Autumn with Impluse Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff

- Impulse always gets excited when Autumn rolls around

- Longer nights means more time with you by the fire

- Crisp winds means warmer clothing

- Most importantly the overall colder weather means more cuddles

- Cuddles on a morning when you wake up

- Cuddles throughout the day wherever either of you can squeeze them in

- Cuddles on a night without the summer heat to make things too warm to bear

- Of course there are other things that you both enjoy

- One of those being spooky late night walks

- They're only spooky because you'll both tell ghost stories, it just seems fitting to do that in the woods

- Until a twig snaps
That's when the walk is over

- You and Impulse spend a lot of time by the fire when Autumn rolls around

- It's not uncommon for you both to push back the furniture, put on some music and dance together while the sun sets either

- It's easy to forget the time when the seasons change

- Especially when you're enjoying time with friends

- The board game collection you and Impulse have is impressive
So you often host friends for game nights

- There is always plenty of hot chocolate to go around
Plenty of salt at times too

- Regardless of who wins or loses the games everyone always goes home happy, or at least you'd presume so given that they come back each week

- Game nights aren't the only thing the two of you have been known to host
The occasion bonfire has been held at yours as well

- The wood is gathered by all the hermits, yourself and Impulse included
And then you'll all gather round for a night of laughter and fun

- One year Impulse had attempted to DIY some silent fireworks

- They were silent for sure, mainly because they flew off into the sky and fizzled into nothingness

- Never again were fireworks attempted at any bonfire held at your residence

- Impulse would probably like to forget fireworks were attempted at all, but he'll happily laugh about it when it gets brought up

- If nothing else there is never a lack of high spirits at yours in Autumn, no matter the failure or success of a bonfire or game of cards

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