Scar - Oneshot - Pay For Help

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Contains: Trapped in a small space, slight angst, a bit of flirting.

Things had gone from bad to worse.
You misplaced two shulker boxes which you never found, realised you wasted your time searching for materials you have more off in old chests.

Then when you actually went out to build it was night.
You didn't have a bed so worked anyway.
Which resulted in two creeper explosions back to back.

On top of that you're trapped in a two layer thick obsidian box with no way to get out.
And if that wasn't enough the only person around to help was Scar.

And that had been going fine.
He went and gathered as many of your items as possible before they despawned, and now stands before you, pickaxe in hand.

"So, not only did you want your items retrieving you now also want me to help you out of this box?" He asks, smirking.
It's clear he's already formulated a plan.

You hoped he would do things out of the kindness of his own heart.
You should have known better.
Scar isn't known for having the best reputation when it comes to helping others out.

"Yes, Scar. Please, just throw me a pickaxe if you don't want to mine me out." He lets out a low chuckle.
"This is going to cost you, you know." You roll your eyes, earning a tut from him.

"Just get me out of here." You cross your arms, letting out an annoyed huff as Scar takes a step back.

"I think we should discuss the matter of payment first." He states.
"I'll give you however many diamonds you want, just-"
"Oh I don't need diamonds, Y/n. Diamonds aren't the only way you can pay." His eyes twinkle with a mischief you've only seen prior to wars starting.

"Name your price." You demand, Scar raising an eyebrow at your tone of voice.
But he tells you anyway,  "You."

You have to take a moment to process what he's said. You lean against the cold obsidian wall, staring at the man in the window to your trap.

"I can see you're confused." Scar says, rubbing his hands together. "Let me explain, you see, I find myself in need of some company. I have an event to go to and need a date. I believe you are the perfect candidate."

"Why?" You ask, curiosity getting the better of you.
"Well, we're quite alike you and I. I feel you'd be fitting to accompany me to such an event, plus I can't say I don't find you attractive." You can feel your cheeks going red.
It's safe to say you hadn't quite expected that.

Scar chuckles, beginning to mine the first obsidian block at long last.
With his netherite and efficiency five he makes short work of the block, moving closer but not beginning to break the other one.

"So, what do you say?" He asks, switching his pickaxe from hand to hand impatiently. "Can I have you, as my date of course, as payment?"

Without any thought the voice in your head tells you yes.
It's not like it would be a bad thing to go on a date with Scar.
You won't have to part with your diamonds, you get to go out to a currently unnamed event.
You get to go with someone who dresses well, is charismatic, is almost painfully handsome.

"Yes, I'll go." Scar smiles now, not a smirk like usual.
"I was hoping you'd say that."
You nod gesturing to the obsidian.

"Oh right.." Scar mumbles, getting to work to completely break you free.
Much like with the last block this one doesn't take very long.

"Thank you." You mumble, nerves taking over with how close he is to you.
You're sure he can sense your nerves, leaning ever so slightly closer, whispering "you're welcome." Before backing out of the trap.

He waits for you to get out before placing down a shulker box containing as many of your items he could find.
It's not long before you're fully geared up again, and takes you an even shorter amount of time to realise Scar hasn't left yet.

You turn to him, ready to say something but he speaks first.
"Tomorrow morning I'll be here to pick you up. We're going to get you something to wear for the event. If I'm taking a date I'd like to be matching." Understandable.

"Tomorrow morning it is." You repeat, Scar simply nodding.
As he walks past you you swear you can see the lightest dusting of pink on his cheeks, just how you were earlier.

"The event is in four days time, so make sure you have nothing planned." He states.
"I'll make sure of it."

Scar turns to face you once again, just as he reaches the door.
"Until you've been with me you still owe me, don't forget that." His voice is almost threatening, as if you were someone who didn't intend to pay up.

"I won't, Scar. Thank you again for helping me out." His smirk returns once again.
"I'm always happy to help, for a price of course." He wasn't lying.

He opens the door, stepping outside.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n."
"See you tomorrow Scar." You wave, watching as the door closes.

You turn your attention to the remainder of the obsidian trap by your bed, beginning to dismantle it.
Your mind stays on Scar.

You still doing know where you're going in a few days time, but you know with Scar it's not going to be anywhere shady.
Well. You can't say the people there won't have some.. questionable opinions when money is involved, but at least you know it will be a nice time.

You're glad to get to go somewhere with Scar, payment or not.
After all, he may be a little eccentric and a little profit focus, but he's also good looking and likes for everything to be the best it can be.

He's a classy man with high standards.
He won't settle for less than what he wants, what he deems as worthy.
Which includes you.

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