looking at him you would have known he was smirking from just the way he spoke.
"Keeping me in bed so late, don't you know I have building to be on with?" Your voice is playful, his eyes opening to look at your face.

"It can wait." his smile is soft.
You prop yourself up on your arm, "Can it now?"

"It can." He states, pulling you into him. "I wanted to spend a little longer with you."
"How much is a little longer?" you ask as you shuffle closer to him.
"How about the rest of the day?"

"In bed?"
"Well for the most part, we'd have to go and get food, but other than that I'll stay if you'll stay." He somehow manages to pull you closer, holding you tighter.

"Looks like we're staying here then." You smile, although he can't see your face.
"I was hoping you would say that."

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