Impulse - Oneshot - Fairytale Evening

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Contains: Fluff, Admittance Of Feelings, Kiss

Despite today being a special one you have spent it alone.
All of your friends had ended up busy, so none of them had been able to make it.

You've spent the day alone, waiting for it to pass.
You've done anything you could to keep your mind off of the fact that you could see none of your friends.

Despite your best efforts it hadn't worked earlier, and it isn't working now.
This is the first time you've been completely alone on a special day.
It doesn't feel good.

You sit now and watch the fire, you put your book down long ago.
Reading about friendship becoming romance was just making you feel bad not just about today but also about how you feel about one of your closest friends.

You sigh, if only he knew. Right?
You just haven't had the guts to tell him.
You don't know if you ever will.


You almost jump out of your skin at the three loud bangs that come from the direction of your front door.
You look over at the clock, it's 8.50pm.
What is someone doing coming over at this time?

You get up as the door knocks again, walking towards the sound.
You take off the chain, unlocking it and opening it just a crack to see who's there.

"Oh good, I thought you were asleep for a second there. Can I come in?"
You open the door fully, stepping aside to let him in.

You don't know what to say, you didn't expect anyone to turn up.
No one said they could and it's so late in the evening.

"I hope you don't mind me coming, especially so late."
"No, not at all. I wasn't doing anything special." He frowns.

"Well that's not very good, is it. Did no one come see you?"
"No one could." You reply, walking into the living room.

"Oh.. I'm sorry." You hear him shuffling around behind you.
"It's okay. You came here after all. You didn't have to come so late." Impulse comes and sits beside you now, the two of you watch the fire in silence.

It's nice to have company, even if the day is almost over.
"Did you do anything today?" He asks.

"Well I read a little I guess. Mainly just waited around for the day to be over."
"What were you reading?" You pick up the book from the small table beside the chair, Impluse shuffling closer to you to get a better look. "What's it about?"

"It's uhh, well it's about two friends who fall in love, they both want to wait for the right time to confess but end up spilling in the heat of the moment. I'm not sure what happens after that, I only just read the confession."
"Sounds.. interesting." Impulse mumbles.

You place the book back down, not looking over at Impulse.
If only he knew.

You've liked Impulse for some time now, longer than you'd like to admit.
From the first time you met him you knew you were attracted to him, there was something about him that drew you in.

His voice was the first thing you really fell in love with, it became associated with laughter and fun, comfort when you needed it.
Once you had admitted you were attracted to his voice the rest followed suit.

The same happened when you realised it was more than just being attracted to him.
Because it couldn't be just that.
No, you had fallen completely in love. And no one knew.

You realise now the two of you have fallen back into that comfortable silence.
No words at all and yet you still feel, almost, completely at ease.
The only thing that is causing you problems is your nerves.

"Did you want a drink?" You ask, breaking the silence.
"Oh, actually yeah I could do with one. Let me help you though." You nod, the two of you heading into the small kitchen area.

"What would you like?" You ask, "I have plenty in."
"How about a hot chocolate?" He smiles.
"Yeah, okay." You smile back, the two of you getting to work to make two hot chocolates.

It ends up being unnecessarily complicated, the two of you practically dancing around each other.
If dancing included lots of almost bumping into each other and no synchronization at all.

The hot chocolates do eventually get made, as well as quite the amount of mess which the two of you spend equally as long cleaning up.
And by the time the cleaning is finished so are the hot chocolates.

The two of you are still playing around as you make your way back into the living room, Impulse practically chasing you there.
Right as you go to jump over the back of the sofa he scoops you up in his arms.

The two of you laugh as he walks around to the front of the sofa, you still in his arms.
Slowly he lowers you onto the soft cushions below, eyes never leaving yours.

Even once you're on the sofa Impulse stays leant over you.
"Y/n.." His voice is a whisper, but you hear it loud and clear. "If I told you I loved you right now how would you feel?"

"I'd feel like a weight was finally lifted off of my shoulders." His eyes sparkle, the softest of smiles spreading across his features.

"Can I kiss you?"
"Yeah." His smile is so genuine, so full of joy.

He's aided in the fact he was already leaning over you, so you don't have to wait long before his lips meet yours.
In that moment the weight you've been carrying of loving him from afar is gone.

You're both smiling when the kiss breaks, it feels like magic.
He cups your face in his hands, going in for a shorter but equally as sweet second kiss.

"I love you, Y/n. I've loved you for so long."
"I love you too" You shuffle to let him sit beside you, leaning into him when he does.

You'd never have imagined today would play out like this.
It started so bad, you spent a day so special all by yourself, then Impulse shows up completely unexpectedly. And now you're here.

It's like the scene from your book.
You were too scared to say anything before, but in the heat of the moment feelings were admitted.
It feels like a fairytale, some magical romance.
There isn't anything else you could have asked for.

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